Read Books Novel

Redeem Me

Redeem Me (Kin #6)(47)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Since becoming an adult, I’ve learned that my life is mine to be in control of. You may think you’re doing the right thing, but you’re very mistaken. I’ve fallen in love with someone, for all of the right reasons. He looks at me like I’m the only female on the planet, and when he holds me I’m not afraid of anything.

I’m guessing that neither of you have ever experienced something so powerful. It’s a shame, because once you’ve had that kind of love you know you’ll never let it go.

By the time you find this letter I’ll be gone. You can do your best to find us, but I’m sure you won’t be able to accept the consequences of your own actions. You see, I’m going to be a mother; one that adores her child, and lets them make their own choices. I’m going to hope that they will have plenty of friends, and a vivid imagination. You may have kept me from a real childhood, but you won’t have any say in your grandchild’s future.

Most of all I’m going to teach my baby what love is. Alongside of Parker, we’ll do our best to provide for our family, even if we have to struggle to get it. After all, it’s our love that will hold our family together.

If you’ve ever loved me, even in your own way, please let me go. I don’t plan on contacting you, and would appreciate it if you gave me the same decency. It’s time for me to spread my wings and finally be free to live.


Chapter 31


I drove as fast as my car would go to get to Cameron. My father wasn’t too happy about picking me up in the middle of the night, but he knew it was important. Together we made the drive to Pennsylvania to pick up Cameron.

Once we had her safe and sound, we’d go to apply for a marriage certificate in Maryland. If all went as planned, we’d be married in the next couple of days.

My hands were clammy on the steering wheel as I drove. I couldn’t stop worrying about everything that could go wrong. Secretly I envisioned the old man coming out with a rifle, shooting me dead in front of his fancy fountain.

I shook my fears off, determined to get to Cam.

“She’s goin’ to be waitin’ for us. I’m hopin’ she’s able to walk out the front door, since her parents will be asleep. Just keep the car runnin’. I’ll climb the fence and signal her with the flashlight.”

My dad laughed. “You seem like you’ve done this before.”

Even I chuckled at his remark. “No. I just watch a lot of television. Besides, I’ve played this out in my head a dozen times now.”

“What if he calls the police?”

I hadn’t considered that to be an option. “Dad, at this point I don’t care what he does. He can’t keep me from his daughter, or my baby. This shit has got to stop.”

My dad lifted up his phone and proceeded to be doing something so important that he couldn’t answer me.

“What are you doing over there?”

“I’m buying two tickets to Vegas. You need to get married without him being in your business. Even if he suspects it, he’ll be too far away to stop you.”

“I’ll pay you back,” I assured him.

“Consider it a wedding present.”

I snickered. “It’s a deal. Look, I know you probably think I’m crazy.”

“I don’t,” he interrupted. “I’m proud of you for doing this. It’s a shame that Cameron has to go through this, but I’m proud of you for being responsible. If that man thinks he can mess with you, I hope he’s prepared to mess with me too. I’m not having him ruin your life. He’s not the Lord.”

“He thinks he is.”

“Yeah, well his God complex is about to be shattered. You just go get that girl out of that house. Take her on a trip to Vegas, buy her a nice ring, and then come home. We’ll figure out the rest when you get back. Just so you know, your mother and I won’t be angry if football doesn’t work out. After seeing what Cam’s gone through we want you to know that your life’s choices are yours to make.”

“Thanks. I’ve got no idea what’s to come, but I’m hopin’ for the best.”

We pulled up outside of Cameron’s house of prisonment a couple hours later. Hurling my body over the large gates weren’t as difficult as I would have suspected. I took the flashlight and stood under her window, flashing it until I saw the curtain opening. Only moments later I saw her coming from the side of the house. She took my hand and we ran in the direction of the front gate. Cameron then led me to the side of the main entrance, where the rails were wide enough that she could fit through them instead of having to climb them. “I turned off the alarm, but they’ll hear it if I opened the gate. Come on before they wake up and check on me.”

I didn’t feel safe until we were in the car driving away from the estate.

We both sat in the back, her in my arms. I refused to let go until we reached the airport. Cam turned and looked at me so confused. “What’s going on?”

“We’re goin’ to Vegas to get hitched. It’s dad’s idea. We need to hurry. Our flight’s in an hour.”

She seemed both shocked and excited. “Are you serious?”

“Yeah. This old man gave me his credit card too. I tried to warn him.”

“I’ve still got my bank account. We can stop at an ATM and get more cash out. He can’t cancel anything without my permission. I researched it online the last time this happened.”

“Take the card just in case. Be safe you two. Call me when you get back. I’ll come to pick you up.” My dad waved as we headed inside of the airport. Cameron had a small bag that I assumed had clothes in it, while I was going with what I was wearing. I’d buy clothes when we got there. As long as we stuck to the plan, I didn’t care if we wed naked.

The almost six hour flight was spent sleeping. We both knew we were safe from her dad. Between the two of us we had three grand in cash, and my dad’s credit card. He’d paid for our flight, and a room package online, so we didn’t have to worry about it. I would have never believed that he’d do something like that for me again, but he’d obviously gotten over my mistakes from the past. He wanted me to have a second chance, and all I wanted was to be with Cameron.

Most people planned their wedding around their careers. They wanted to be financially stable before taking the leap into matrimony. We both knew we were going against all of that by eloping. Still, I knew I’d find a way to provide for them, just as my dad had done with us kids. My dream was to be a professional football player. I’d worked really hard to make it happen, but now I saw what was even more important than that dream. It wasn’t just my love for her, or the fact that she was carrying our child. Cameron was my future. I knew it in the pit of my stomach, while my heart beat for only her.
