Read Books Novel

Redeem Me

Redeem Me (Kin #6)(17)
Author: Jennifer Foor

She was an intelligent woman, who could quickly come up with a way to hurt me. I deserved it for sure, but couldn’t fathom the idea of her actually going through with such a plan. There was no way that my sweet girlfriend would stoop so low to sleep with another man for revenge, or maybe I didn’t know her as well as I thought I had. It was also possible that I’d destroyed that innocent girl, and turned her into someone who would go to extremes to get my attention, or prove a point.

She had my full attention.

I was losing my shit over the phone call. Before I knew it, I was in my car on the way to the mountains. I was going to track her down, and get her back, because this turn of events was only proving that I couldn’t live without her.

Chapter 12


I think from the moment my feet came off the elevator I was having anxiety. My decision to sleep with Seth was leaving a bad taste in my mouth already. We walked until we reached the number to his room, and I watched as he stuck the key card into the slot. The door opened and he turned to face me with knowledge of what was to transpire. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

I pushed him inside the room, holding his jacket sleeves for control. "You and I both know you want this, Seth. Stop trying to change my mind. I need to forget, and you said you could make it happen."

There was no reply needed as he picked me up and carried me further into the room, toward his bed. We stared at each other for a few seconds before either of us made a move. The moment only intensified when he leaned forward kissing me directly on the lips. I started to pull away, but then was caught up in the process of actually feeling someone wanting to be with me again. Parker’s betrayal didn’t just hurt me, it left me scarred. He may not have cheated on me, but he’d cheated on our future. Seth was here to make the hurt dissipate, and I was resolute to not fight him.

I wanted to get caught up in desire, not knowing what was to come, and where it would lead me. For once I wanted to be spontaneous, willing to take risks to achieve a common release.

That’s exactly what happened. In one quick swoop I was lying flat on my back. He lingered over me looking down at my body while I was still clothed. I didn’t know whether to touch him or to just let him do all the work. Since Parker was the only man I’ve ever been with sexually this was all new to me. I didn’t know whether this man would want me to touch him or if he wanted to be in full control. With my lack of experience, I probably seemed like a lost puppy.

While I laid flat on the bed, I watched as Seth begin taking off his jacket. He watched me when he loosened his tie and unfastened the buttons to his shirt, removing it next. I sat up on my elbows, noticing the patch of hair on his chest. It was something that Parker didn’t possess. Seth was a distinguished man. He was successful, and knew what he wanted.

After biting down on my lip, focusing on what was to come next, I watched him walk across the room and bend over to access the mini-bar. He pulled out a soda with two tiny bottles of liquor. “You look like you could use another drink, Cameron. Are you sure you’re okay?”

I stayed in the same position. “Yes. I’m a little nervous.”

Seth brought a glass over, stirring it with his fingertip. When he pulled it out and handed me mine, he ran his finger over my mouth. I must have seemed like a fool at first; finally realizing that he wanted me to taste it. I closed my eyes and sucked it in between my lips. The rush of flavor was strong, reminding me that the glass I held was definitely potent enough to take the edge off. I released his finger and downed my beverage, knowing he was watching my every move.

Seth took the empty glass from me, finishing his off before placing them both on the dresser. He then stood in front of me, unbuckling his belt. “Take your clothes off, Cameron.”

Right away I felt uncomfortable. “You want me to undress right now?”

“I can do it for you, if that’s what you prefer.”

He wasn’t being sympathetic, and I didn’t know whether I should be flattered or feel threatened. “I prefer going slow, if that’s okay with you.”

His shoulders relaxed and he spun around to sit down on the bed next to me. “We don’t have to do this.”

“I want to.” I reached for his arm, letting my fingertips glide over his hairy skin. “I’ve only been with one person.”

“You’re right. Sorry. I’m not used to taking things slow. Forgive me for being selfish.” He slid off the bed and kneeled between my legs. I stayed on my elbows, fully aware of his new ambitions.

“I can’t stop shaking.”

Seth ran both hands up my legs until he reached my thighs. “You don’t have to be scared. I won’t hurt you.”

I couldn’t stop thinking of Parker, and our first time together. He’d told me the same thing, and although it had gotten uncomfortable, he’d kept his promise. “I just want to go slow.” I felt like such an immature kid saying it out loud. I didn’t even want to imagine what was going through this man’s head.

He smiled and let his hands linger over the waist to my pants. Once he’d coasted them off of my hips I knew there was no turning back. The air hit my bare skin, letting me know how exposed I was becoming. My lips parted the moment his fingers traipsed over the fabric of my panties. “I remember when you were sixteen, and we were working that case at your parent’s house. I saw you one night, heading into the kitchen in just a nightgown. I tried not to look, but you reached up and got something out of the cabinet, giving me a full view of your ass, in panties similar to these. I wanted to walk right in there and take you from behind, even though I knew it was illegal. You were so damn sexy.”

I wiggled my legs a tiny bit, wondering if and when he was going to infringe his fingers underneath the fabric to my underwear. Admittedly, it was enticing hearing about him watching me years ago. My ni**les started to tingle, making me fully aware that he was turning me on with little effort. In the midst of being overwhelmed with strange feelings, the alcohol made an appearance, heating up my stomach as it entered. In a natural reaction, I yearned to be touched more; to feel the physical contact of someone that desired me. He grabbed my arms, tugging me to a sitting position on the bed. Since he was still kneeling, we sat face to face. His dark eyes never left mine as he made his move in to kiss me again. I savored the way his lips felt over mine, and how the stubble of his five-o’clock shadow tickled my skin. Our tongues brushed, then began mingling together at a constant pace. He tasted of alcohol as I sucked on his bottom lip. He tugged out of my grasp, looking at me with a surprised smirk. “That’s the Cameron I want to see. Let yourself go. Give and you shall receive.”
