Read Books Novel

Redeem Me

Redeem Me (Kin #6)(48)
Author: Jennifer Foor


I was so nervous, yet so overwhelmed with excitement. I’d never been to Las Vegas, nor had I ever considered going there on little sleep to get married to the man I loved.

Parker was on cloud-nine, gabbing the whole time we waited to board the plane, and finally until he’d fallen asleep in the seat next to me on the large airliner. I wasn’t used to such a long flight, but appreciated that the sun was rising as we touched ground. I saw the Grand Canyon, before the pilot made the announcement that we were almost ready to land. My eyes never left the window until we hit the runway.

Since we didn’t have anything in baggage claim, Parker and I were able to exit the plane and head straight out to hail a cab. He called his father to let him know we’d arrived safely, after we’d checked into our room.

Since the whole Vegas plan had been thrown together, we didn’t even know what we needed to do, or where to go to get hitched. I don’t know what other people in our situation did, but we hopped on a bus, and followed down the strip, taking note of all the wedding places, some even drive thru. It was at that point when I realized that it didn’t even matter. Our hearts were ready to become one. It didn’t matter if we were married by the king himself, or someone that could barely speak English. As long as the documents were signed I would be content.

We stopped at the next place, agreeing to wait until that evening for our service. After filling out the necessary paperwork, we headed out to sightsee. I had no idea that he was doing it, but Parker took me into a jeweler. He was hell-bent on buying me something extravagant, until I explained that a simple band would suffice. After all, I’d spent my whole life getting extravagant gifts that meant nothing to me. Being his wife was more important than any of that.

After purchasing two matching white-gold bands, we spent the rest of our wait time playing the slots. I’d never experienced this before, so you can imagine my excitement when I actually won. In the two machines I put money in, I won two thousand dollars. Parker seemed like he was shocked. He said his parents never won anything when they’d come here on vacation.

Since I’d won what we both considered big, we went out and splurged on something nice to wear for our nuptials. I picked a white dress that did little for my growing baby bump, while Parker chose a nice pair of slacks and a dress shirt. We knew they’d take pictures for us, and at least wanted to look nice in them.

Finally, after a full day and little sleep, we held hands and walked back into the wedding establishment. With strangers as our witnesses, Parker and I were married. It was amazing that it was all it took to get hitched, but I couldn’t have been more excited.

Less than an hour after our ‘I do’s’, he was lifting me up and carrying me inside of our room. I stood there, in the little white maternity dress, watching my husband approach me with determined eyes that I knew so well.

Weeks had passed since my hospital visit, enough that we were sure it was safe if we took our time. I hadn’t bled since a couple days after leaving the hospital, and after that my last doctor visit assured me that baby number two wasn’t in any danger. I was still supposed to take it easy, but made the call just to be sure. I think the doctor was a little shocked at me ringing her from Las Vegas, asking if it was safe to sleep with Parker on our wedding night.

Still, I think we were both still nervous about it.

Parker pulled the dress over my head. He sat it to hang on a chair, while unfastening my bra. His eyes never left mine as he pulled my panties off at my feet. I yearned to be with him, and there was no denying that he wanted the same. He looked hungry, like he was starving for intimacy. I could relate feeling that same pull to experience what it was like to make love to my husband.

We weren’t used to not being able to have sex. Admittedly, this felt like it was the perfect moment to get back in the game. I backed up on the bed, watching Parker slowly remove his clothes. He kicked off his pants and boxers together, before joining me on the mattress. I gasped when he leaned in for our first full kiss. His lips, so tender, caressed mine. Waves of emotions filled my senses as our tongues began to dance so synchronized. Our hands connected, intertwining together. Parker flipped us over, so that I was lying overtop of him. I could feel his eagerness, and wanted nothing more than to be filled with his stiff erection. “Make love to me.”

“I don’t want to hurt you. You’re too important. We can wait for that if we need to.”

“The doctor said it’s fine. Please. You can be gentle.”

He lifted me up off the bed, pulling me into the bathroom. He turned on the shower, pulling me inside before I could oppose. From there he pulled me into his strong arms. His muscles flexed as he pulled me into his kiss. I savored his tongue, and the way the water tasted as it splashed over our faces.

While the hunger continued to build, I couldn’t control my own actions. I hadn’t meant to be so aggressive, but I couldn’t remember ever wanting him so badly. “I’m so horny.” I shoved him against the hard tiled wall, breaking the distance between us. “If you won’t make love to me, then I’ll just have to find a way to change your mind.”

I dropped to my knees, taking him in one of my hands and shoving it between my lips. His smooth skin filled my mouth as I bobbed my head, while sucking with medium force. Parker dug his hands into my hair and left them there as I worked on giving him pleasure. I placed my thumb on the main vein that seemed to be a sensitive area. As I stroked it with pressure, I could feel him reacting. He pulled away from me, lifting me up to face him. “Kiss me.”

I did as he requested, knowing he’d stopped me so he didn’t finish too soon. Parker moved gradually down my body, kissing and licking me in all the right places. He stopped momentarily at my ni**les, sucking them hard enough to where I cried out. He pinned my arms above my head, spinning me around and slapped on the base of my pu**y. I leaned my forehead against the tile, feeling the throbbing beginning. It wasn’t just the slapping that I liked. The burn of that kind of action made my knees weak. He shoved his finger inside of my ass, and then pulled it out abruptly. I cried out, waiting for him to do it again. The second time I felt him crouching down lower, until his mouth was on my pu**y. He rubbed my ass, while sucking on my lower lips. I rocked my bottom over his mouth, allowing his tongue to traipse over my clit. I’d waited too long for this kind of attention. As much as I wanted it to last, I cried out, losing myself to my own orgasm. Parker’s face lingered over my pu**y, placing small kisses all over the outside. He steadied me when he stood and pulled me against his body. I watched him lick his lips as he began to talk. “I love makin’ you cum. It felt good didn’t it?”
