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Never Forget

Never Forget (Memories #1)(16)
Author: Emma Hart

It’s more than attraction, more than want.

Feelings are developing between us and lines are smudging. No matter how she denies it, I felt the way she reacted to me when she was in my arms. Racing heart, heavy breathing, lidded eyes. The same way I react to her without realising it.

I grin as she wades through the water with the surfboard. I shouldn’t have said the jellyfish thing.. No, no. I should have. It was hilarious.

"What are you grinning at?" She raises her eyebrows.

"Nothing." I splash her playfully and she glares at me.

"Can we try again?" she asks, shaking her hair out.

"I thought you didn’t want to surf?"

"You’re determined I can’t do it." She wipes the hair stuck to her face. "And I’m determined I can, and I’m not about to give up until I have. We could be here all night."

"Oh, Princess. I have no problems looking at you in a wetsuit all night. Did you know it clings in all the right places?" I wink at her and hold her surfboard.

She runs her tongue across her teeth and leans forward on the board. "I know. You’re not the only one with eyes, Alec. I can see everything."

There’s an inch of space between us and she’s changing the game, she’s taking control.

"Like what you see?" I breathe it out and she represses a shiver.. Not very well though.

"Even if I do, I’m not likely to tell you." She smirks and dunks underwater, popping back up with her head back to keep her hair off her face.

And I’ll be damned if she doesn’t look like a wet dream come to life when she does it.

My c**k twitches. Feelings might be developing, but it doesn’t overlook the fact she’s still the sexiest thing Devon has ever f**king seen.



”Boy’s got it bad.” Jen flicks a shell away.

”Okay,” I say.

”No, really. I’ve never seen him this way. It’s both exciting and sickening at the same time.”


”Don’t you start with the ‘Jen’ thing,” she warns me. ”I’m just tellin’ you how I see it, and I can see more fireworks between you two than the fifth November.”

”The things you come out with..” I shake my head.

”Lexy, you can tell me.” She sits up and is serious. ”Do you like him?”

”I like him. As a friend.” I skirt around her meaning.

”Nice dodge, Lexy.” She lies back down.

”I don’t know what you mean.”

”Well, we’ll see.”

”Despite everything he said yesterday, I’m pretty sure he just wants to get in my pants. That’s all.” I check my phone and see that Bing is coming back to Lilac Bay on Friday, two days early.

”Alec’s never asked anyone for a chance. Ever. Trust me, he wants more than a roll in the hay.”

”Well, I don’t want a summer romance.”

I don’t know who I’m trying to convince.

”Yeah, I believe you.” Jen says it in a tone that says she clearly doesn’t, but she’s gonna drop it for now. ”There’s another party at the Bay on Friday, and since it’s your birthday next week I thought we’d go and celebrate your last under-age drinks.”

”Sounds like a plan, batgirl.” I grin at her. ”Although, Bing said he’s back Friday so he’ll probably come too.”

”I have no doubt he will,” she says dryly. ”Maybe he can take Bianca off Alec’s hands for him.”

I giggle into my towel. ”Most likely situation? He will.”


Since Jen has a dress fitting, I spend Thursday with Grammy. I finally roll my sleeves up and help her weed the garden to the sound of her probing questions about my day with Alec. I tell her I surfed successfully three times, but leave out the whole crazy heart beating thing that happened before I actually stood on the board.

Thursday passes quickly – too quickly, and before I know it I’m at Jen’s getting ready for the beach party.

”Six days, and we can party properly,” she says, pulling clothes from her wardrobe.

”Oh yes. Where are we going?” I flick through the music channels absently.

”Barnstaple. It’s easy enough to get a taxi back.” She shakes her head at one dress and hangs it back up. Guess she’s going for the red dress then.

Cobra Starship start singing from the TV and I sigh.

”I make them good girls go bad!” Jen sings loudly and twirls dramatically across her room.

I laugh and she pulls me up with her.

”You heard that I was trouble but you couldn’t resist,” I wink at her.

”Good girls go bad.” She moves her head side to side.

”Boy you’re dangerous, yeah you’re that guy I’d be stupid to trust, but just one night couldn’t be so wrong..”

”You make me wanna lose control!” We both sing at the same time.

I sigh happily and pull my make-up from the side.

”I think that’s your problem,” Jen brushes her hair, still dancing.

”What’s my problem?”

”Alec is the guy you’d be stupid to trust, right? But you’re totally losing control where he’s concerned, and that’s why you’re keeping him at arms length.” Oh, Jen, if only you knew. ”But one night couldn’t be that bad…”

”I’m not having a one-nighter, Jen.”

”You don’t want a summer romance, so just one night with him wouldn’t be bad.. I mean..”

”I’m a virgin!” I interrupt her.

”Well f**k a duck, I wasn’t expecting that.” She stops twirling and looks at me. ”Are you actually?”

”Yes.” I go back to my make-up.

”Okay, veto the one night idea. Hmm.” She gets a thoughtful expression. ”A date?”


”Vetoed. Okay. Just let things run its course?”

”I don’t think I have much choice on that,” I sigh.

She tilts her head to the side. ”I knew you liked him.”

”I..” I begin to protest and stop. ”A little.”

”I knew ittt!” she sings. ”I absolutely knew it, absolutely..”

”Can we just get ready?” I interrupt her again. Honestly, I’m starting to wonder if she has batteries or something. She’s always on the go.

”Good thinkin’ catwoman.”


There’s only so much I can take of my brother. Sometimes, I can tolerate him. Sometimes, I want to whack him over the head with the nearest heavy object.

Tonight is a heavy object night.

He’s taken the role of my protector. Unnecessarily.

”Bing, really, you don’t need to stick to my side like glue. I promise I won’t run off. I even promise with a cherry on top,” I say sarcastically.

”You’re my baby sister, you’re in a strange place where you hardly know anyone. Of course I’m going to protect you,” Bing replies, leaning against a rock.

”I’m hardly a baby anymore,” I huff.

”Lex, I’m always gonna protect you, you get me? No one will touch you while I’m around.”

”No one touches me anyway!”

”Except lover boy.”

”Gram’s been recruiting you to her side, hasn’t she?”

”Dunno what you mean, sis.” He grins cheekily at me and I shake my head.
