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Never Forget

Never Forget (Memories #1)(35)
Author: Emma Hart

"Don’t bite your lip like that," he mutters in my ear.

His lips ghost along my jaw, stealing my breath away before meeting mine in a forceful kiss full of want. I kiss him back, looping my arms under his and holding his shoulders. He pushes his body into mine against the wall, his kiss hard and desperate, and-


"You tell ’em, Jezza!" Gram yells. "You should have put something on the end of it!"

Alec steps back and I open my eyes, breathing hard. I look up into his eyes that are darkened with want, with need, and I shiver.

"We need to go, Princess. Now,” he says quietly. I nod and slip past him to grab my bag.

Damn it! All I wanna do is grab him and let him kiss me like that again, my back pressing into the stone cold wall. I finally know what it means to be kissed senseless and sheesh – if biting my lip gets that kind of reaction, I need to do it more often.

"Bye, Gram!" I call and open the front door.

"Have fun, kids!" she yells.

Alec opens his car door and I climb in.

"You should know," he grumbles, "that pretty little dress is not helping."

One side of my mouth curls upwards and I watch him as he walks around the car. He makes me lose control, and I kinda like it.

He gets in next to me, puts his keys in and starts the engine.

"You can stop looking at me like that as well," he warns without looking at me.

"Why? What’s wrong with how I’m looking at you?" I ask innocently.

"Nothing, nothing at all, Princess," he says with a throaty laugh. "But Jen told me you’re still a virgin and your first time isn’t gonna be because I couldn’t control myself. It’s gonna be when you say so, where you say so, and how you say so. I want it to be something you’ll remember because it was special, not because it’s something you’ll regret."

My cheeks are flaming. Jen. I hate her. I’m gonna kill her.

"Hey." Alec glances over and threads his fingers through mine. "Don’t be embarrassed, Princess. I like the fact you are. It’s nothing to be ashamed of."

"But you…"

"Have had sex but never made love. I intend to remedy that with you, beautiful. Whenever you’re ready to."

I look over at him and tighten my grip on his hand.

If I wasn’t already before, then I’m falling head over heels for this guy now.


Mother of all that is f**king holy and sacred.

That lip between those teeth should be illegal in the case of making men everywhere go crazy with need.

I tap the steering wheel impatiently and try not to shake my leg when my foot is on the accelerator. I keep my gaze straight ahead.

”You’re not looking at me,” Lexy says quietly.

”That’s because if I do there’s a pretty good chance the day I have planned won’t be happening.”

”Oh.” I can imagine the smirk on those pink lips..

Don’t even go there.



”I thought we were going surfing?” I ask as I eye the boats in the harbour. ”’Cause this is a funny lookin’ beach, Alec.”

”We were going surfing, then I got a call from my mate who owns the boat, Reg. He’s doing deliveries today between Lundy and here so I thought I’d ask if he’d take us with him. He won’t be back for another week.” Alec takes my hand and tugs me towards a boat with cracked red paint.

”Sheesh,” I mutter. ”Thanks for the warning.”

I look at the boat as I slowly approach it. Besides the paint job, it’s in perfect condition, bobbing along on the water. It’s nice, I guess, as far as boats go.

But it’s a boat. A boat. I. Don’t. Do. Boats.

Full stop.

There’s only so much rocking about on water a person can take. Yes, I’ve been on one before to get to Lundy, but that was then, and this is now. I haven’t stepped foot on a boat for five years. That’s a long damn time.

”Come on, Princess.” Alec turns. ”It’s not that bad, I promise.”

”Er, yeah.” I swallow, looking between him and the boat.



He stops and looks down at me in front of him. ”You actually are scared of the boat, aren’t you?”

”Nope,” I say stubbornly. ”Slightly apprehensive, maybe, but not scared.”

He chuckles. ”Scared, then.”

I shake my head vehemently. ”Nope.”

”Princess.” He touches my cheek with his thumb. ”I can see the panic in your eyes, it’s no good lying to me. Come on, it’s only a quick journey. Just think, you finally get to snorkel.”

”You do realise I’ve only snorkelled twice, right?”

”I didn’t know that, but I do now.” He takes my bag from me. ”I’ve snorkelled at Lundy a few times now. You’ll be fine. Come on.”

He hops up onto the boat and holds his hands out for me. I take a deep breath, put my hands in his and let him pull me up. The boat rocks with the movement and I freeze, gripping his arm. He shakes his head.

”Do you really think I’m gonna let you go overboard?” Alec chuckles.

I glance up at him. ”Maybe.”

He laughs and wraps an arm round my waist.

”Alec, is that you?” A voice calls from below the deck.

”Sure is, Reg.” Alec calls back.

”Come on down!”

Alec leads me down to the cabin. It’s nothing special. A standard black couch sits in the corner, there’s a small table with two chairs and a small cupboard. Standing in the middle of it all is Reg. His hair is cut short, almost right to his scalp, and his darkly tanned skin makes it hard for me to tell if he’s just really tanned or if he’s naturally darker-skinned.

The boys shake hands and I’m introduced.

”Damn, Alec, where did you find her?” Reg slaps his shoulder.

Alec winks at me. ”She found me.”

Reg shakes his head and looks at me. ”If you ever get bored of this prick, you know where to find me.”

He turns to go up to the deck and I laugh. ”I sure do.”

”Oi,” Alec growls to Reg’s laughter.

”Yes?” I bat my eyelashes at him.

”You’re not gonna get bored of me.”

”Am I not?” I walk back and sit on the sofa.

”Not a chance.” He stalks towards me, a predator like gleam in his eye. I look up at him through lowered lashes and see him swallow. I delight in his expression and take it one step further.

I bite my lip.

”Um,” Alec whispers, stopping and running his hand through his hair.

”Mm?” I tilt my head to the side.

”Oh, boy.” He sinks into the sofa next to me and leans his head on the back of it.

”What’s wrong?” I turn my head to the side, facing him. He rolls his head towards mine.

”You. When you… Do that. It drives me crazy.”

I smile at him. ”Good.”

”Good?!” His eyes widen.

”Yep.” I shrug one shoulder. ”Maybe I like making you go crazy.”

”Okay.” He shakes his head and sits up, propping his chin up on his hand. ”What happened to the girl who tried to run away from me yesterday, all shy?”
