Read Books Novel

Redeem Me

Redeem Me (Kin #6)(18)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I snickered, imagining me doing things to him on my own, without being persuaded. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to. In fact I did. I wanted to be consumed in the moment, so much that I didn’t dwell on any of my other problems.

Seth lifted my shirt over my head, leaving me in only a bra and panties. He licked his lips before tracing the lace on the edge of my bra. I watched my chest moving as my breathing became rapid. His eyes stayed fixed on my skin, and the way his touch gave me goose bumps. A tiny moan escaped my lips when he tugged on the cup, releasing my nipple to be in view. “Oh yeah. Excuse me while I just…” He sank down, sucking my hardened tip in between his teeth. I watched them dragging over my sensitive skin. While savoring the moment, I became fully aware of what was to come. To my dismay, I began to panic, pushing this sexy man off of me.

“I’m sorry. I just need a minute.”

That one minute turned into many more. I ended up running into the bathroom, closing the door, and splashing cold water over my face. What was I doing?

A distinct knock came from the door, and I heard Seth addressing me. “Cameron, are you okay in there?”

I opened the door, seeing him standing there shirtless waiting for me. This was my last chance to change my mind. While fighting back the tears from both fear and anxiousness, I took two steps forward, breaking the distance between us. My hands grasped his pants, while our lips connected together. He picked me up with ease, carrying me back into the bedroom area. Instead of laying me back down on the bed, he sat me on the dresser, reaching around to unhook my bra. I felt it loosening, and watched as he backed away to remove it. Now, instead of just a nipple, he was staring at everything I had. Instinctively, I tried to cover up with my hands. He removed them, shaking his head while never taking his eyes off of them. It made me uncomfortable seeing him so mesmerized by parts of my body, almost like they were some prize he’d worked hard to acquire. “Stop doing that.”

He sneered. “What?”


“I prefer the word ogling.”

I gave him a cynical gaze. “It’s the same thing.”

All of the sudden his face became stern. His brows furrowed, and he seemed conflicted. “I need to know you want this, because you’re confusing the shit out of me. I don’t want to make love to you, and have you run to your father claiming I took advantage of you.”

I slid off the dresser, tugging him to follow me to the opposite side of the room. As our lips met, we both dropped down on the mattress. I climbed on top of him, keeping my eyes closed so I didn’t lose focus, because I was with a new partner.

“Indulge yourself in this, Cameron.”

I was certainly trying to. I let my body slide down off the bed as I pulled his pants with me. His bulge was apparent from beneath his boxer shorts, and I had to admit that I was eager to see the package that awaited me. I licked my lips as my hands traveled back up to the elastic of his underwear. I tugged them down, freeing his erection immediately. Hunger struck as I placed my eyes on his girth. I kissed his thigh while aiming my stare on what was right in front of me, begging for attention. My knees weakened when I tried to stand up to climb on the bed. I was aware of my body shaking, but chose to ignore it and progress with the task at hand, literally.

It was apparent that he expected me to please him orally, except I wasn’t ready to open myself up to such an emotional connection. To me that was something special. I knew it was part of intimacy, albeit I couldn’t allow everything I’d shared with Parker to become less memorable. I needed some things to stay precious. He was obviously the first man I’d done that to, and I was determined that the next man would be my husband.

Seth didn’t seem to mind when I found his lips again. He flipped us around, only because he wanted to remove my panties. Just as I was fully exposed, completely naked, there was a knock on the door. “Cameron, I know you’re in there.”

I jumped off the bed, grabbing my shirt to cover my body.

It couldn’t be him.

Parker couldn’t be here.

Seth seemed irritated as he looked to me for a response. I shook my head, hopelessly thinking of what I wanted to do.

I had two obvious choices.

I could get dressed and spend the rest of the night crying to Parker so he didn’t think I was some tramp, who’d rebounded immediately after our breakup.

I could ignore the door and give into temptation, because I deserved to be happy. Seth didn’t lie to me. He’d wanted me for years, and I’d spent too long living in a bubble.

“Oh my god. That’s my boyfriend. How did he know I was here?”

“I don’t know, but I’m about to find out.” Unfortunately, Seth took matters into his own hands, without running it by me first. He wrapped himself in a towel and headed for the door. I sat on the bed, staring at the ground while listening.

“Can I help you, kid?”

“Whatever, man. I’m looking for Cameron.”

“What makes you think I know this Cameron?”

“Well, for starters, the purse I bought her last year for our anniversary was sitting out here in the hallway. Is she in there?”

“No. She’s not in here. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m getting back to my shower.” I heard the door close and saw Seth walking back in my direction. The tears were already streaming out from my eyes.

When I looked up at Seth he was smiling. “I should have known it was too good to be true.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Get dressed, Cameron. I’m not in the mood to deal with all this drama. Maybe in a couple years, after you’ve grown out of this part of your life, we’ll try again.”

He walked into the bathroom, leaving me there all alone. I cried while redressing, trying to come to grips with what could have happened, and what I was now left to deal with.

Parker had come to the resort to talk to me, and now I had to explain exactly what I was doing; not because I owed it to him, but because I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t.

Chapter 13


I’d driven all that way not knowing how I was going to find her. The barmaid wasn’t very forthcoming, until I told her it as an emergency. She hesitated before pulling the receipt for Cameron’s tab, which she always charged to her room number. I beat on her door, begging for her to acknowledge me, only to be let down when she never answered. It wasn’t until I was leaving that I saw her purse leaning up against the wall at the opposite end of the hallway. After looking inside I saw her phone and identification. It was just dumb luck that there was a door right next to it.
