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Owned by the Dom: Part Two

“I’ve already called the cops, and the agents on Dane’s case are on their way. They’re going to want to talk with all of us,” Stephen said.

“James is going to be in a shit-load of trouble.” Cadeon added to the stress with his words.

“We’d all do what he’s done just to get the woman back.” Lucas didn’t turn around as he spoke.

Dane kept his gaze on Mary. She stared at everyone but him. He remembered a time when she had stared up at him with love in her eyes.

“I don’t like this,” Cadeon said. “I need to phone Violet and get her up to speed. She’s pregnant.”

He watched as Stephen walked over to the other man then tapped him on the back. “We understand if you decide to back out. I’m happy for you to take Violet and run.”

From where he stood, Dane saw the desire on Cadeon’s face to do exactly that.

“No, I’m not running. I’m going to see these f**kers brought down before I run away. Violet has run all of her life. I promised to protect her. I’m not getting her to run again.”

An hour later Dane was in the back of the car of the two agents, Josiah Dewitt and Hubert Long. They were escorting him to a safe-house while Mary was taken to the hospital. Stephen, Cadeon, and Lucas were being taken in for questioning.

None of them mentioned James.

“Tell me Mary is going to be okay?” he asked the two men.

“You’re going to tell us the truth of what happened tonight,” Hubert said. “We’re not some dumb rookies on the job, Dane. You’ll tell us everything. We’re here to help you and those blasted men. I’m sick and tired of being treated like this.”

Dane bit his lip. “What do you want to know?”

“Where is James Castleden?” Josiah asked.

Several minutes later they pulled up outside of the safe-house. The small bungalow looked reserved and tasteless in a family estate. Dane climbed out feeling out of place. He followed the two men inside the house. To the outside world they looked like three friends, but Dane knew the difference. These men were out to catch a bunch of criminals, and he was just the means to an end.

They had their job to do while he needed to complete his job.

He sat down on the sofa as the two men completed their obligatory safety checks.

“What is happening with Mary?” he asked.

“We didn’t give permission to allow you to trade, Dane. You’re in deep shit with the Director, and he wants to throw your ass in jail.” Josiah sat in front of him handing him a can of pop. Smirking at the immaturity of the action Dane threw the can in the trash.

“Could you stop treating me like a child?” He wanted to do some serious damage.

Dane saw the looks exchanged between the two men.

“What is it?” Dane asked. He hated the men before him but respected them as well. They weren’t on the take or working for the bad guys. They were the good guys trying to catch the bad ones. He wanted to trust them and wished he could.

“We can’t let you see Mary or know anything about her.”

Running his fingers through his hair, Dane let out a sigh. “I saw that coming.”

“Also, we know Daren Robinson has taken Prudence Star,” Hubert said.

Dane froze. How did these men find out their shit? “How do you know this?” Dane asked.

“We’re paid to know this, not to look pretty. Our job is catching these bastards. Talk, or we’ll make life difficult for your friends.”

He sat back looking between them. Both men looked calm and ready for action. Hubert and Josiah knew a hell of a lot more than Dane gave them credit for.

Hubert took the seat next to him. He handed a load of pictures showing Prudence and then several of the men from England. Mary was among the pictures. None of the images made sense to him.

“Daren Robinson, also known as Leo at the club Ravage, wanted something from James and Stephen. I want to be clear here, Dane. Prudence Star will be going up for auction. My guy close to Daren has confirmed the plans to sell her. No matter what James thinks he needs to do, the guys he’s dealing with have their own path,” Hubert said.

Dane stared down at each image. Prudence looked serene as she smiled up at James.

“You’ve been over this the whole time,” Dane said.

“Do you really think we were that stupid to allow you to be babysat by those men? Lucas I’d allow, but the others have no other training. Yes, they’re pretty decent men but not with dealing with this shit.”

He threw the images beside Josiah. “If I agree to help you, you’ll help us get Prudence back.” Dane owed that to James. The older guy would go crazy without his woman. There was no stopping the man who owned Ravage. Prudence possessed James’s heart and soul. He’d only settle with her back in his life.

Chapter Two

One day later

Endless ocean surrounded Prudence. Leo smiled at her as he took a chunk of fruit to his lips. Several men were dotted around the boat they were sailing on.

“So what is your name?” she asked, picking up a piece of fruit. She didn’t see why she needed to starve when Leo had kidnapped her. The sun glared down, making her eyes hurt. The bruise would look hideous in the light. She lifted her fingers to touch the sore side of her face only to be startled by Leo grabbing her hand. He kissed her knuckles then placed her hand on the table.

“I wouldn’t touch your face. I go by Daren. Leo was a nice touch. I liked Leo.”

She nibbled on fruit while waiting for him to speak some more. Touching her throat she mourned the loss of James’s necklace. The one token he’d given her Daren had taken away from her. She felt na**d and alone without the cross around her neck.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“England, that’s where all the fun is. I wish it was somewhere more romantic, but my boss likes living in the miserable, cold, depressing country.”

Daren’s true accent really started to show through. Prue stared at him waiting for something else to jump out and spook her. The man before her was nothing like the man she knew.

Leo’s not real.

Will he kill me?


Sipping her juice, Prue took the time to gaze around her. The two men sat at the table were reading the paper. She took the time to memorize them.

When James finds you, he’s going to need all the information he can get.

Stop being afraid and look at them!

Glancing at Daren she saw him staring at her.

“Go ahead, look, baby. Take in every detail of their faces. The more you know the less chance you have of getting out of here.”
