Read Books Novel

Never Forget

Never Forget (Memories #1)(15)
Author: Emma Hart

I’m on the sand. I can do this.

I copy his movements and before I know it, I’m on my feet.

”Nice,” Alec approves. ”And you’re a regular.”

”A regular?” I frown at him.

”Right foot first. Carl’s a goofy foot, meaning his left foot goes in front of his right,” he explains.

”Oh, okay.”

We practise the movements a few more times until Alec is sure I’m ready to hit the waves. I hook the board under my arm the same way he does and he takes my free hand in his, linking our fingers.

”Relax.” He smiles over at me as we head towards the water. ”I’ll be close, you’ll be fine.”

”Mm,” I say and eye the waves. I’m definitely more at home in the surf shop opposed to the actual surf.

We walk out until we’re waist deep in the water. Alec holds my board steady as I climb on then moves sideways.

”I’ll keep an eye on the waves and shout when one’s coming. You focus on your movements, okay?”

I nod in response, my eyes fixed forward.

A few seconds later I hear him shout to paddle, so I paddle. It’s harder than I thought.


I start moving into the crouch position when I hear him shout to me again.

”And don’t forget to watch out for the jellyfish!”

”What?!” I shriek. My head snaps around to him so fast I lose my balance and fall backwards into the water seconds before the wave breaks. I hold my breath and ride it out, breaking the surface with a splutter.

Alec is sat on his board, holding his sides as he laughs.

”You’re an ass**le!” I shriek at him and grab hold of the board. I’m bobbing along in the water. I dunk my head back under, tilting it backwards to get the hair from my face.

”Your face was priceless!” He laughs even harder.

”You really are a dick!” I shout.

”I’m sorry, Princess, really, I am!” He tries for sincere but the escaping chuckle gives him away.

”You’re not sorry at all!”

”Here, I’ll help you get back on.” He paddles his board over to me.

”Get lost.” I splash water at him and he splashes me back in return.

I hold my breath and drop under the water. I swim to his board and tip it over, sending him splashing into the sea next to me.

I swim back up and grab my board again. This time, it’s me laughing and holding my sides. He pops his head above the water.

”Payback is a bitch!” I laugh at him.

”Oh yeah, it is!” He grins mischievously and disappears back under the water. His head bobs up again. I see him take a deep breath, and he’s gone again.

I’m still laughing when I feel his hands pull the board strap from me. He pushes the board towards the beach and grabs my ankle, pulling me down. He grins at me underwater and we break the surface at the same time. I cough a few times.

”Dick.” I splash him as I kick my legs gently to keep myself afloat.

”Beautiful,” he replies, splashing me back and moving closer.

”Ass,” I argue and move backwards.

”Gorgeous.” He moves towards me again and I move back.

”Egotistical,” I counter.

”Enchanting.” He kicks forward and grabs me round the waist.

”Irritatingly charming.” I look up at him and all cockiness is gone from his eyes. My hands are pressed against his chest and it’s rock solid. My fingers twitch.

Mine, he mouths silently. I give him an amused smile and shake my head.

”Caveman,” I whisper.

”Yours,” he whispers in return.

The waves are suddenly soundless, the laughs and cries of delighted children muted. The world freezes, just for a moment, and as I look in his eyes they’re the brightest spark of colour in a world so dull.

His fingers play with the ends of my wet hair and my hands rest on his shoulders. He looks at me like I’m the only thing he can see, and that look speeds up my heart. It’s pumping so fast I’m sure he can feel it against his chest.

My feelings change as I look into his eyes for longer than usual. The attraction is being overridden, my heart is taking over the driving seat from my hormones.

A wave comes crashing into us with a deafening sound and Alec momentarily loosens his grip on me – long enough for me to see reason and slip out from his arms. I ride with the wave until I surface a few feet from him.

”Are you gonna teach me to surf or are you planning on being a shark’s dinner?” I call to him.

Even though I’m not close to him, I can see his lips curl up, his dimples appear and his eyes crinkle. It’s like it’s burned into my mind.

”Yes, Princess, I’m teaching you to surf,” he laughs and moves towards me.

I push my way through the water to beat him to where the boards have washed up, desperately avoiding another moment like what we just had, and at the same time desperately wanting him to take me in his arms again.

I’m not the kind of girl to blink and give my heart away, but I know if anyone can make me do it, it’s Alec.

Every time I look at him it’s like a little piece of who I am chips away, revealing the ‘summer girl’ I left behind five years ago. The carefree, up for anything girl.

He’s slowly stripping away my defences with every look, every touch, every dimpled smile, and he doesn’t even realise he’s doing it.

Meeting Alec has changed everything, and it scares me.

He’s everything I know is bad for me, everything I should avoid. We’re opposites in every way and it shouldn’t work, but apparently my self-preservation has gone on holiday to the Bahamas along with my common sense because I can’t seem to get away from him.

I don’t get swayed by smooth lines, and casual touches don’t make me go crazy. When Alec speaks to me it’s like music to my soul, and every touch sends tingles crawling across my skin.

But, I realise as I paddle out for my second attempt at surfing, it’s not those things that pull me towards him like a moth to a flame.

It’s the look in his eyes when he tells me I’m beautiful; the tenderness in his voice when he calls me ‘Princess’; the soft, protective element to his touch.

They all give me little glimpses into the guy under the flirty, egotistical outer shell.

So maybe, just maybe, the way I’m starting to feel isn’t so crazy, after all.


Every turning point in life has a significant moment that accompanies it. It changes relationships, feelings and perspectives, altering the way you see the world around you.

It also usually hits you with the force of a ten-ton-truck skidding on ice.

It’s no longer about sex, or attraction, or my teenage boy needs. It’s no longer about the way Lexy’s ass wiggles when she walks, the way she looks in a bikini or the way her lips would, and should, move over mine.

It’s about the way her eyes sparkle when she’s excited, the way her mouth curls up in a tiny smile when she’s annoyed and trying to hide it, it’s the way her hair curls at the ends, ever so slightly. It’s the lightness of her laugh, the flick of her eyelashes when she flirts and the playful side she keeps buried.
