Read Books Novel

Redeem Me

Redeem Me (Kin #6)(25)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I closed my eyes shortly after our conversation, content with knowing that someday we’d have a family. As my body dozed off my thoughts were of a fantasy that I’d built in my mind, a daydream of sorts. Parker was a loving husband. I was a lawyer, of course. We had three children, one of which was a little girl. She had his bright blue eyes, and a set of sugar-bowl dimples. Her blonde hair was full of ringlet curls, and they bounced as she ran to jump into his arms. His hug was the most beautiful act of love that I’d ever witnessed, and I suddenly felt complete inside, like there was nothing more I could ever want for.

I knew it was just an envious fantasy that I’d concocted in my head, but it felt so real. I wanted that life, and someday we’d make it happen.

Chapter 17


Last night when Cameron had held little Lyla, my dad pulled me aside to whisper his opinions in my ear. He made it clear that watching me hold the baby made him angry inside, because I’d given up my own. After feeling so emotional over holding her, I knew I couldn’t let myself feel that again.

All I was to my dad was a disappointment, and this new addition to our family made it more obvious.

I would have liked to been able to spend more time with my sister, but knew it was best if we left before things got intense. Shayne seemed fine about me bringing Cameron back into my life, and with his approval alone; it was enough progress for me with this visit.

Even after I’d gotten halfway back to campus there was one thing on my mind. Cameron seemed to be crazy about the baby. I’d never seen her so captivated by anything before. I knew she’d never been around many little children, so it was all a new experience, but seeing her standing in the nursery was an eye-opener. I didn’t want her getting some crazy notion to go off her birth control pills and see what would come of it. She needed to know that having a baby with me right now was the worst mistake of her life. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what my family would do if that happened.

I felt content when she fell asleep, leaving me to a quiet car to calm my nerves. I knew it was just excitement getting her all worked up, but it still worried me enough to where I couldn’t clear my head.

Once we arrived back at the college Cameron announced that she needed to go back to her room to study for an anticipated test. I wasn’t too concerned about seeing her off, since my mind was in disarray. We kissed goodbye and I watched her walk into her building before driving her car over to where the frat house was located. Cameron didn’t care since we drove everywhere together anyway.

My room seemed entirely too empty without her around, so rather than beg her to come spend the night, I decided to go to sleep. Rest would make me feel better, and hopefully get over the strange feelings that I couldn’t seem to shake.


It didn’t matter how many times he’s reassured me. Parker was acting weird again. I knew it all stemmed from that secret he was keeping, and as much as I’d promised myself not to pry, I couldn’t help but wonder if there was something I could do to make it all better.

I’d told a little lie to Parker to keep from spending the night. I’d already pretty much memorized the topics on the upcoming test. The only reason I wanted to go back to my room was because I felt irritated. My head was pounding, and I knew I’d have to deal with my parents before I could even think about actually going to sleep.

After changing into some comfortable clothes I turned on my phone and listened to the slew of messages left by them. To say they weren’t pleased with my decisions would have been an understatement. I believe one of their threats included them taking my car away.

Now I realize that they paid for the vehicle, but Parker had been right to say that they were in total control over me. I was an adult, and they were still punishing me as if I were a child. It made me wonder if they were ever the adorning type of parents that I’d imagined them being when I was an infant. I wondered if they’d ever swooned over me, or talked like a baby just to see me smile. For as far back as I could recall I only remembered them being serious. It saddened me to think about my childhood like it was a military camp, as if their only reason for getting pregnant was out of some long-term business decision.

Who does that?

With great regret I dialed my father’s number, prepared for his wrath.

“It’s about time. Do you mind telling me what the hell is going on? We didn’t teach you to have this kind of behavior, young lady.”

I pinched my nose to relieve the pressure. “I’m sorry. Parker and I resolved our problems, and then his sister went into labor.” I may have lied about the reason for leaving, but she did have the baby that night.

The line was silent for a second. “This doesn’t excuse your actions at the resort, Cameron. You are aware that you were in public wearing nothing but a towel. A member of my firm saw you. Do you have any idea what kind of damage that can do to your future?”

I was so angry that he’d brought Seth into the conversation. “If you’re talking about Seth then I can assure you he won’t say anything.”

“What gives you that impression?” Leave it to my father to not take my word for it.

“Because he’s the reason I was naked in the first place, Dad. Are you happy now? Is that what you wanted to hear? Did you really want to know that before Parker showed up I was in Seth’s room?”

“Seth Anderson asked me if he could court you a long time ago, so no, it doesn’t surprise me. What surprises me are your actions. What made you invite Parker to the lodge?”

I had to find an idea that would bring it all together. “I wanted to make him jealous, so I used Seth to my advantage.”

“I’m very disappointed in you, Cameron.”

“Really, because I learned to be sneaky from watching you win cases. I think you’re just surprised that I’m being honest about it.” Which I certainly wasn’t.

“This is unacceptable. I will not have my daughter whoring herself around a ski resort.”

I let out a sigh. “I didn’t sleep with your associate, and I didn’t sleep with Parker that night either. It’s sad that you’d throw your own daughter under the bus, calling me with such ridiculous threats to get your way. Parker was right. It’s time I stand up for myself, and do what I want with my life.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked.

“I’ll let you know once I have it all figured out. Goodbye, Dad. Tell Mom I’ll be calling soon.” I hung up the phone shaking so bad that I clapped my hands together to keep from noticing it so much. I didn’t know whether I wanted to laugh or cry.
