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Never Forget

Never Forget (Memories #1)(17)
Author: Emma Hart

”Is that buffoon still here?” Jen groans and passes me a drink. Bing frowns at me.

”It’s come from Alec’s car,” I grind out.

”I opened it.” Jen smiles sweetly.

Bing grunts and folds his arms across his chest.

”You’re such a f**king toddler,” I snap at him. ”Do me a favour and go and entertain Bianca.”

”Who’s Bianca?” He perks up.

”She’s making moves on her man.” Jen waggles her eyebrows. I roll my eyes. There’s no use correcting her – she’ll just tell me I’m in denial. Again.

”Where is she?”

Jen skirts around me and links her arm through Bing’s. She points her out in the crowd – her bleach blonde bob isn’t exactly hard to miss – and I see him nod appreciatively.

Honestly, if it has boobs, a pair of legs and a pulse, Bing will be straight onto it.

Figuratively and literally.

He nods again and starts moving in Bianca’s direction.

”How?” I look at Jen in amazement.

”I told him she’d been eyeing him up all night and she’s up for anything.” She sips her drink and the emphasis on ‘anything’ makes me choke on my drink.

”Yep, that’ll do it,” I laugh. She tilts her bottle towards me and raises her eyebrows casually.

”Someone’s heading your way, and he looks interested.”

I hate my body for the way a little hope blooms at the thought it could be Alec.

I glance over my shoulder. It’s not Alec – but it’s not altogether a bad alternative. He’s not as built as Alec, but his hair is darker and his eyes look kind of hazel in the darkness. He’s attractive, and had I not met Alec I’d be up for a flirt.

Hold up. When did I start comparing everyone to Alec?

Ugh. I need help.

”Carl’s mate from college. He’s called James, and he’s alright.” Jen smiles.

”I thought you were rooting for Alec?” I whisper to her.

”Oh, I am. But the thought he might have a bit of competition might give him a kick up the ass.” She winks at me and sends a beaming smile over my shoulder. ”Hey, James. How you doin’?”

”Arite, Jen? Not bad maid, you?”

His accent is proper Devonshire. Or should that be propurr?

Okay, Alexis, put the alcohol down.

”Yeah, good thanks.”

”Who’s ya friend?”

”Oh, James, this is Lexy, my friend from London. Lexy, this is James.”

I turn and realise he’s a lot taller than me. ”Hey. Nice to meet you.”

He shakes my hand. ”An’ you, maid. Down for the summer?”

”Yep,” I say with a small smile.

”James, you seen Carl?” Jen interjects.

”Yeah, he’s down by the sea talkin’ to the guys.”

”I’ll go and find him, leave you two to get to know each other.” She walks past us and throws me a sly smile. I shake my head at her games.

”Been ta the Bay before?” James asks.

”Yeah, used to come every summer. My Gram lives here.”

”That how ya know Jen?”

”Yeah, we used to play together when we were kids.”

”Nice girl.” He nods approvingly, his eyes roaming over me. ”Not as nice as you, though.”

I’m not comfortable with him. At all. I glance around and I can spy Bing talking to Bianca with his back to me, and Alec is too busy glaring at the side of James’ head to catch my eye.

”Got a boyfriend, Lexy?”

My name sounds dirty on his lips.

"Nope, I don’t."

I look around and we’re fairly secluded from everyone else. Pretty much everyone here is local and they’re all smart enough not to be by the rocks while they’re drinking.

"Well then," James drawls. At least, he tries to. "How about me and you go back there an’ have a little fun?"

"I’m fine here thanks." Alarm bells ring in my mind as he steps closer. I step backwards – into the rock.

I’m backed in and he’s either really drunk, or really stupid. I’d bet a bit of both.

"C’mon maid, me an’ you could have a real good time, you get what I’m sayin’?"

I can smell the beer on his breath and it’s all I can do not to gag.


"No, you don’t get what I’m sayin’ or you don’t want a good time?"

"I don’t want a good time, especially not with you," I say icily and look up at him.

"Well, thass a shame, cause me an’-"

"I wouldn’t do that if I were you." Alec’s voice warns from the shadows. I look over James’ shoulder at him.

I’ve never seen Alec angry, but it’s not a look I want to see again.

"And why should I do tha, surfer boy?" James sniggers.

"Because that’s my little sister your dirty ass is tryin’ to f**kin’ hit on you creep," Bing seethes and steps next to me. His body is tight and his fists are clenched.

He’s ready to fight James.

"Bing, let’s just go," I say quietly and touch his arm.

"Nah-uh,” he says without looking at me. "I wanna know who the f**k this little prick thinks he is pullin’ those kinda moves on my baby sister."

"Hey, listen here mate, you ain’t her keeper and this little slut-"

I hear the crack before my brain comprehends the fact Bing has punched him and is now pinning him to the ground, and that I’m in Alec’s arms.

I don’t realise I’m shaking until Alec tightens his grip on me. He rubs my back gently and I press my face into him.

"You’re alright, Princess," he whispers in my ear. "I’ve got you now."

I grab fistfuls of his shirt and ignore the shouts and cheers behind me. I’m not worried for Bing. He knows how to look after himself – I’ve seen him fight a guy twice his size and KO him.

"Oh my god Lexy I’m so sorry!" Jen wraps her arms around both me and Alec. "If I knew he’d try that I never would have left you alone with him!"

"It’s okay." I turn my head slightly so I can see her. "You didn’t know. None of us did."

"Why was she alone with him in the first place?" Alec questions her.

Jen looks at me and I grimace slightly.

"We.." She sighs. "He was coming over and I thought if you saw her with another guy you’d get a wriggle on and you know."

"You left her with a stranger to make me jealous?" Alec explodes and steps back.

I let go of his shirt with one hand and grab his arm. He looks upwards and I tug on his arm.

"Alec?" I say softly. He looks down at me. "I’m okay. Really. He didn’t touch me. Jen didn’t know that’s what he had on his mind. He’s a friend of Carl’s – she thought it would be okay."

"It was a stupid idea. I’m sorry." Jen looks at the ground.

"Aw, hell, Jen. I don’t blame you. I’m just angry at that prick for trying to take something that doesn’t belong to him. Yeah, yeah I know."

Jen must have made a face or something at him, but as I’m still looking at Alec I don’t know.
