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Redeem Me

Redeem Me (Kin #6)(49)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I nodded, unable to talk as my lips brushed over his. “I want more,” I admitted mid-kiss.

When he started to crouch back down I closed my eyes. I couldn’t watch him licking my clit without losing immediate control over myself again. I needed to savor the way it slid over my wet skin, and the sounds he made as he was sucking up the remainder of my last orgasm.

By the time we’d made it to the bed, I could still feel my pu**y quivering. Little touches caused me to jump, and his kisses only left me craving more. I didn’t know what had come over me. Here I was, feeling so horny that I couldn’t even stand up. Parker ran his hand over my little baby bump. I felt like I looked fat and tried to cover up, but he tore down the blankets. “Don’t. You’re so sexy. That’s my baby in there. We made that together, and I’ll never be ashamed. I love you, Cameron Hutchinson. Nobody will ever come between us again. I promise.”

We made love, slow, but passionately together. After we’d both climaxed, we fell asleep with our bodies mangled together. I didn’t care that we were in a city that never sleeps. I was exactly where I wanted to be, in bed with my husband.

I held my hand up and looked at the band on my finger. I belonged to Parker, and we were going to make our own future. I didn’t have to be a lawyer. The window of opportunity was open, and with all of my extra studies, I have plenty of options. For now, we were safe. We’d have the whole summer to figure out school, and what would come next.

Chapter 32


There hadn’t been another time in my life where I felt so happy. She was safe in my arms, her belly a reminder of what we were fighting so hard to protect. When we’d return home there was nothing her father could do to tear us apart. He could have me arrested for a crime I didn’t commit. He could take football away from me, but he’d never take them; my wife and our unborn child.

After all, he was just a man. He’d never know what it felt like to have a family that loved with their whole hearts. He wouldn’t know what it felt like to love his child so much that he’d let them make their own mistakes, just because he knew he’d be there to pick up the pieces if it didn’t work out. I was going to be that dad, and my baby was going to have the world at their feet.

It wasn’t surprising that Cam and I spent the remainder of our trip in bed. We ordered room service, and ate it in the nude. We spent hours talking about the past, and how the twins had impacted my life. I can’t even explain how good it felt to have her comfort me. I’d been so afraid that I’d lose her, and maybe I would have had it not been for the brutal mistakes of her parents. Maybe if Cam had two loving parents she would have left me a long time ago. In a way I was thankful that they were such ass**les, because it allowed me to continue to have her heart.

Once we returned from Vegas, we went back to life as usual. We drove together back to the college and took our exams with all of our classmates. With summer upon us, we moved into the beach house, which was a lot more comfortable for my pregnant wife. I wasn’t too far that I couldn’t still work for my dad and uncle to save up, so that we could find a place that we could raise our child in.

After the sonogram, we discovered that we were expecting a little girl. It was bittersweet for me, experiencing all of this for the first time, even though I knew I could have done it before. This was my second chance, and I was determined not to mess it up.

By July, we’d found a little rancher near my parents. It was a ten minute drive to Shayne and Ashley’s house, and about twenty minutes away from Peyton and Jamey. On the weekends we’d all head to the beach. My mom and the females would cook, while us guys watched the kids. I couldn’t wait to see my little girl come into the world, but appreciated that I had the opportunity to bond with the twins. I knew they belonged to my brother, but they would forever have a special place in my heart. I’d promised to be the best uncle that they could ever want, and if anything happened to their parents, Cameron and I would make sure they were taken care of.

Shayne and I bonded, probably more than we had in the past. I’d like to think that somehow Cameron had been the reason. Indirectly she’d showed him and Ashley that they had nothing to worry about. My parents couldn’t have been more excited being surrounded by all of us. It really was a special time in our lives that none of us would ever forget.

Three months after our marriage, my parents threw us a reception. Cameron was so pregnant that I was sure she was going to explode. Nothing could have prepared either of us for when we started opening our gifts afterwards. A card with only our names on the front was one of the last things we opened. I’d got up to get a drink, and heard Cameron gasp. She had a hand up to her face, as if she was in shock. “You’re not going to believe this, babe.”


“This is from my parents. It’s a check for a hundred and fifty grand.”

“No shit. Is there a note?”

“Yeah, it says…

Dear Cameron,

Your mother and I have given you the space and time that you asked for. We’ve respected your decision to marry Parker, and have the child. While it upsets us, we do realize that it is your life to live. Please accept this gift as a wedding present. We hope you’ll use it to get a house that you can start out in. As our only child we do hope you’ll allow us to see our grandchild. When you’re ready you know how to get in contact with us.


Dad and Mom”

Cameron stared at me, waiting for my response. Honestly, I was in shock. Her parents had made it clear that they despised me. It was obvious they missed their daughter, but I couldn’t trust them. “Babe, I’ll do whatever you think, but just know that I’m still not over what they did to us. It’s goin’ to take me more time to get over somethin’ like that.”

She nodded. “I agree. I think they should suffer for a while longer.”

It was the easiest decision that we’d made so far as a couple. The next one was picking out a starter house that we could raise our daughter in. That also came pretty easy when the landlord we were renting from agreed to sell us the house. Since it needed some work, he gave a us a great price. Two months went by before it was legally ours, but at least we didn’t have to leave with Cameron being so pregnant.

Our daughter, Freya, was born on a Thursday morning. Like my sister Peyton, Cameron invited the whole family to be in the room. As reluctant as I was, I’d changed my mind soon after when she started freaking out from the pain. I knew I needed my mom and sister to comfort her in ways that only they knew how. Shayne stood alongside of me, watching and waiting. Finally, when it came time to push I couldn’t take my eyes off of what was happening. I don’t even know if I blinked during the whole process of watching my daughter come into the world.
