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Never Forget

Never Forget (Memories #1)(18)
Author: Emma Hart

"Go and tell Carl we’re getting Bing. We’ll meet you at the car in ten." Alec smiles at Jen and she disappears. He looks back down at me and pulls me back into him.

This time, I wrap my arms around his waist and just let him hold me.

"Sure you’re okay?" he asks softly.

"I’m okay now," I reply and he squeezes me. He puts his face in my hair and I can’t help my sigh.

My head is telling me I shouldn’t be so close to him, it’s wrong, but I can’t deny how right it feels, the safety I feel in his arms.

Bing comes over a few minutes later.

"Let’s get you home, Lex." He strokes my head softly.

I turn to him and make to move from Alec’s arms. Bing shakes his head, barely, and I smile at him. Maybe he knows me better than I thought. Alec tucks me tightly into his side and I lean into him.

It’s just as Jen said. He’s dangerous, the guy I’d be stupid to trust, but I can let myself have this. I can let myself curl into his embrace tonight, simply because I can’t pull myself away.

Alec tosses Bing his keys. I shoot my brother a look and he holds his hands up.

"I haven’t touched a drop. I was lookin’ out for you, Lex."

"Good thing too." Alec helps me into the back seat and climbs in next to me. He immediately puts his arm around me and holds me close. Jen gets in next to me and shoots me a knowing look. I blink at her and she nods, settling back.

The drive back to Gram’s is quiet. Bing and Alec are both tense with anger still, I know Jen is bathing in guilt and Carl is well, Carl.

Alec insists on walking me to the door and Bing heads inside to give us a minute.

"Thank you, for tonight." I glance up at him. He places a hand on the side of my face.

"I’ll always be there to save you, Princess."

He goes to his car and I step inside, glancing back at him one more time. His eyes meet mine before he gets in the car.

I shut the door behind me and head up to Bing’s room. I knock gently on his door and push it open slightly.

"Bing?" I whisper.

He turns, pressing a wet cloth to his mouth. "I’m alright. He only got one hit in, but I think I broke his nose." He grins and I can’t help but smile at him.

I run in and hug him tightly. "Thank you."

He wraps one arm around me and squeezes.

"Any time. Go to bed." He gently pushes me back to the door and I leave.

Once I’ve changed and climb into bed, all I can see is Alec. It’s like he’s here, right in front of me. His blue-grey eyes are seared into my mind and I can’t focus on anything but him.

James, Bing fighting him, it all disappears.

My phone dings and I pick it up.

Goodnight, Princess x

I smile and hit reply.

You’re a regular Prince Charming, aren’t you? x

Complete with a white horse x

I laugh into my pillow.

Night, Alec x

I put my phone screen down on the bedside cabinet, a silly smile on my face.

I’m definitely in trouble.


"Alec, I’m sorry," Jen says again when I get back into the car.

"Don’t be," I reply, exhaling loudly. "It couldn’t be helped. It’s not your fault."

"It’s no ones fault." Carl sighs. "He’s just a perverted ass**le."

I hear Jen grunt. "What?" I ask and look through the rear view mirror.


"Jen. What. Is. It?" I repeat.

She half-growls, half-sighs at me. "I just wish you’d pull your oversized head out of your sun kissed surfers-ass where Lexy is concerned, that’s all."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"It means you’re a stubborn dick who can’t admit he’s falling in love with a girl!" Jen thumps the back seat. "Jesus Christ on an Olympic wind glider, Alec. You went ape shit back there tonight. You think anyone is gonna go near her now? Cause they ain’t."

"Good." Me and Carl reply at the same time.

"But you ain’t exactly near her either, are you?" she continues. "No, your balls are still at primary school age where she’s concerned. You gotta sort your shit out before that girl has enough of it and gives up or, goes back to London. She ain’t gonna be here forever. Pull. Yourself. Together!"

I park up outside her house. "Sleep well, Jen."

She looks at me aghast and storms out of the car, slamming the door. Carl rolls his eyes.

"Sleep well? I’ll give him f**kin ‘sleep well, Jen’ when I sneak into his room with a spork to scoop out the inside of his balls so he better sleep well with one of his pretty little goddamn eyes open." She fumes and I can’t help but laugh.

"Did she even pause for breath then?" I look at Carl.

"No." He shakes his head. "No, she didn’t."

"Have fun, mate." I nod to him and he raises his eyebrows.

"I’ll try to." He gets out and follows Jen into her house.

I can’t think of anything other than that prick trying to pull his moves on Lexy on the way to my house. It’s all I can do not to slam every door on my way upstairs when I get in.

I don’t get angry easily. In fact, it takes a hell of a lot. I think that’s why everyone was so surprised when I flew off the handle at Jen. I couldn’t help it. The thought she’d done it to make me jealous…

I slam my pillow against my wall and grit my teeth. This completely irrational need to protect her is making me wanna get back in the car, drive over to Vi’s and wrap her in my arms. Without letting go.

Now I’m angry at myself. If I’d kissed her by now would it have happened? No, no it f**king wouldn’t have because there isn’t a chance in hell I’d let her out of my sight. Turning away for five minutes caused tonight.

Jen’s right. I need to pull my head from my ass and make my girl mine before it’s too late.



”What in the hell happened to your face?” Dad all but shouts at Bing the next morning.

”Samuel!” Mum exclaims. ”Can’t you stay out of fights for at least one week?!”

I flinch at the anger in their voices.

”Some prick thought he could try it on with Lexy, so I showed him he couldn’t,” Bing says without glancing their way.

”Sam, as much as the fact you protect your sister warms my heart, you can’t go fighting everyone that so much as looks her way,” Mum sighs.

”If he did, he’d be fighting Alec every day.” Dad laughs and Mum swats the back of his head playfully.

”He wasn’t just looking my way,” I mumble.

”If I didn’t go in there and stop him there’s a good chance your precious daughter wouldn’t have been a virgin this morning, and not by her own choice!” Bing snaps and storms from the room.


”Lexy, baby, is that true?” Mum says quietly.
