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Redeem Me

Redeem Me (Kin #6)(44)
Author: Jennifer Foor

The sun was already starting to set in the horizon. It reminded me of a time we’d gone out for dinner, then parked and watched the sun go down behind a mountain. It was a perfect night, and we’d made love until the sun started to come up again.

I wondered if I’d have that again. She’d still not been cleared to have sex, and even though I knew it was for her health, I hated waiting. Now she had another reason to reject me.

I walked inside of the old farmhouse, smelling something cooking immediately. My aunt walked out of the kitchen with oven mitts on both hands. “Hey, Parker. Is Cam back yet? Dinner’s just about done.”

“Is she back? I thought she was with you.”

My aunt shook her head. “No. Some car came and picked her up earlier. I just assumed that you knew where she was going.”

Panic hit me immediately. “What did the car look like?”

“Well, it was far away. I supposed it was some kind of black sedan.”

“It was a Jaguar. I thought the person was lost, but he said he was here to pick up Cameron,” my uncle stated as he walked out of the powder room with a newspaper in his hands.

“A Jaguar. Are you sure?” I was already shaking.

“Yeah. I know my cars. It was definitely a Jaguar, why?”

“Shit. That was Cam’s dad. Did you see them leavin’? Was he forcin’ her in the vehicle?”

“Nope. She got into the passenger side all by herself. If I saw her strugglin’ I would have said something’. She seemed fine, Parker.”

“I’ve got to go.” I ran out of the house, desperate to find out what was going on. Once I was back inside of the apartment, I managed to find my phone. I dialed the number, trying so hard to not freak out. His voice filled the other end of the phone. “Mr. Hynson, may I please speak to Cameron.” I had to keep my cool if I wanted to hear her voice, otherwise he’d hang up.

“Why should I let you talk to her? You should be ashamed of yourself for keeping my daughter in those conditions. It’s a good thing she called me to come get her.”

I felt like shit. Cameron was so angry at me that she’d called her father to come and retrieve her. She didn’t want to be with me. “She called you?”

“That’s what I said. My daughter is sleeping. When or if she wants to talk to you, I’ll forward the message. Until then, I’d suggest that you not call this number.”

“That’s my child she’s carryin’. I’ve got every right to call her.”

I heard shuffling and then muffled voices. Just as I was about to give up hope, I heard her voice. “Parker?”

“Hey. Are you okay?” It felt so good to hear her voice.

“I’m fine. I’d appreciate it if you took my father’s advice. Don’t call me anymore. We’re through, Parker.”

“We can’t be through. You’re carryin’ my child.”

“I’m giving the baby up for adoption, and getting on with my life. It’s for the best. I can’t trust you, and that’s never going to change. I almost wish I never met you, so I didn’t have to go through this pain.”

“Wait! Babe, please don’t talk like that. Is he makin’ you say these things? Just answer yes or no. I love you. I won’t let you give up our child, Cam. Please tell me the truth. Tell me this is all to appease him. Tell me you still love me.”

“Goodbye, Parker.”

She hung up with no explanation. I knew I’d hurt her, but to go to such extremes to rid herself of me without a good talk made no sense. I knew Cameron, and this wasn’t how she handled problems.

Once again I felt myself breaking down. I’d thought that it couldn’t get any worse, but I’d been wrong again. Cam had left me, and no matter what her reasoning, she’s asked me to stay out of her life.

I thought about our baby; a child she’d said she was giving up. It made no sense. I knew she was scared, but she loved that baby already. Why would she say that when she knew it was part of my big secret. I was conflicted.

My aunt came inside of the apartment. I turned to face her as she spoke. “Are you okay? Do I need to call your dad?”

I shook my head. “No. Cam left. She said she’s givin’ our kid up for adoption and she’s done with me.”

My aunt sat down next to me, placing her hand over mine. “I find that hard to believe. She felt the baby movin’ this mornin’. I saw the light in her eyes when it happened. There’s no way she’d make a decision so quickly after that tender moment. Are you sure she’s just not angry about somethin’? Perhaps you made her angry enough to want to scare you?”

I sat there replaying our conversation in my head. Cameron was highly intelligent. If she’d been lying to protect me from something then there would have been a hint in our conversation.

That’s when it hit me.

Even if Cam was furious with my past, she wouldn’t have told her parents. Instead, she would have made something else up. If she was threatening to give the baby up for adoption it would please her parents to be rid of me. As angry as she was, she never would have threatened me with that, not after knowing about the twins. This had to be a sign. She had to be sending me a message in that conversation. Again, she’d not answered yes or no. That was another clue, and had I not known my girlfriend so well I wouldn’t have figured it out.

“I need to go.”

My aunt stood up with me. “Where are you goin’?”

“To get my girlfriend back. Her dad’s holdin’ somethin’ over her head. I don’t know what it is, but I’m willin’ to bet it has to do with me. I’ll be damned if he’s goin’ to tear us apart.”

“Parker, don’t do somethin’ you’ll regret. You’ve got a chance to make it big, boy. Don’t mess it up.”

I kissed her on the cheek. “I appreciate that, but I’m startin’ to see that there’s more important things in life than professional football. I’ve got a child on the way, and I’m goin’ to be there no matter what I have to give up.”

Chapter 30


This couldn’t be happening to me; not like this. I may have been angry, but I didn’t want Parker to think I hated him. While speaking to him on the phone I had to be careful with my words. My dad stood over me, watching me like a hawk to its prey.

I could only hope that Parker read between the lines. He had to know this wasn’t my doing. If I would have left him I’d have left a note. I’d have heard him out before doing something so desperate. He knew how I felt about my parents. They were the last two people on the planet that I wanted to be around.
