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Owned by the Dom: Part Two

She wanted to poke his beady eyes out. Instead, she blew on her nails while thinking of a quick retort.

“I think your accommodations and activities need a lot of work.” As if she’d chosen this guy’s home to take her holiday. The thought alone made her feel sick.

Everything about this bastard makes you feel sick.

Come on, James, where the f**k are you?

Henry chuckled.

Folding her arms over her chest, she glared at him. His gaze moved down to her br**sts. He’d been trying to make her uncomfortable with his lingering gaze and presence. If he wanted her then there was nothing she’d be able to do to stop him. Prue didn’t know how much longer she’d have before he’d take what he wanted.

You don’t even know if he wants you.

“I’ve got some interesting news,” he said.


His glare came back with full force.

Stop riling the bad man, Prue. He could kill you without blinking. Shit, he could get Cindy to do it, and James would be pissed.

Keeping herself hopeful was getting harder.

You’ve got to be strong. You’re stronger than they are.

“You should learn to hold your tongue. Didn’t James teach you that lesson?” Henry asked, leaning forward on the chair.

She glared at him. “James is a proper man. He doesn’t need to silence a woman to feel better about himself.” Gritting her teeth didn’t help stem her anger.

“Well, you might want to forget about James coming to save you.”

That one hurt. Prue refused to bite. Begging him for more information would give him what he wanted.

“I’ve been told he’s walked away from it all. He’s not interested in getting you back. I believe he’s found something else to entertain himself. What do you think to that?” he asked.

If he’d not added in the last bit, Prue would have believed him.

She smiled. “Is that all you’ve got? Do you want me to simper and cower like every other woman you’ve got?”

Prue felt strong inside. Henry was doing everything in his power to break her down. She didn’t know why he wasn’t using brute force at the moment, but that would come. She could guarantee it.

“James wouldn’t let me go. He wants me too damn much to let me go.”

“You’re so sure of yourself,” Henry said.

“What’s the matter? You’ve never known a real woman who knows her worth?”

He started laughing. Henry clapped his hands in delight. “I thought I’d give it a try.” He moved faster than Prue anticipated. Grabbing her around the neck he pulled her onto the table. He opened her thighs and stepped between them.

Real fear unlike anything she’d ever experienced gripped her. Tears leaked from her eyes as she stared at him.

She didn’t know how long she’d hold onto her sanity if he used her against her will. Thinking about that four letter word scared her. Rape. It was brutal, nasty, and the thought of having it linked to her name terrified her.

“See what I can do to you,” Henry said. He pressed against her, and she sobbed in pain. “No one can come for you. No one can save you, but I think I’d like to have you out of my sight. You’re far too much trouble.” With his hand around her throat, Henry threw her to the floor. He landed three kicks to her abdomen, which winded her. She curled up in a ball wanting the pain to go away.

Henry caught a fistful of her hair and pulled her close. “I think it’s time you listen, bitch. When James comes for you, and he will, you won’t be anywhere to be seen. It’s Wednesday night, and you’re going up for sale on Friday. Look at the night and start your countdown, bitch, because this is the last time you’ll see me.”

He spat in her face then walked away. When the door slammed closed Prue let loose the pain and agony of what had just happened. She wiped her face with her dress hating everything that had happened.

She wanted James more than ever. He’d protect her and keep her safe.

What was going to happen?

Stop giving in. This is not over until it’s over.

Be strong, Prudence.

Rolling over onto her stomach, she went to her knees then stood up. Slowly, she moved toward the bathroom. Staring into the mirror at her reflection, she wiped the tears from her eyes.

Opening her mouth, she closed it again. More tears spilled down her cheeks, and she fought the never ending battle inside herself. Shaking her head, she stared at her reflection and started her fight.

“My name is Prudence Star. I’m the younger sister of Veronica Star. I used to work for Cadeon Ashwood but got fired, and now I work for James Castleden. I’m in love with James.” She stopped as a sob caught in her throat.

What if he doesn’t come for me?

Why would he come for me?

Staring at her face, she saw the fear of her words grip her.

“He will come for me. James will come for me, and then everything will be fine.”

She spoke the words, but unlike when she’d said them a few days ago, the conviction of her words could no longer be heard in her voice. Slowly, Prue was giving up.

Chapter Eight

“Where could he have gone?” Josiah asked.

“I don’t f**king know,” Dane said for the hundredth time. They were looking for Lucas and for James. No one had seen or heard from them in the past twenty-four hours. Dane hoped that Lucas was working with James. With both men working together they had a better chance of finding Prudence.

He’d f**ked up a lot in his life, but letting Prudence be sold was not going to be added to the list. Being able to stay to shadows without people seeing him had its benefits. He’d been in the shadows lurking about when he’d heard the two agents talking about Prudence. They were prepared to let her go in order to get Henry and Daren. He knew it was a good move but one he couldn’t allow. Too many women and men had been lost because of Henry and himself. Daren was a worker like him, but many people had been killed by his hand.

Prudence was a sweet woman, and as she was twenty-five, they’d tear her apart.

Dane didn’t regret giving the information to James. In fact, he thought it was the best thing he’d done in a good long while. He’d not counted on Lucas helping.

“James could f**k over our entire case. If that file is taken then we’ve got nothing. That file has details of the private investigator we’ve got in protective custody. Those men find out about any of the information in that file and they’re dead,” Hubert said.
