Read Books Novel

Redeem Me

Redeem Me (Kin #6)(45)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“I hate you for this. I hope you know that. You can throw whatever you want at me, but I refuse to let you win. I’m not going to law school. Your high hopes of me taking over the family business are long gone. Do I make myself clear? I’m done with you. You’ve ruined my life. You’ve taken away my childhood, and now you’re destroying my chances of happiness. This unforgivable act is the reason that you’ll never be a part of my child’s life.”

“This is just you being angry. You’ll come to your senses.”

“Screw you! Screw both of you. I despise you. You’re not parents. This is not a government. It’s my life. The day I turned eighteen I had a choice. You’ve got no hold over me.”

“Don’t force me to have that boy put in jail.”

“I’m here to protect him. Don’t you see that? I’d die before I let you ruin him. He’s a good man, and I’ll love him for the rest of my life. This baby inside of me is proof of that. Do what you want to me, but you’re not touching my child, and I’ll be damned if you’re hurting Parker.” This was my life, and I wasn’t going to be told what was supposed to happen. They weren’t taking away Parker’s dreams because of me. I’d push him away to keep him safe, and when the time is right, I’d break free.

I retreated to my room after the conversation, hoping and praying that Mary, our housekeeper would somehow help me escape again. My parents were very mistaken if they thought they had any right to adopt out my child. I was a grown woman, and this was my choice.

I sat in my room, writing a letter to Parker. He needed to know that I wanted what was best for him. I’d fight to protect our baby, but I wanted him to succeed with his football career. I wouldn’t be their prisoner forever. Once I knew Parker was out of danger, I’d find him and we could be a family, if he still wanted me. I knew that after my baby was born everything would change. I may have been temporarily stuck, but it wasn’t going to last forever.

Dear Parker:

I hope this letter finds you well. If you’re receiving this then it’s probably been a while since we last spoke. I’m sorry for the hardships that you’ve endured after my departure. If I had a way to go back in time perhaps I would have done things differently.

I never meant to hurt you, or lead you on. This pregnancy caused us to act so quickly. I’ve never seen myself as anything except a lawyer, but that’s all changed now. You were right about everything. I never wanted to be an attorney. In fact, I never really wanted to be anything. It’s taken this pregnancy to prove that to me. You see, feeling our baby moving inside of me has only showed me my true calling. Somehow, or someway I’m going to be a mother. I’m going to love our child, like I was never loved myself. I’m going to give our baby the best life I can, showering him or her with so much affection. I’m going to let them play with other children, and use their imaginations to create magical lands where they live happily amongst the many friends they’ve made.

I know you don’t understand why I left. It pains me to say this now, but it was for you. I couldn’t let my father threaten your future. He said he’d take away your dreams, and since he’d already destroyed mine, I couldn’t let his power do that.

Parker, I may not understand your past choices, and I may still be angry with you for holding that secret, but my love for you will never have ceased. I’ll wake up every morning wanting to be in your arms, and I’ll go to sleep each night loving you with everything I have in me.

You’ve taught me how to love unconditionally, and I promise that I’ll pass that on to our child. Please save a place for us in your heart, because once I know you’re safe, we’ll be back. Just be patient, Parker.

I love you,


With teary eyes I folded up the letter and sealed it in an envelope, before hiding it between my mattresses. I’d find a way to mail it to him, so he’d know that I hadn’t given up on us.

If I knew Parker like I thought I did, he probably already be on his way to rescue me. I knew I wouldn’t be able to leave, but at least I could give him the letter, where I’d poured out my heart to him. Knowing how important football was to him, he’d probably back off, allowing me that time I needed to get away from my parents.

All I could hope was that his intentions to be a family were pure. If that was the case than he’d wait for me. If not, he’d move on. I’d still raise our child as I’d stated in the letter.

The first couple of hours after our phone conversation gave me time to think. I’d been so upset about my father finding me that I hadn’t had time to think about what was really bothering me.

The secret.

I knew I’d forgive him. That was never really a question. At first I may have been in utter shock, but as soon as this new catastrophe came into play, I’d realized what I could be giving up. Parker loved me. That was the difference. We’d made a baby out of love, and we’d already planned to have a future together. This pregnancy wasn’t the result of a one-night stand. It was two people that were so connected that nothing could tear us apart.

Parker had to know that’s how I saw us. He had to know that I was lying on the phone.

Both of my parents attempted to talk to me throughout the evening, but I refused. I’d said all there was to be said. We weren’t a family, and we never had been. They were controlling people, who’d had a kid for the sole purpose of carrying on the family name.

It was humiliating.

After spending forty minutes trying to unravel four screws with only my fingernails, I let the small door that covered the access panel fall to the floor. I knew for a fact that there was an old landline phone up there somewhere. While they slept, content that I was locked in the confines of my room, I located the device. It took me a few more minutes to slowly climb down safely. It was even harder to slide my nightstand across he hardwood floor without making a sound. Inch by inch I made enough space to insert the cord into the outlet. The sound of a dial tone made me giddy.

I wasn’t going to have to give Parker that letter, because I’d be able to tell him how I felt myself. It was the happiest I’d felt in the past twenty-four hours.

I dialed his number, praying he’d answer. As soon as I heard his voice on the other end I began to cry.

“Hello? Cam is that you?”

“Yes,” I whispered.

“Tell me it’s not true. Tell me you didn’t call them.”
