Read Books Novel

Redeem Me

Redeem Me (Kin #6)(40)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Chapter 27


Being with my brother and his family had been enlightening. Watching him interact with the children always felt weird, but knowing that I had a baby on the way helped me. It was imperative that I took into consideration that I’d soon have my own family to care for. Maybe it would help me to overcome the hard feelings that I had when I was around the twins.

At the end of the day they were going to remain my niece and nephew. I’d get to watch them grow, and give them presents for their birthdays and Christmas. I’d get to be a part of their lives, even if I wasn’t the person they called ‘daddy’. It was enough for me.

Cameron was acting weird over the phone, then once I arrived home it was apparent that something was bothering her. With everything we’d gone through it wasn’t surprising that she was acting different. I think sometimes she got cabin fever. My mom had been taking her out a couple times a week to get some exercise, and fresh air.

She’d done well adapting to the changes, and every day we discussed our future. We’d decided to marry within the next month, after she had her sonogram to tell us what we were having. We were still several weeks away from that eventful visit, so we had time to deal with school.

Cameron had been on edge with finals coming up. She’d missed several classes, claiming that it would be an issue for the exam, but to be honest I was sure she knew just as much as the professor himself. The girl had read as a hobby. She was so highly intelligent, and I never doubted her ability to achieve what she set out to do.

Since sex was out of the question, I’d resorted to cuddling up next to her to show her affection. On this particular night she was being ridiculously distant. Within no time she’d fallen asleep, not even really acknowledging that I was holding her.

It took a while for me to finally fall asleep. I felt like my mind was running in a million places. At the end of the day all I needed was in this room lying next to me. She’d probably never know how much she’d changed me. I just hoped that I could be the man she deserved.


I pretended to be asleep so that he’d leave me alone. I knew it was a lie, and I hated reverting to that kind of action, but I needed space. At the moment I was so repulsed by Parker that I knew it would cause more harm to address it.

I woke up early, still uncomfortable being so close to him. While Parker slept, I got up and dressed. His aunt would be making breakfast, and having her morning coffee. Sometimes we’d sit out on the large front porch watching the hummingbirds come into the feeders they had hanging up. They were amazing to watch in action, so quick and accurate.

I snuck out the door to our little apartment and walked down the path that lead to the farmhouse. Ford’s mother must have seen me approaching. She walked inside and came out with a tray of pancakes and fruit juice. “Good mornin’, Cameron. I hope you’re hungry.”

“I am. Thank you. It’s beautiful today,” I exclaimed.

“It sure is. Although, every day is beautiful to me. I’ve been through a lot of evil, so every single day is a blessin’ for me.”

I couldn’t put my finger on the exact reason that I liked this woman so much. Parker had told me all about her previous addictions. He’d also explained how the family had brought her back from the brink of death. It reminded me that no matter what the reason, they always stuck together. It was that kind of support that I wanted my child to grow up knowing.

As I sat down to eat I felt fluttering in my stomach. I’d read that it was the first signs of movement during pregnancy. I giggled, while putting my hand down over my bare skin. “I think I just felt the baby moving.”

She smiled and folded her hands together, putting them up to her face. “That’s so excitin’. I’ll never forget feelin’ my kids movin’ around. Soon Parker will be able to feel it too.”

As the fluttering continued I became overwhelmed with excitement. My baby was alive, and while still growing inside of me, I’d felt that first sign of life myself. I immediately began to cry. All of my emotions were coming into play, reminding me how important every decision was going to be to my future. Just considering going back to my parents last night had filled me with regret. This baby was alive, and it was mine. There was no way I’d ever be able to give it up willingly. The route of running back home wasn’t an option.

Since I was so angry with Parker I knew I was going to have to address what I’d discovered. I couldn’t stay in that small apartment feeling like he’d only betrayed my trust. Another problem that was bothering me was the fact that he’d been struggling with getting back into the good graces of his family. With my recent pregnancy changing things, I wondered if he’d only changed his mind about becoming a parent because he somehow knew they’d forgive him for his mistakes. If that was the case than he was just using me and the baby. I’d never be able to accept that.

A little later I watched Parker walking on the path toward the farm house. I’d been sitting alone for a while, trying to figure out the best way to handle this predicament. My heart skipped a beat when he stood in front of me, leaning down to kiss me slowly. I kept my eyes open, afraid that if I closed them I’d be captivated by his actions. I couldn’t lose myself in him, not until all of the cards had been laid out on the table.

“We need to talk.”

He sat down next to me. “Okay. You seem upset about somethin’. Is it your dad? I told you, he’s got no clue where we are.”

I shook my head and stared down at my hands, hoping that I could be open-minded enough to hear him out. “Parker, I love you, and I know I promised not to ask ever again, but as your wife-to-be, I think I have a right to know. What’s the secret?”

I saw his body tense, as he looked out at the field next to us. “Don’t start this again, Cam. Everything’s good between us.”

“I want you to tell me, or there won’t be a wedding.” My lips started trembling as the words came out of my mouth. I had a grand to my name, nothing to show for, and a little one that was going to be born before I couldn’t make enough to prepare for him or her. This wasn’t something I was taking lightly.

He scratched his head, shuffling around in his seat, showing me just how uncomfortable he was. “If I could tell you, I would. Trust me, it’s not just my secret to tell.”

My left eyebrow cocked, as I peered right at him. “If it’s not your secret then why did it cause strain between you and your family? Instead of lying to me, you need to come clean. Look at me, Parker. I’m pregnant. I’m carrying your child. Do you really want to risk me leaving for a secret? You can trust me.”
