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Never Forget

Never Forget (Memories #1)(36)
Author: Emma Hart

”She decided to keep her promise and not run away.” I look into his darkened, stormy coloured eyes. ”So, she’s being honest instead.”

Alec nods and moves forward, his breath fanning my face. ”Then maybe, I shouldn’t hold back much either.”

My breath hitches and I shake my head slightly.

”I don’t want you to,” I whisper.

His eyes search my face. I move my body closer to him and he runs his fingers through my hair.



He moves closer to me yet, his lips brushing mine as light as a feather.

”You’re beautiful,” he says softly. I smile against his mouth.

”You told me that yesterday.”

”I know.” He cups my head. ”And I’ll tell you every day, too.”

His lips press against mine and I automatically kiss him back.

I don’t notice the starting of the boat. I don’t notice how we bob on the open water. I don’t notice anything but the guy sitting next to me.

But I do notice how he’s stealing both my breath and my heart with a simple kiss.


”See? It wasn’t bad.” Alec grins devilishly at me.

”Okay, okay.” I wrap my arm around his waist and lean into him. ”It wasn’t bad.”

His arm goes over my shoulders and he picks up the bag he brought from the boat.

There’s something magical about the three mile long island that is Lundy. It’s the place where the Atlantic Ocean and Bristol Channel meet. Look to the west and you can see nothing but open sea for miles, and that’s because there’s nothing between Lundy and America besides the open water.

It’s peaceful here. No one pushes past anyone, in fact, there’s hardly anyone here at all. When I look up I can see the famous puffins bouncing on the cliff edges, taking flight and landing again. The Old Light stands proud and tall, the brickwork glistening in the sun.

I breathe deeply, a sense of peace and serenity settling into my body. That’s the effect Lundy has on you. It makes you feel at home, happy, relaxed.

”Come on.” Alec steers me towards a hut. ”Get changed and we’ll go find you some seals.”

I take the bag from him, kiss his cheek and shut myself in a cubicle of the hut. I pull out a wetsuit and grimace.

Damn. I hate these things.

Knowing there’s no other way out, I strip to my bikini and begin the tedious task of rolling the horrid material over my skin. Once it’s on, I stare down at my feet. Obviously, the flippers won’t be easy to walk in… I sigh and slip my sandals on.

Wetsuit and gladiator sandals.


I open the door. Alec’s eyes rove over my body, doing a double take at my feet.

”Alright,” I huff, shoving the bag at him.

”Nice outfit,” he chuckles. I shoot a glare at him and stalk past him. I hear the shuffle of gravel under his feet as he comes after me.

”I love it when you storm off.” He slides an arm around me, cupping my hip. ”Do you know why?”

”Nope, but I’m pretty sure you’re about to tell me.” I roll my eyes.

”Besides the fact you’re going the wrong way, you have a really, really nice ass.”

I stop. Look at him. Huff again.

”You could have said I was going the wrong way.”

”I just did,” he smirks.

”Before, Alec.”

”I know.” He spins us round to face the direction we just came from and we start walking again. ”But like I said, you have a really nice ass, and I kinda like it when you’re mad at me.”

”You’re so strange.” I shake my head.

”You know it’s all part of my charm.” He winks at me. I smile despite myself. He’s charming alright – too damn charming.

”Stop,” I elbow his side.

”Oooh, it hurts.” He mock bends over, taking me with him. I laugh and elbow him again.

”Get off, you idiot.”

He laughs and takes my hand, leading me down some steps onto a small beach. It’s surrounded by cliffs, and although the sand is a bit gritty the gentle waves crawl up it smoothly.

”Are we doing it here?” I ask as Alec sets the bag down.

”Sure are, Princess. It’s my favourite place on the island. Wait till we get down there.” He helps me put on all the equipment and I shed the gladiator sandals in favour of flippers.

”I feel like an idiot,” I mumble as we walk out into the warm water.

”You still look beautiful. A beautiful idiot, granted.” Alec winks at me and I grin at him. ”Ready, Princess?”

I nod and put in my mouthpiece. Alec drops under the water and I copy him. He takes my hand underwater and we swim out a little.

Little fish in a range of colours swim past us and I marvel at them. Seaweed, anemones and shells stick to the rocks, the seaweed and anemones swaying with the movement of the water. Lobsters and crabs scuttle along the sea floor. I poke the back of a crab and he runs sideways between two rocks. I giggle.

Alec smiles at me around his mouthpiece and I shrug a little, feeling like a small child in Santa’s Grotto. I let go of Alec and swim up over the rocks, watching in amazement as fish feel the movement of the water and scatter in a rippling rainbow of colour.

Below the surface it’s a different world, different in every way. The view, the feelings, the sensations.

Alec swims up to me and his eyes stand out even more underwater. It’s like they fit in with the marine life, sparkling as they watch me. My lips curl slightly and I swim backwards, feeling light and weightless. I hit something solid and two strong arms wrap around me.

I relax back into Alec and we float with the waves, lost in a world of natural colour.


”How was your day, dear?” Grammy asks after I get back.

”Amazing.” I smile and sit next to her on the sofa.

”What did you do?” Mum hands me a glass of wine.

I tuck my feet up on the sofa under me. ”Snorkelling in Lundy.”

Mum smiles. ”How was it?”

”Amazing,” I sigh, sipping the wine and smiling.

”’Must be love, love, love,”’ Grammy sings, waving her glass.

”Shut up!” I poke her arm and she giggles like a school girl.

”He’s really got a thing for you, that lad,” Grammy muses.

I roll my eyes. ”So you keep saying. Has Dad started the barbecue yet?”

”He should have.” Mum pokes her head round the door to look. ”Yes.”

”He’s a hell of a looker, is our Alec,” Gram continues on, oblivious to the change in conversation. ”Good heart, too. Granted, he’s a bit of a lad but oh my, Lexy girl, he’s only got eyes for you, you mark my words.”

Mum sends me a sympathetic smile and I shrug one shoulder. In the last three and a half weeks, I’ve figured out it’s easier to just let Gram get it out.

”And if he doesn’t, I’ll give him a good kick in the goolies!” Jen bursts into the cottage and laughs.

”Who invited you?” I joke in mock disgust.

”Um, barbecue? Wine? Hello? Is there anyone at home in your pretty malteser brain?” She knocks my head as she walks past and accepts the wine glass Grammy shoves at her.
