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Obsidian Flame

Obsidian Flame (Guardians of Ascension #5)(76)
Author: Caris Roane

“Thorne, how could I have done anything else?”

“You’ve just made my point. This is who you are. And now I made you a promise, and I’m going to keep it.” He turned her around so that her back faced him. He shoved her gently in the direction of the shallow end until he could drop to his knees with his shoulders just above water level. While she was still standing, he settled his hands on her hips, his thumbs rubbing her ass. In that position, his lips came to the middle of her back. He slid his tongue in a line across one of her wing-locks and began to suck.

Her body arched immediately and she gasped. He reached low to slide a hand between her legs, pushing them apart. He turned slightly to get a good angle and slid two fingers up into her. She groaned heavily.

He worked her slowly, and the air filled with her rose scent. He licked the aperture and tasted the sweet liquid that released from the lock. Tasting her, no matter what part of her body, was like drinking in the essence of who she was, her wild spirit and her generous, sacrificial heart. He moved his fingers faster, wanting her to come, wanting to bring her over and over, to spend this time, this afternoon coaxing her body to a dozen orgasms, as many she could take.

* * *

Marguerite was moved. She didn’t want to be, but she was. Thorne loved her and he valued her, things she wasn’t even sure she felt about herself. There she’d admitted it, the deepest truths of her life and of herself. And how the hell could she ever be worthy of a man like Thorne? Dammit.

And here he was sucking on one of her wing-locks and oh, God, she could hardly keep standing. His fingers always seemed to find the spot in her body that couldn’t get enough. Of course even his fingers were big and kept her satisfied.

The thought that he could put something even bigger inside her caused her to jerk forward. She would have fallen, but he caught her about the waist, held her steady, then searched around until he had a handful of her breast.

She could hardly breathe, just small gasps. She bent forward and put a hand on the side of the pool. Oh, Lord he was so going to bring her.

Prepare for a strike, he sent.

Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God. He was going to put a potion in her. Do it.

He struck. Because the wing-locks were sensitive, she once again jerked forward, but he held her steady and she felt the potion release from his fang near the aperture. The whole time his finger kept pumping, faster now. Pleasure began to seep over the wing-lock and into the surrounding tissue, the most pleasurable fire. Between his mouth, the rhythmic fondling of her breast, and his fingers pumping into her, she couldn’t hold back. The orgasm caught her hard. She cried out, her body rolling and writhing, one hand gripping the edge of the pool, the other clinging to his forearm.

She panted and he released her wing-lock, kissing up her back. His fingers still worked her deep inside, but slowly now, in and out. She breathed hard.

He reached her neck and bit. More? he sent.

He knew her body so well. “Yes.” Her voice sounded like she’d been swallowing grit.

He pumped again as the potion began to spread to the adjoining wing-locks. He reached down low with his mouth and sucked each aperture in turn.

She gave a strangled cry as the next orgasm descended on her, tugging low over and over, pleasure streaking over her and up. She leaned down and bit his forearm. Hard.

Thorne laughed and once more kissed and licked his way up her spine. He removed his fingers but didn’t get very far as he caressed her ass.

He leaned over and kissed her neck. “Would you be open to something new?”

She flipped in his arms so fast, the water sloshed up the sides of the pool, sending a new wave onto the bathroom floor.

Her eyes were wide as she said, “I thought we’d done about everything there was to do.”

He smiled. “Well, I’ve been thinking. You know that new power of yours?”

She frowned. “Obsidian flame? What the hell are you going to do with that? You want me to look into the future at our sex life?”

He smiled. Oh, his smile was so gorgeous, big even teeth. He met her gaze. “Obsidian flame is a place in your mind, a very deep place down a long dark channel. Sound familiar?”

“Yeah? You popped my obsiddy cherry. So … you’re thinking…”

He shrugged. “I’d like to explore … some possibilities.”

“You mean, you think if you did that again, it might not hurt? You think it might feel good?”

“Yeah.” His deep gravelly voice got even deeper.

Her body started to tremble. As he pushed against her mind, she let her shields fall, which meant he fell inside and did a kind of lumbering roll as he righted himself. “Do I take that as a yes?”

“Hell, yeah, but I can’t imagine what’s going to happen. And by the way, it really hurt last time.”

“I know and I didn’t like that you were getting hurt, but I liked being in there. A lot.” He rose up out of the water. “What do you think?”

She slid her arms around his waist and held on to him. He was very firm. In fact he was goddamn hard. She pressed up against him and wiggled so that his eyes did a roll and he sucked in air like he was breathing through a straw. “So what position do you want to do this in.”

“Again, so my kind of woman.” He began backing her up in the direction of the platform. “I want you up here, prone.”

She looked behind her, and when he lifted her by her waist, she knew where she was headed. By the time her ass felt the platform, he’d folded a nice thick terry onto the hard stone just for her.

“You are so thoughtful.”

“There’s another one next to you in case you get cold. I’m still in all this warm water up to my thighs but”—he looked down her body at her bare mons—“you might get chilled because I’ll be leaving most of you uncovered.”

She smiled as she spread her legs wide for him and drew her knees up. “What do you intend to do?” she asked, as if she didn’t know.

She watched a tremor pass through him. His mouth fell open. She dragged the extra towel, rolled it up, and shoved it under her head. She wanted to watch this, one big warrior planting his hands on either side of her hips and dipping his face right where she wanted it.

Do you like that I’m bare? she sent as his tongue made one long swipe.

God yes. At least right now, I do. I loved your thick hair as well. Aw, hell, Marguerite, I’m just so into your body. Addicted.

She knew exactly what he meant. His thick tongue began lapping at her, and everything low began trembling all over again.
