On the Edge (Page 13)

On the Edge (The Edge #1)(13)
Author: Ilona Andrews

"The bush? The bush ruined everything?"

"Not the bush, the thing!" Elsie pointed straight at the creature.

Amy bent to look in the direction of her finger. "Grandma, there’s nothing there but an old crape myrtle shrub."

Elsie slapped her cheek. "Stupid girl!"

Amy drew herself to her full height. "Now that was un-called for. Into the house with you. Looks like you need a pill."



Elsie tried to scratch, but Amy was stronger and outweighed her by a hundred pounds. She was lifted to her feet and guided firmly inside the house. She twisted her head and saw the dark thing slink to the table. She shrieked, but Amy just wrestled her forward.

A huge maw split open beneath the four eyes, revealing jaws seeded with wicked teeth. Elsie could do nothing but scream as the monster bit into Mr. Bana, ripping the small body of fur and stuffing in half.

ROSE heaved a large service vacuum into the back of the Clean-n-Bright service van. Latoya and Teresa were still inside Kaplan Insurance. Latoya was chatting up Eric Kaplan, while Teresa finished the bathroom. Eric was a handsome fellow, and he did a very good impression of a happy-go-lucky, none-too-bright type of guy. Latoya thought she could wrap him around her finger. Rose had her doubts. It was Eric’s job to get people to like him and buy his insurance, and judging by the swanky office, he was rather good at it. He had succeeded where his uncle Emerson had failed. Unfortunately, his uncle Emerson also ran Clean-n-Bright, which made him her boss, and he wasn’t half as pleasant as his nephew.

Rose leaned against the van. Worry sat in the pit of her stomach like a big heavy clump of lead. Dread had plagued her all morning, and she just couldn’t get rid of it. Usually she could figure out the cause of her anxiety – money worries, more often than not – but today she just worried in general. It wasn’t enough she’d run into a wold; now there was a blueblood to deal with.

She’d mentioned the wold to Latoya and Teresa, who made shocked noises, and then Teresa reported she’d run into Maggie Brewster the other day. Maggie, a gentle cross-eyed girl, had the foresight. According to Teresa, Maggie said something bad was coming. She couldn’t say what exactly – Teresa didn’t think she knew – but she could tell that feeling it scared Maggie out of her wits.

Maggie had been wrong before. She had predicted a hurricane last October and was convinced they’d all be blown away. Instead they got clear skies and June weather.

But Maggie had been right before, too. And that worried Rose. She felt as if an invisible storm was gathering and she was on the edge of it.

Rose shut the van door and jumped. William stood right next to her.

"Hi," he said.

She gulped. "God, you scared me."

"Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you." He leaned against the van. "I was just driving by on my way to a job, saw you, and thought I’d say hi. How are you?"

"I’m good, thank you." Here he was, handsome and willing, yet she didn’t feel anything romantic. Her heart didn’t "flutter." The realization was kind of freeing. Rose smiled. She was right. She didn’t need to go on a date with him.

"How did the first day of school go?" William asked.

"It went fine."

He grinned. "They didn’t have to tie Jack to his chair? He doesn’t look like he could sit still for longer than five minutes."

She laughed quietly. "He’s a good kid."

"Both of them are good kids." He nodded. "Is there any way I can talk you into lunch?"

She shook her head, smiling. "I don’t think it would be a good idea, Will."

"Why not? It’s not like I’m going to maul you."

She looked into his eyes and caught a glimpse of the same thousand-yard stare he’d trained on Peter Padrake back in the comic shop. He hid it right away, but it was there, waiting inside him. Rose hesitated. This wasn’t going to be easy. "Sometimes two people meet and there is a connection of sorts. An instant attraction. You look at somebody and wonder what it would be like. I don’t wonder that about you. You’re a nice handsome guy. And I want to like you in that way, honestly I do, but there’s just nothing there."

He just kept smiling, his grin plastic on his face.

"I’m sorry," she said. "That’s harsh, and I feel bad about it, but I don’t want to lead you on."

"Rose Drayton."

The voice stopped her in mid-word. She turned on her heel, her hands clenching into fists. "Brad Dillon," she said, her voice dripping with venom.

Brad looked just like he used to look in high school, when they’d dated. He had picked up a couple of new tattoos and his nose was now pierced, but other than that, he was same old Brad. Still the same hot brown eyes and handsome face. Still looking like he wanted to punch somebody, the arrogant prick. She used to think that smirk was sexy. Now she wanted to slap it off his face.

Her gun was in her tote inside the van, and Brad wouldn’t exactly let her get it. Without her gun, out here in the Broken, Brad had an advantage. He was bigger and stronger, and Rose had seen him fight enough times to know she couldn’t take him by herself. But she would make it expensive for him.

Brad fixed his gaze on William, sizing him up. "Don’t know who you are and don’t care. Just want to know what you’re doing with my leftovers?"

Rose braced herself. In a second William would slug him, and when he did, Brad would come right back at him. William looked strong, but Brad was no pushover and he fought hard and dirty. She tensed, ready to jump right in.

William looked at Brad with a slightly bored expression.

"She’s a lousy fuck," Brad said. "I feel sorry for you."

William said nothing.

Brad tried again. "I’d wear two rubbers if I were you. If you go bareback with that whore, your cock might fall off in the morning. You don’t want what she’s got."

William’s stare gained a harsh edge, but Rose couldn’t tell if he was pissed off or scared. "This thing you’re trying to start isn’t worth my time," William said. "Are you done?"


"Get on with it. I’d love to chat, but I’m getting kind of hungry."

Brad looked slightly confused. "Screw off, asshole."

William shrugged. "Anything else?"

Brad glared at the two of them. She tensed, expecting him to leap at them, swinging. He hovered on the edge of violence, muscles playing along his jaw. Come on, she thought. Bring it. She almost wished he would.

"Your new man’s a pushover." Brad sneered.

He was backing down. Rose waved her hand, trying to hide relief. "Keep on walking, Brad."