Read Books Novel

On the Rocks

On the Rocks (Mixology #2)(37)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

My to-do list completed, I headed home, listening to my new favorite radio event—‘80s Flashback Friday. It’s amazing how your tastes can change.

“Hey babe,” Macon pulled open the door as soon as my key turned in the lock.

I hugged him, taking a moment to inhale his post-shave smell. It was probably just the aftershave he used, but I loved the scent. “I’ve got twelve dozen roses cooking in the car, I need to get changed fast.”

“Need my help?”

I put a hand on my hip. “Yes. Go sit in my car with it running so I don’t kill the flowers. I’ll be down in ten minutes.”

He took the keys I held out to him. “Not exactly the help I was offering, but I’ll do whatever my lady needs.”

“Well, you know I may let you help with other things later if you do this for me now.”

“As if I needed anymore persuasion.” He kissed me gently.

I closed my eyes and opened them again. “I need to stay focused.”

“Ok, I’ll be good.” He stepped back.

“Why am I nervous?” I asked the rhetorical question out loud.

“Because your brother is about to pop the most important question of his life.”

“Ok. When you put it that way it makes sense.”

“It’s sweet how much you care. I hope Colin knows how lucky he is to have a sister like you.”

“Well, he’s already proven he’s a great brother, so maybe this makes us even.”

“I’ll head down to the car and stay out of your way. See you in ten.” Macon headed toward the front door.

Eight minutes later (I pride myself in getting ready quickly) I slipped into the passenger seat of my car. “Ok, all set.”

“When you say ten minutes, you mean it.”

“That can’t surprise you. You’re used to me.”

“Used to you? No. I’ll never be used to you. That makes it sound like you’re not exciting. But no, I’m not surprised.” He put a hand on my leg as he backed out of the spot.

“Do you think she expects anything?” I leaned back against the cloth seat. Macon didn’t spend as much time with Maddy as he used to, but if anyone knew what she was thinking he would.

“No, but she finally told me.”

“What?” I sat up with a start. “When? Why didn’t you tell me she told you?”

“Earlier today. We had lunch and she spilled. She apologized for not telling me earlier.”

“What did you say?” I crossed my fingers he hadn’t let on he already knew.

“I didn’t want to outright lie, so I just asked lots of questions.”

“Did she say anything else? I need details.”

He squeezed my knee. “She said she was dying to tell Colin, and that she was still trying to figure out how to do it.”

“Well… at least his secret will be officially out before the end of the night.”

“That it will.”

Macon pulled into an employee spot in front of the Grille. I was technically not on the books to work that night, but Max had added me on so Maddy wouldn’t be suspicious. Unlike Macon who hung out at the Grille just to annoy her, I didn’t generally show up at work when I didn’t have to.

“I’m going to go around back with these roses. I’ll see you in a few.” Macon kissed me on the cheek before I walked inside.

Mary grabbed my arm as soon as I walked in. “Isn’t this exciting?” Her huge grin matched the tone of her voice. She was genuinely excited for Maddy.

“Very. I hope it all goes well.” I smoothed out my hair. I hadn’t taken the time to do much of anything with it.

“It will. Are you going to be out there with her?”

“Yeah. I’m telling her Max said I can shadow her for longer than usual.”

“Nice. I’m going to make sure I get out there in time.”

“Good. See you in a few.”

She released my arm, and I walked off.

“Hey, Carly.” Maddy looked up from the bar. She was putting a garnish on someone’s drink. From what I’d learned from my favorite polo shirt wearing instructor, the drink was in an Old-Fashioned glass.

“Hey.” I tried to keep my voice level. I didn’t want to let on that I knew something big was coming.

“I’m glad you’re here. It looks like it’s going to be a large crowd tonight.”

“Yeah, it’s always crowded on Fridays.” I checked to make sure the kegs were full the way Maddy explained I needed to do. I had to find something to do so I didn’t lose my mind.

“But I guess Max found a new singer. He hadn’t found anyone decent since Lyle left.” She looked down when she mentioned the name of the musician who used to perform once a week at the Grille. She’d had a bit of a crush on him when she was already dating Colin. I’d called her out on it. It wasn’t a huge deal, but it was probably the only awkward thing between us.

“Yeah? I can’t wait to hear him or her.”

“Hey, can I get a round of blow job shots?” a guy around our age asked.

I blushed. Maddy didn’t blink. “Sure, one for each of you?”

“Yup, if you can manage.” He grinned.

“You’re so funny,” I said sarcastically. For once I didn’t feel like being quiet. No one was going to talk to Maddy inappropriately the night of her engagement.

He turned his leer to me. “Why don’t you pour the shots, sugar?”

“Sugar? Seriously?” I raised an eyebrow. “Can’t you think of a better one?”

“I knew you had it in you.” Maddy laughed. “Why don’t we make them together?”

Of course that got the guys howling. We turned our backs. And she pulled down two bottles. “It’s just Bailey’s and Kahlua.”

“Then what makes it a blow job?”

“The whipped cream.”

I made a face. “Why would guys order that?”

“To make us uncomfortable.”

“Ah… I see.”

She leaned in. “Don’t worry. We’ll make them uncomfortable right back.”

I carefully measured out the liquors. I’d finally accepted that I didn’t have a particularly accurate eye for measuring things. Maybe I’d learn eventually. Maddy covered all four with whipped cream.

She set them down in front of them. “All right, you guys only get them if you take them the right way.”
