Read Books Novel

Permanent Bliss

Permanent Bliss (Bliss #3.5)(3)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“Fuck! Please! I f**king love your mouth.”

I hum in approval as I bob my head up and down, increasing my speed as I lift my body up onto my knees beside him.

“I’m going to have to make you pay for waking me up.”

I pull my mouth off him and turn my head to meet his gaze, running my tongue around the tip and watching as his head drops back against his pillow with a groan. “Making me come isn’t exactly a punishment, Superman.”

He reaches over and grabs my hips, swinging them over his body so my knees are positioned on either side of his head. “Didn’t say how many times I’d do it, Mac. And besides, I’m starving and now I want breakfast in bed …”

Before I can give a smart ass retort, he buries his face in my pu**y, spearing his tongue inside me as his chin rubs against my clit, the friction of his stubble sending a fantastic jolt of pleasure through me. “Holy shit.”

I decide to take up the challenge, doubling my efforts as I take him deep, swallowing around him and relishing in the full body shudder it causes. Not to be outdone, I feel Daniel’s hands move around to my ass and pull me impossibly close as he tilts my hips and circles my clit with the tip of his tongue before sucking it hard, thrusting two fingers inside me at the same time. Unable to take anymore, I lay my head on his thigh as I cry out his name, my orgasm wracking my body. He continues to lick and suck slowly as I come back down to earth, catching my breath and quietly whimpering in satisfaction.

Before I know what’s happening, he’s pushing my legs forward and sitting up behind me, his arms wrapped around my chest and his hands cupping his favorite body part, my br**sts. Suddenly I’m being lifted up as he thrusts his c**k deep inside me, causing my head to drop back onto his shoulder and a guttural moan to escape my mouth.

“Gorgeous, you’re so wet. I love the feel of your pu**y wrapped around my cock, almost as good as your mouth.” I tense my kegels around him and he growls in response. “Okay, better than your mouth. Much f**king better.”

“Less … talk … more … sex,” I pant as we hit our stride, my hips dropping just as he bucks his up, pushing his impossibly hard length all the way inside me.

One of his hands teases my hard nipple while the other glides down between my legs as he frames my clit with two fingers and rubs hard, catapulting me head first into a second mind blowing orgasm. He thrusts himself to the hilt and releases inside me with a rumbling growl, my name an epitaph on his lips as he kisses my back and wraps his arms around my waist, taking me with him when he collapses back onto the bed.

“Morning, gorgeous,” he mutters breathlessly. I grunt a response, my body limp from coming twice in short succession but f**k if it wasn’t worth it.

“Fourteen days to go till you’re officially mine, gorgeous.”

“Can’t wait.” I turn my head and brush my lips against his before closing my eyes and relaxing against him.

Until I hear the tell-tale cry over the baby monitor.


Walking into the twins’ bedroom, I’m assaulted by an unholy stench then two matching smiles that would melt even the coldest hearts. Bless them, I couldn’t ever resist these two.

I step toward Jared first as the most likely offender of the dirty diaper. “Hey, baby boy, how are you today?” I receive a garbled response around a slobbery tiny fist, and I grin as I lift him out of his crib. Doing the lift and sniff trick that only a parent is ever willing to do, I determine it is in fact Jared who dealt it. Stepping over to the change table, I set about changing him before putting him down and walking over to my princess who is patiently waiting for me to finish dealing with her brother.

Giving me a look that tells me she has suffered long and hard this morning, she states loud and proud, “Dada!” then claps excitedly. And just like that, I’m wrapped tightly around her little finger. I would hang the moon for my little girl when she greets me like that.

“Hello, beautiful girl.” I hold my hands out and she mimics me, holding her arms out as well. I carry her over to the change table and change her diaper as well. I pick her up and look down to feel a tugging on my pant leg as Jared pulls himself up. With both twins in my arms, I walk down the hall to find Mac dressed and lying on top of the covers waiting for our morning tradition of family cuddles in bed.

Seeing the three most important people in my life so happy and content goes a long way to distract me from the stress in my life. It should be one of the happiest times in my life, but in all honesty, I’m a mess.

Two weeks until the wedding and life is not holding back any punches. Work is a nightmare, my mother is driving me insane with guest list changes and last minute requests, and not only is my best friend f**king my ex-girlfriend (old news,) he wants her to be his plus one. Then there is my deep-seated fear that Mac is going to bolt. I know it’s irrational, especially when nothing she’s done in the past eighteen months has given me any indication that she is unhappy or not committed to our future together but I remember the back and forward dance we had when we first met and part of me is waiting for the ball to drop.

Some days I still can’t believe that this beautiful woman is in love with me. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t lack self-confidence and can ego it up with the best of them. But when it comes to Mac, I’m more sensitive than most.

That woman and those twins are my entire world. They’re the reason I wake up in the morning and the reason I work my ass off to give them everything they could ever need or want. Mac doesn’t have to work, but she wants to which just makes me love her even more. We’re lucky that my sister lives nearby and watches the twins for us whenever we need childcare. We’re more blessed than most, but I have never taken it for granted.

Which probably explains why I’ve been walking on eggshells as the wedding draws near. How am I supposed to tell her that Noah wants to bring Nikki to our wedding as his DATE? I already lost my shit at him. I don’t care if he’s screwing her because I’ve known for years that Noah liked Nikki. But there is no way in hell Mac wants Nikki at our wedding. What woman would? My mother succeeded in wrangling an invite for Nikki’s parents because they are close family friends, but Mac and I drew the line at inviting my ex-girlfriend.

Ever since Mac saw her at the café with me, she’s been against me having any contact with Nikki and I’ve had absolutely no problem with that. So what am I supposed to say to Mac? “Gorgeous, Noah wants to bring Nikki as his plus one for our wedding. Do ya mind?”
