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Owned by the Dom: Part Two

There was no way she’d ask Henry for anything. She despised that bastard and hoped he died a long, painful death, where she wished his c**k was severed from his body without anything to numb the pain. Henry also seemed to like hitting her. Without her expecting it, he’d lash out and hit her.

Staring at her reflection in the mirror, she pressed a finger to the new bruise forming under her eye. Her hair caught her attention. When she was home she kept the colour from fading by attending regular appointments. She usually had brown hair, and she saw the brown appearing at her roots. For some reason seeing the brown of her roots upset her more than the bruises.

Taking a deep breath she forced the tears down. Crying wouldn’t solve any of her problems. The sound of the door opening scared her. She peeked around the corner to see Cindy sitting at the table. There was no scent of food, but the woman was placing polish amongst other things on the table.

“What are you doing?” Prue asked.

Cindy jumped. She stood pressing a hand to her throat. There was another bruise on the side of her face, and the movement of her grabbing her throat exposed the length of her arms. Her wrists were red and looked like they’d been rubbed raw. The door was closed. Prue moved closer pulling her hand so she could see where the marks had come from. “What are these?” she asked.

The other woman pulled her hand away, covering the wounds with the long white dress she wore.

“They’re nothing. I’ve been told to do your nails.”

Prue glanced down at her fingers. Her nails were longer than she usually had them with dirt underneath.

“They’re not sending in a man to watch?” Prue asked.

“I’ve been told to shout if you make it difficult.” Cindy aligned all of the nail equipment. Prue had never been one to get her nails done. She liked decorating her hair but nothing else. Staring at the other woman, Prue realised she could get quite a bit of information out of her.

“Your name is Cindy?” she asked.

“That’s what I’m called.”

“Then what is your real name?” Prue felt her pause as Cindy took her name.

She didn’t think the other woman was going to answer. “Melanie.” The other woman whispered the name quietly. “That’s what I used to be called. I’m not allowed to speak my name though. I’m not even supposed to remember it because that life is gone, and I’m happy for the life I have now.”

Tears sprang to Prue’s eyes at the hopeless sound of the other woman’s words.

“How old are you?” Prue asked.

“I’m twenty-one. I was taken at eighteen and trained by Henry to serve him. He likes having a selection of his own girls for his pleasure.”

Prue couldn’t stop the shuddering at the thought of that bastard touching anyone.

“Don’t be scared for me. I’d rather be Henry’s property than the women he gives to anyone.” Cindy paused as she started cleaning under Prue’s nails.

“What’s the matter?” Prue asked.


“Do you like it here?”

Cindy kept working silently.

“You don’t want to say.” Prue nodded. “I imagine if you had a choice you’d prefer to go back to your real life?”

The other woman stared at her. “What are you trying to do?” Cindy asked.

“I’m trying to understand. I was taken against my will, and now I’m here, and I’m frightened. The only person who comes and sees me is that ass**le, and I—”

“Is this some kind of trick?” Cindy looked around her. “Is Henry upset with me and wants me to prove my loyalty?”

Prue frowned. She saw the panic on Cindy’s face. “No, do you seriously think I’d agree to something like that? Stop making this all about you,” Prue said. Her words were cruel, but she needed the other woman to stop talking.

Cindy stared at her for several moments before taking a seat. “You’re not here as a test?”

“No. Look at me.” Prue pointed at her face. “I’ve never been hit by a man, ever!”

“You still have your attitude, and it won’t be long until that is taken from you.”

Her hand was grabbed again. She sat and watched as Cindy continued to clean her hands. “Do you really want to stay here?” Prue asked.

“No, I don’t.” The words came out quietly.

“Do you know what’s going to happen to me?”

This woman could be her friend. Cindy was the only one who’d been inside her room beside Henry and Daren. Prue saw the fire behind her eyes and the determination as well. No matter what Cindy or Henry said, this woman before her still craved her freedom.

“I’ve heard them talking about an auction.”

Prue grasped the other woman’s hands. “Please, there is a man looking for me. A powerful, rich man, and he’ll protect us both. I need you to see if you can find out what is going on outside. I’ve not got the means or ways of seeing it done,” she said.

The hands she held tugged, and Prue let her go.

“I’ll see what I can do. Please, stop angering him.” Cindy went back to cleaning her hands.

Prue didn’t know how much time passed as Cindy sorted her nails. No more conversation took place. Cindy didn’t even look at her. When her bedroom door opened, Prue looked in the direction to find Henry stood staring at them.

Her heart hammered inside her chest. Fear gripped her at his presence. The door closed, and he stood behind Cindy as she worked. His hands settled on the other woman’s shoulders. She didn’t know how Cindy didn’t react to his touch. The sight of his hands on another woman made Prue shiver with disgust. She really despised the man before her. When he leaned down to kiss Cindy’s temple Prue thought she’d thrown up in her mouth.

Prue wasn’t a stupid woman, and she saw through Henry’s act. He was giving the woman a loving gesture so that when he hurt her, Cindy would think it was something she’d done rather than Henry was just an abusive bastard. Prue had taken psychology in college. Admittedly she’d not aced the subject, but she knew enough to pass. When Cindy finished, Henry ordered her to fetch some food. The door closed, and Henry took the seat that Cindy had occupied.

Blowing on her nails Prue waited for what he had to say. His visits were always unpleasant, and her body tensed remembering the blows he liked to deliver when she least expected it.

“How are you enjoying your stay?” Henry asked. He leaned back watching her.
