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Owned by the Dom: Part Two

She didn’t want to know how he knew what she was thinking. With a lump in her throat she did her best to swallow down the food.

When she finished, one of the guards escorted her to her room. They dumped her inside then locked the door.

Unable to stop her movements, Prue tested the door even though she heard the lock slide into place.

“Shit,” she said.

After throwing her body against the door, Prue collapsed on the bed, exhausted, in pain, and downright f**king angry. She stared in front of her at the door. Her heart pounded as she waited for something else to happen.

She hated silence, and this was the worst thing, to feel trapped on a boat with a bunch of raving lunatics. Closing her eyes she counted to ten in an effort to calm her raging nerves.

“Everything is going to be fine,” she said.

“It will be if you behave.”

Opening her eyes she saw Daren standing in the doorway. In the split second Prue hadn’t been paying attention, Leo had been able to get inside her room. She needed to stop thinking of him as Leo. He covered the door with his presence. She licked her lips and stood away from the bed. He laughed as she folded her arms over her chest.

“No offence, baby, but you don’t do it for me. I’m not going to hurt you no matter how much the idea turns me on.” His arms folded over his chest, and he stared at her. “To be honest, I don’t want to have anything to do with you. My boss demanded that I take extreme measures to make sure James and his friends do as they’re told.”

At the mention of James she touched her chest. “Where is my necklace?”

He chuckled. She watched as he reached into his pocket then showed her the necklace with the cross. “This is what you’re missing?”

She moved to snatch the necklace from him. He pulled it out of reach.

“You’re not having it back,” he said.

“What do you possibly get out this agreement?” she asked.

Daren stared at her for several moments without speaking. His gaze didn’t roam her body, nor did he show any signs of attacking her. “You’re too young to understand the world.”

“I’m twenty-fucking-five, Daren. I’m sure I’m over the edge for a lot of people.” The anger rose inside her at his words. “You’ve taken me away from James and my town. I think I deserve to know exactly what you want with me.”

“Then I can tell you that I want f**k all from you. My boss may be a different way inclined.”

Daren kept mentioning a boss, which only settled to put her on edge. If there was someone else out there worse than Daren then she never wanted to meet them.

“I’m more than happy to keep you confined to this room for the remainder of the journey to England, but I think the trip would drive you crazy. Be good, and I might let you out.” Daren winked at her then closed the door locking it behind him.

Why had he visited her? Did he want to freak her out with his horrid words? She touched her neck, missing the comfort of James’s necklace.

“Take deep breaths,” she said. “Everything will be all right. James will fix everything, and this will be a bad dream.”

She took several deep breaths to try to rid her mind of the panic so close to the surface. Her life had taken an unexpected turn. She didn’t want to continue on this path. Prue wished she could open her eyes and be back in James’s study without any fear or worry. He’d smile at her, and everything would be all right in the world.

Standing up in her small room, Prue moved toward the window. She wondered how long she’d be forced to remain on this boat. The thought of travelling to England held little excitement. She’d never wanted to visit England.

The hours passed. She didn’t know how much time had passed before the lock was being turned in her door. Turning, she saw Daren stood with a plate of food.

“I thought I’d bring you something to eat. It is past seven and has been awhile since you ate.”

He closed the door then took a seat on the bed.

“I thought you’d starve me,” she said.

“I’d do no such thing, unless I’m told to.”

“All you do is take orders?”

“No, most of the time I work alone. This, however, is a difficult matter, and I need every option open to me.”

Prue stared at him confused. Why was he confiding in her?

“I brought you something,” he said, going behind his back. She tensed waiting for something horrible to happen.

Her gaze searched his hands.

“I’ve come to help your face as it looks a little swollen.” Daren patted the bed beside him.

Cautiously, Prue approached the bed waiting for him to lash out or do something she’d regret.

When he made no other move to touch her, she sat down on the firm mattress with her hands in her lap.

Daren placed the medical kit beside him on the bed then lifted up a piece of fruit. “You need to eat to keep your strength up.” He pressed the fruit against her lips. She opened her mouth, accepting the food he offered.

“I can feed myself,” she said.

He pushed the plate next to her. Slowly, she took bites of each delicious fruit and preserved meats on the tray. Her gaze never left his as she ate.

The man before her watched her, clearly waiting for something.

“Have you spoken to James again?” She recalled what happened during their last conversation. Her appetite vanished at the pain his hands could cause.

“No, I’ve no cause to speak with him. I imagine he’s doing everything he can to find what I’ve asked him to. You’re his woman, but I think this will be fun.”

“How so?” she asked.

“The Owners have never been without their women. I’m paid to know everything about my competition, and I know all about their f**king possessive streak. Since learning more about them, I’ve often wondered what would happen when one of their women was taken away.”

She gulped the orange juice.

“James will come and get me,” she said. Prue needed for him to realise she wasn’t going anywhere. She trusted James with her whole heart and soul. He’d never let anything happen to her.

“Prue, I have no doubt that he’ll come to collect you. I think you should be more worried about where you’ll be when he does.”

Her heart stopped beating. There was no other way to describe the feelings vibrating inside her chest. “You promised I’d be safe if I was good.” She couldn’t bring herself to add “girl”. The word sounded so immature.
