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Never Forget

Never Forget (Memories #1)(53)
Author: Emma Hart

”This is you. I’ll be coming round to do her bed bath in about fifteen minutes, I’m afraid, but you can always come back after.”

”That’s okay. Thank you.” I smile at her and she walks off.

I gently push the curtain back and peer round it. She’s sat up in bed, jabbing at the television remote impatiently.

”Knock knock,” I say softly.

Grammy turns her head slowly and beams at me. ”Lexy girl!” Her voice is weak.

”Hey.” I walk into her corner and sit on the big chair next to her bed. ”How are you feeling?”

”I’ve seen…better days,” she rasps out with a smile. ”How’s my favourite..granddaughter?

”I’m okay.” I smile sadly and take her hand.

”Everyone else?”

”Mum is better now you’re awake. Dad’s trying to take everyone’s mind off what happened and Bing is… Well, he’s just being Bing.”

”Mmhmm,” she hums. ”And Alec?”

I drop my eyes to our hands. ”I don’t know.”

”What do you mean? You..don’t know?” Grammy says.

”I don’t know,” I repeat quietly. ”But I should imagine not good.”

”What did you do, Lexy girl?”

I stand and snatch back my hand. ”Me? What did I do? I wasn’t the one who was keeping secrets from the person I claimed to be in love with. I wasn’t the one who ripped out someone else’s heart.”

Grammy sighs, and when I look at her she’s determined. Angry determined.

”I asked him..not to..tell you,” she begins. ”I didn’t want spend time with me this summer felt had to. I wanted spend it with me..because you wanted to. And I had the..most wonderful time, Lexy.

”But that’s not..what the best thing is. The best thing is that I watch you grow into a young..woman..and fall in love. I watched you grow from a sullen..caterpillar..into a beautiful butterfly who..glowed at the mention of his name..and that’s..that’s all I wanted. I wanted to happy.

”I’m not stupid..Lexy..I know I don’t have..long left before I see..your grandpa again. But I can die a happy..woman now I’ve seen my favourite..granddaughter so happy.

”Don’t..blame Alec..for what I..made him do. I can see his eyes..Lexy girl..the boy loves you, and I’d wager..he’s as heartbroken Don’t let him..take the wrap for..what I..made”

”I don’t know,” I say softly, my eyes filling with tears. ”I just don’t know, Grammy.”

”Alexis Mae, me.”

I turn my head and she’s staring at me intently, her eyes shining with truth and emotion.

”Alec in love..with you.”

”I never wanted a summer romance, Grammy. I never wanted to be hurt.” A tear escapes my eye as the raw, fresh pain builds inside me again.

”Lexy..” She takes my hand again. ”You have to might not end up wanted to be..but you’ll always..end up..where you’re be. Maybe Alec is..your be.”

”Mrs Highwood, I’m going to have to ask your granddaughter to leave now. It’s time for your bed bath.” The nurse smiles apologetically at us.

”Of course.” I wipe at my eyes and try for a smile. ”I’ll see you soon, okay, Grammy?” I kiss her cheek and she holds me tight.

”I wouldn’t count on it, baby girl. I’m meet your..Grandpa once again. You..remember what..I said, and Alec. Be happy..again. I love you, Lexy girl. Always..will.”

I pull back from her and breathe deeply to keep my tears in.

”I love you, Grammy. Always will,” I whisper as I walk backwards.

She smiles at me, a half-there smile before I close the curtains in front of me. I know in my heart she’s already going, she’s already leaving to be with the man she’s loved her whole life.

My heart clenches as I leave the ICU ward, and I press my back against the wall, bending over as tears start to fall. I slide down the wall and hug myself tightly.

I’m crying for Alec-

for our pain of two needlessly broken hearts.

I’m crying for myself-

because I’ve never been so alone.

And I’m crying for Grammy-

because that just felt an awful lot like a forever goodbye.



Forever waits for no one, I know this now. There are no guarantees in life, no definitive paths we must take. The bottom line is that it’s luck. Some you get given to you, some of it is random luck, and the rest you have to make for yourself.

I lost a piece of myself when I walked away from the hospital this morning. A piece of me stayed in the room with my Grammy, to go with her wherever she might be going now.

Strangely, the fact that she’s giving in to her fate doesn’t bother me as much as it should. She’s had a long life, a happy one, and if she’s ready to go and take her place as a star in the sky, who am I to hold her back?

She always knew what was best. She was always the one to talk sense into our family with a few simple words, and that’s what she did to me earlier.

Despite having no definitive path, we all have places to go, people to meet, feelings to feel. Love, friendship and happiness are the luck you get given to you. What you do with them is the luck you make for yourself.

We all have a meant to be, whether we believe in fate, destiny, or nothing at all. Do we decide our meant to be, or do we get it chosen for us? Do we get more than one option?

If we do, what if we go through them all then decide the first one was the best option, do we get a second chance?

No. There are no second chances in life, no rewind button. You don’t get a do-over, so if you want something you have to run, smash into it and grab it with everything you have. You have to take it and hold onto it tightly before it’s too late.

One life. One chance. One love.

Maybe Alec and I are more like Romeo and Juliet than I thought. Maybe we are each other’s one tragic love, destined for disaster. But if that means I get to look into his eyes, touch his face and kiss his lips every day, is a tragic love really that bad?

The sand slips between my toes as I slowly walk onto the beach. It’s calm, quiet. The peace is only broken by the occasional breaking of the waves.

I stop at the edge of the water, letting it roll over my feet, and look up at the stars. A thousand specks of glitter sparkling in the night sky, waiting for Grammy to join them. They make me remember the last time I stood here and stared at them.

A lone tear escapes my eye.

We’re minutes apart but so far away. As I stand beneath the stars, I miss him. I miss all the little things that make Alec who he is.

I miss how his hair curls at the nape of his neck. I miss how the sun plays across his face, illuminating his captivating eyes. I miss how we laughed, how we joked. I miss how he teased me, how we could lie in silence with nothing but the beating of our hearts between us.

I miss everything he is.

If I close my eyes and believe hard enough I can feel Alec’s arms around my waist, his breath against my ear, his lips against my hair. I can feel the rumble of his chest as he laughs. And then..
