Read Books Novel

On the Rocks

On the Rocks (Mixology #2)(36)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“We’ll start? It doesn’t sound like you’re even questioning it.”

“Should I be?”

“Probably. I’ve never even considered doing it before.”

“I won’t bug you about it tonight, but don’t think you’re off the hook.”

“You’re really smart.” She lopped her arm through mine.

“Not to ruin the evening? Of course. I’m not taking the chance of interfering with my guarantee of getting lucky tonight.”

“Guarantee?” Her expression told me I was successfully riling her up. I was starting to see that for us getting frustrated with each other was a turn on. A major turn on.

“Yes. And you thought I was the easy one.”

“I’m not easy, Macon.” She turned away, but I could see the slight smile.

“You’re not?” I leaned in and brushed my lips against her ear. “I really thought you were.”

“Not at all.”

I sucked lightly on her earlobe. “That’s too bad. I was looking forward to tonight.”

She leaned back into me, making me instantly hard. “Just because I’m not easy doesn’t mean we won’t have fun. Sometimes the best things are the ones you have to work for.”

“Oh, this is going to be work.” I didn’t mean seducing her. I meant holding it together until we got home. I knew this client well, but not well enough to have sex with my girlfriend in one of his bedrooms. Or did I? He probably would expect it anyway.

“Come with me.” I tugged on her arm gently pulling her with me down the stairs. I opened the door to the room I’d stayed in. If he’d let his dive instructor sleep there, it couldn’t be that special to him. I closed and locked the door before pushing her up against it. I used one of my hands to pin both of her wrists above her head. “I’m willing to work as hard as I have to for you later, but babe, I need you.”

“I already told you I’m not going to make this easy,” she said coyly.

“No.” I slipped my hand under the skirt of her dress. “You said you weren’t easy. If I admit that you’re not easy can I have you?”

“I’m not sure.”

I moved my hand up higher, pushing away the fabric of her panties and brushing my hand against her. “Are you more sure now?”

She shook her head and took in a breath.

“Okay.” I slid my hand down her leg.

“But I might be persuaded.”

“I was hoping you’d say that.” My lips crashed into hers as my hand returned to where it had just been. This time I pushed her panties completely out of my way, letting them fall to the floor.

She squirmed, but I still didn’t release her wrists. Instead I reached behind her and unzipped her dress, needing access to all of her. Her strapless dress fell to the floor. Seconds later her strapless bra joined it.

I broke the kiss so I could look at her. I needed to see the beauty that was on display only for me. She didn’t look away as my eyes devoured the image, but the smile playing on her lips let me know she wasn’t going to stay quiet. “If you get a peep show, where’s mine?”

“Are you going to say thank you if I take my shirt off again?”

“No, but I’ll say thank you if you take off your pants and show me just how easy I am.”

I wasn’t expecting that kind of response. “You know you don’t have to ask twice.” I used my free hand to unbutton my shirt, and I released her wrists for half a second while I shrugged it off my shoulders. She used the new freedom to undo my belt and get rid of both my pants and boxers in one motion.

“Do I still get a thank you even though you did the work?” I teased with my lips inches from her breasts.

“I think you know what kind of thanks you can have.”

I reluctantly stepped away from her long enough to retrieve a condom from my wallet. She was waiting for me, sitting on the bed. As soon as I unwrapped it she took it from me and slowly put it on. Safe sex had never been so hot. I gently pushed her back on the bed, but pulled her down so she was right on the edge. She wrapped her legs around me as I thrust into her. She closed her eyes, and I watched the pleasure swirl across her face. That expression was because of me. Having me inside of her made her feel that good, and I needed to make it even better. I needed to make her feel an ecstasy that no one had before.

I thrust harder and she moaned, biting down on her lip to keep quiet. I struggled to hold on, I couldn’t ruin it for her, but she felt so good. She gasped, calling out my name before she put a hand over her mouth. Moments later I shuddered, finally releasing. I stayed inside her for a minute, unwilling to break the moment. We’d had good sex before, but this somehow felt different.

“Forget what I said before. You’re not just amazing; you’re the most amazing man on earth.” She pulled me down on top of her.

I laughed. “Funny, I was just thinking the same thing about you.”

“I hope you meant most amazing woman.”

“Of course babe, there’s no question what you are.” I lightly grazed her nipple with my teeth. “And for the record, you’re not easy, just irresistible.”

“Wow, even after getting lucky you’re still kissing up to me?”

“There’s always the chance of getting lucky again later.”

Chapter Twenty-One


Finding a florist able to fill the last minute request for twelve dozen roses took some work. I guess that wasn’t a frequent request in a community like Corolla. I choked down any problem with the cost. Colin wouldn’t care, and I was charging it to him. He wanted everything perfect for his proposal, and I was making sure that everything on my list was done exactly as he wanted.

After handing over Colin’s payment information, I burst into an uncontrolled grin as I thought back on the previous night with Macon. He was everything, yet nothing, I expected. I’d been confident the sex would be good, but I’d never expected we’d connect the way we did. Physically and emotionally Macon got me in a way that other guys never had.

“Is that all?” the florist asked giving me a funny look.

“Yes, sorry.” I waited as an employee, who looked like a younger version of the owner, walked out to my car with me. He helped me load all one hundred and forty-four roses into the backseat. I slipped him a two dollar tip. It wasn’t much, but I was learning just how important tips could be.
