Read Books Novel


Author: A.L. Jackson

Where his personality lacked, he made up for in knowledge and clear competence. He took me through the forms and answered every question I had without the slightest hesitation.

He explained that Nicholas had been arrested the night before when he was discharged from the ER, only to be released on bail early this morning. He brusquely informed me I had no need to worry as I had already been granted the restraining order requested through his office.

He left with a promise that he foresaw no problems and expected this to be resolved quickly, especially in light of the domestic violence charges and that I was asking for none of Nicholas’s assets.

Daniel rose and shook Wil iam’s hand, thanking him while Wil iam told him he would be in touch by the beginning of the week with an update. He rushed from the room without looking back.

Daniel shrugged as he explained away his

attorney’s abruptness, “He’s the best.” We both laughed, releasing some of the pent up stress from the whirlwind meeting and the emotions of the past two days, both relieved in knowing that my legal bond to Nicholas would soon be broken.

During breakfast, Daniel stayed at my side. I could tel by his restlessness that he was antsy, torn between being here with me and with Andrew upstairs.

It was there again, the barrier, the wal that created a division between us, the wal that was there because his heart was now hopelessly divided. I knew the right thing to do would be tel him to go, but I found myself too selfish to speak the words.

There was a light tapping on the door. Erin peeked in, wielding an overnight bag filled with clothes and everything I would need to take a shower. “Brought you something.” She was a lifesaver. Nothing would feel better than washing this grime away. While the nurses had done the best they could with a sponge bath, it had done nothing to erase how dirty I felt from my ordeal of the day before.

Erin stepped in, looking relieved when she took in my appearance. “Oh, you look so much better today!” I looked at her, confused, having no recol ection of her visiting.

She laughed and walked across the room, waving her hand as if to tel me not to worry about it. “I stopped by last night, but you were completely out.” She swept in to give Daniel a quick hug before going to the other side of the bed. She sat by my side, curling one leg under her and facing me. She swept a lock of hair from my face so she could study me, reaching down to take my hand and rest it in her lap. “How are you really feeling?” she asked seriously, forever straightforward.

Even after all these years, I’d never dream of lying to Erin. Even though so much time had passed, she could still see straight through me. Our bond was still there, and she knew me just as wel as she had nine years ago. I still knew her, too, and it was clear she wasn’t asking about my physical condition. I grimaced and shrugged.

She patted my hand and stood. “Come on. Let’s get you into the shower.”

She rushed into the smal bathroom ahead of me, pulling toiletries from the bag and placing them in the shower. She turned on the water to all ow it to heat up while Daniel assisted me in standing for the first time since I had been brought to the hospital. I cringed with my first step, but as I continued to stretch out my cramped muscles, it felt wonderful.

Erin extended her hand and led me inside, shutting the door behind us, pushing forcefully on the shower curtain, and leaving it bunched at the far end of the shower. The warm and inviting steam filled the smal space.

My tired body wanted nothing more than to immerse itself under the therapeutic spray.

“Here.” Erin took my arm, turned me away from her, and tugged at the knots on the back of my gown. I could feel the hesitation in her movements and when she spoke.

“He’s beautiful, Melanie.”

I froze. The air heaving forcefully in and out of my lungs and the spil ing of water onto the hard shower tiles were the only sounds in the room.

Erin started to say more, but stopped, grabbed a towel from the rack, and placed it near the shower. She averted her eyes as I stepped into the shower and pulled the curtain between us. I submersed my head in the water, breathing deeply as I relaxed into the hot spray that fel on my head and ran down my back.

“You know that he loves you?”

I stal ed, pulling my head from the water and looking at her shadowed form.


“Then don’t be afraid.”

Her hand pressed against the curtain and I pressed my own against hers, wishing I could take her words and live them. I just didn’t know how.

She pushed harder and whispered, “Love you.” She dropped her hand and left me alone with my whirlwind of emotions.

I stepped back into the spray and pushed

thoughts of Daniel’s son away to give my heart and mind a moment’s reprieve from the pain. For this short time, I would relish in the fact that I would soon be going home, that I was now free, and that Daniel loved me no matter what happened.

Truly, a shower had never felt better. The hot water seemed to melt away the tension, and as I washed away the dirt and dried blood from my body, it was almost as if I washed away yesterday’s events. I watched as the tinted water swirled and pooled on the tiles, spinning and circling through the drain. The water finally ran clear, and with it, my soul was freed of Nicholas’s chains forever.

I knew he had scarred me so much deeper than I’d ever admitted. Of course, I was aware I had been treated badly, but I’d never all owed myself to see just how abusive he was. I didn’t know if my broken heart had blinded me to fact or if I felt I deserved nothing better. Either way, none of those things made what Nicholas had done okay. He was an abuser who needed to be held accountable for what he’d done, and I’d stand up in court to be sure that happened. Beyond that, though, I promised myself I would never dwel on the last nine years. I was determined to step from this shower and never look back; only taking with me the valuable lessons I had learned.

I toweled myself dry and slipped into the dark jeans, red sweater, and black flats Erin had so thoughtfully brought for me. I brushed my teeth and pulled the hairbrush repeatedly through my wet hair. I glanced at my reflection in the foggy mirror and saw my injuries for the first time, thankful that they had not been worse.

When I stepped out, Daniel was speaking with my attending doctor. They turned their attention to me. I sat back on the bed, and Dr. Lemmons checked me over once more, assuring me that everything looked great. He signed my release papers and wrote me a prescription for pain medication, tel ing me to have my stitches removed in ten days.
