Read Books Novel

Permanent Bliss

Permanent Bliss (Bliss #3.5)(2)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“Mac, eleven months, three days, twenty-three hours and forty-one minutes. That is how long you’ve been in my life. It also marks the day when you threw your phone across the train to get my attention.” I open my mouth to argue, but he gives me a stern look that says ‘don’t you dare’.

“As I was saying, that night I was captivated by your smart wit and that sexy smile. Since then, I’ve thanked God every day for letting you open your heart to me, and for making me fall in love with you.” My eyes start to fill with tears. He pauses for a second and pulls a small packet of tissues from his pocket. “I thought you might need these.”

“Superhero,” I mouth to him, earning that panty melting grin of his that makes me wet every single time he flashes it at me. By now we’ve got a silent crowd surrounding us, riveted at such a public display occurring on a Saturday night train ride.

“We’re a family now, and we’re just starting our lives together, the four of us.” He places our combined hands on my belly and wouldn’t you know it, one of the little ninja babies kicks right on cue, making us both laugh quietly.

He clears his throat, and our eyes meet. I’m struck by the emotion I see staring back at me. This man is mine, and he wants to make sure that I’m his.

“You call me your superhero. If I am, I only have superpowers because of the strength and love you give me. I will be your lover, your best friend and a super daddy to our terrible twosome.”

Happy tears are streaming down my face now. Just ask me the question, dammit!

“So eleven months, three days, twenty-three hours and forty-two minutes ago I started falling in love with you and this afternoon I asked your father a question, and with his permission, I can now ask you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife, the mother to my children, and my soul mate until we’re old and gray and wrinkly in all the wrong places?”

I sit there in shock, my hand enclosed in his as his other hand reaches into his shirt pocket and pulls out a turquoise Tiffany’s box with the signature white silk ribbon. He opens the box to reveal the most gorgeous ring I’ve ever seen, and I gasp at its beauty. A huge diamond flanked by two smaller stones, a pink diamond and a sapphire. Then it dawns on me that there is one for each child.

My hand shakes in his as I struggle to keep my composure. Time stands still as he looks at me, his eyes soft and full of love.

I’ve never thought about this happening to me, even when I’d fallen in love with the beautiful man kneeling in front of me. This is the kind of thing that happens to other people, never me. You read about big dramatic proposals where the woman is swept off her feet, but this is more than all of those moments put together because this is happening to me, and the man that I love more than life itself is looking at me, patiently waiting for my answer. I can see the worry in his face; he’s expecting a level ten Mac freak out. Well, he’s about to get the surprise of his life.

I swallow down the huge lump in my throat. “Yes,” I answer, my voice quivering as another tear falls down my cheek. “Yes!” I yell, leaning forward into Daniel’s waiting arms.

“Abso-fucking-lutely,” I whisper against his lips as I kiss him hard. This is not a polite, public peck. No, this moment deserves more than that. This is a full on, passionate, no holds barred kiss. I pour everything I have into this kiss, leaving him no doubt as to the certainty of my answer.

I sit back in my seat as he slips the gorgeous rock on my finger. He stands and holds out his hand for me, pulling me up and enveloping me in a huge hug. The crowd around us cheers loudly as Kate suddenly appears beside us.

“Congratulations, hon.”

“You … you … God, you were in on this, weren’t you?”

She gives me a sly smile, and I pull her into our hug.

Best birthday ever!

Chapter 1: “When I Grow Up”


Are you sitting down? You’ll need to be.

Brace yourself because it’s still sinking in for me, and I’ve had a year and two kids to get used to the idea.

I, Makenna Lewis, am getting married. Wed. Hitched. Becoming someone’s ball & chain. Speaking of balls, Daniel’s will be in my purse for the rest of his life. Nice thought, isn’t it?

Who would have thought that me, the eternal bachelorette repulsed by anything resembling an emotional commitment with a man, would meet her match.

But what a damn fine match he is.

I’m lying in bed, relishing in the deathly quiet house which, believe me, is a very rare occurrence these days.

Raking my eyes down the toned expanse of male back in front of me, I can’t resist the urge to touch the warm skin that tempts me. I mean, hello? If Daniel f**king Winters was lying face down, naked as the day he was born in your bed, wouldn’t you want to touch him? Do more than touch him? Exactly, I thought as much.

But hands off! He’s mine!

Well, he will be in exactly fourteen days, eight hours and thirty-five minutes.

And for the next thirty minutes or so, I plan on reminding him just why he’s marrying me.

One of the reasons anyway.

Propping my head up on my bent arm, I place my hand on his smooth chest and slowly run my fingers down his body, watching them rise and fall as he continues to feign sleep. Yes, I know he’s awake. The fact that he’s deathly quiet and his mouth is closed proves that fact. But I’ll let him continue the charade for as long as he is able to because in exactly five minutes or less my mouth is going to be occupying him. And there is no way Superman can resist tangling his fingers in my hair while he watches me take his c**k in my mouth.

Slowly moving my body down the bed, I trail my hand down to his hip, my finger tracing that delectable V that all women dream to have on their men. I’m one of the lucky ones who gets that daily, nightly … actually, whenever the twins let us. Anyway, back to the object at hand.

I decide to tease him, test his dedication to this pretend sleep business. I circle his now straining c**k with my hand, wrapping my fingers around him and stroking up and down achingly slow before releasing him and running my hand back up his abs.

“Don’t you f**king dare, gorgeous,” he murmurs huskily. The edge in his voice only serves to turn me on even more, so I decide it’s time to invite my mouth to the party. Bending my head down, I pepper his torso with wet, open-mouthed kisses as I move the short distance down to his pelvis.

“You want me to finish this?” I whisper just before I run the point of my tongue down his entire length, taking time to kiss him around the base gently, then moving my mouth back to the head of his c**k and wrapping my lips around him.
