Read Books Novel

Redeem Me

Redeem Me (Kin #6)(10)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I let out a short, air-filled laugh. “We talk about our future, but it’s a long time away for us. I’ve got years of school left, and Parker’s only priority is getting into the NFL. There’s no time for us to even consider something like that currently.”

Ashley leaned over and kissed her son. “Well, when you do decide to take that step, make sure you’re ready for sleepless nights, and never havin’ the bed to yourself again. There are times when I wonder how women keep birthin’ children. My two are hard enough. Have you seen that show where a couple has like twenty kids? That’s just insane.”

I hadn’t seen the show, but it wasn’t surprising since I didn’t watch television. I had too much studying to do to occupy myself with something irrelevant to my future. At times I sat next to Parker, who enjoyed all sorts of shows, mostly titles that were comedy, instead of real life news. He also spent half of his life tuned to the sports stations, watching highlights of games, and learning about other sport-related news.

“Twenty children sound like madness to me. I’d be happy with two children, after I was made partner at my dad’s firm, of course.”

Ashley gave me this look, as if what I’d said had rubbed her the wrong way. All I could think about was what Parker had told me about the woman. She had skeletons in her closet that caused a lot of problems for the Hutchinson family. Yet, they’d all seemed to have brushed them under the rug. I couldn’t understand why they’d forgive her, but not their own son. “Forgive me for asking, but do you know anything about Parker and his dad? Has Shayne said anything to you about why they no longer get along?”

I watched her body language change instantly, letting me know that she definitely knew something. What was with this family being so secretive? It only made me more intrigued to learn to truth. Call me inquisitive or just plain nosey, but something was going on, and in order to mend my relationship with Parker, I needed to figure it out.

“I’m sorry, Cameron. I try not to get involved with their family problems. It took me a long enough time for them to accept that I loved their son. Meddlin’ wouldn’t turn out good for me. Why do you ask anyway? Is somethin’ wrong? Has Parker said somethin’ to peak your interest?”

“No.” I shook my head. “He won’t talk to me about it. We always told each other everything, and I thought he trusted me. There’s obviously something going on, he just refuses to let me in. I’m afraid it might ruin our relationship if it continues.”

“For your sake I hope it doesn’t. You’re good for Parker. Maybe it would be better to not dwell on the past and look toward the future. I had to learn that the hard way.”

“I’ve heard about what you went through. It’s a miracle you’re alive. You’re very lucky.” She was never expected to recover as much as she had. Parker had told me that. He also said that she’d lost some memories, and the doctors had told her she may never get them back. Frankly, that helped her with letting go. Unfortunately, my situation was different. I was determined to fix my boyfriend, no matter who I had to cross to figure out what it was that was broken.

Chapter 7


Cameron was being exceptionally problematic during the baby shower. When she walked away to play with Eli I had to ignore the way it made me feel. I knew they were my brother’s children, and even though I’d gotten past that, it didn’t make it less awkward when I was around them. For the most part I was scared to interact with them, on account of knowing what my family might be thinking. Plus I couldn’t let my brother feel threatened. No matter what happened I’d never try to take them from him.

This visit home was going worse with my girlfriend breathing down my back. It was like it didn’t make a difference where I turned, I couldn’t get free of being consumed with guilt. It only reminded me again how my life was better off out of Maryland and away from my family. It was sad to admit it to myself, but it was the hard truth. I had to keep my distance, no matter how difficult it was.

Cameron pressed me for information the entire ride home. By the time we arrived back at the college I was ready to get away from her, which was unusual. Normally she was my rock, except now she’d become a pain in my ass; a constant reminder of what I was trying so hard to overcome.

Ashley had come to me and told me how she was asking questions. She and Shayne were worried about the repercussions if she found out the truth, and what it would mean for their happy family. Cameron couldn’t understand that her prying was putting my whole family on high alert. Our secret was to stay buried for a reason.

What I wished she could understand was that I wasn’t that guy anymore. I knew what I’d done to my brother, and my family. I knew the pain I’d caused everyone, and I promised myself that I’d never do that again.

My dilemma was getting Cameron to see that without explaining the reason. Seeing as that was going to be impossible, I didn’t know what else to do but end things with her.

As much as it was going to hurt me, I knew I didn’t have a choice. I had to do this for my family, because even if they never fully forgave me, I’d need to be able to forgive myself.

I didn’t sleep that night, and when Cameron called me in the morning she could probably tell that something was up. I was extremely melancholy, and with the knowledge of what was about to happen lingering over my head, I couldn’t exactly seem interested in small talk.

I dressed and prepared to meet her for breakfast, like we did each morning. Forcing myself to walk across campus and break her heart was damn near impossible. I loved this girl, more than I’d ever loved anyone before. When I looked into those eyes of hers I saw my future, the only life I wanted. Ending things was like committing suicide in many ways. I was ending my life as I knew it, and my girlfriend was holding the rope.

I sat down at the table across from her, watching her slide a tray of food in my direction. Her smile beckoned me, reminding me of all the reasons that I fell in love with her in the first place. This wasn’t just a girlfriend that I enjoyed getting into my bed. Cameron was the one for me. She knew me better than I knew myself, and that’s why we were in this predicament. She wasn’t going to stop until she found out the truth.

This had to be done.

I reached across the table and grabbed her hand, causing her immediate alarm. “I need to talk to you.”

She raised her brow, seemingly amused by my announcement. “Are you finally going to tell me the truth?”
