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Reject Me

Reject Me (Kin #5)(16)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Jamey, on the other hand, didn’t want his load wasted in my mouth. After it had become apparent that I wasn’t about to stop, he pulled me off of his c**k and made me look up at him. “Get your ass up here.”

I started to lift my body and then realized he wasn’t talking about a kiss. He literally wanted me to sit on his face, after we’d already f**ked. We’d done some dirty things together, especially after we’d both had a few drinks in us. To say that we’d explored our sexuality together would have been an understatement. If there was something to be tried, we’d done it, probably more than either of us were willing to admit.

This was different. We were totally sober, and it only heightened the situation.

As I got my body into the sixty-nine position, I prepared to get back to the task at hand. Jamey’s tongue in my pu**y stopped me from being able to reciprocate. I could feel his face slamming into the skin of my ass as he f**ked me with his hardened tongue and then licked up the skin between my ass**le and my sex. The sounds he was making was as if he was savoring the taste of me, which only made me hotter, wetter, and maybe even a little embarrassed. At the same time, I was completely absorbed in feeling utterly satisfied beyond belief. His tongue, forcefully trudged into my pu**y, and all I could do was stroke him. I was too aware of what he was making me feel to be able to coordinate my own body into making decisions. My motor skills were unable to work, especially when his tongue got even closer to my ass**le. The more he did it, the more I heard his moans. Feeling the vibrations of his sounds, knowing that he was doing them out of pleasure, made me lose all control. I fell down over his hard c**k and screamed out his name, as his fingers began to flick over my swollen clit. Instead of stopping, he continued, causing me to keep crying out into his bedroom. I didn’t want it to ever stop, because never in my life had I’d ever experienced something so amazing.

Jamey finally kissed over the cheek of my ass before sliding me on the bed beside him. He came up to face me with a big grin on his face. “Ain’t nobody ever goin’ to make you cum like me.”

He was probably right, and it was one of the reasons that I was so crazy about him. It never mattered how much of an ass**le he was, because I knew when we were alone in his bed nothing else seemed to matter.

Jamey stroked my hair while he waited for me to comment on our latest escapade. I could see in his eyes that he felt content. It was so easy for him to not worry about what would come tomorrow. As much as I wished I could feel that same way, I found myself holding a guard up, always fearing the worst so that I couldn’t be disappointed.

For the rest of the night I lay next to Jamey in his bed. We never dressed, but that wasn’t unusual. His mother rarely acknowledged us being there and she always knocked first.

Jamey fell asleep soon after we’d had sex a second time, while I stayed up thinking about everything that had conspired in the last few months. My family was going to kill me for getting back together with him. Imagining the conversation was making my stomach feel queasy. There was no easy way around it. Sure, I could hide the truth from them for a while, but they’d soon wonder who I was spending all of my time with and piece it all together. When it came to me and Jamey I was pretty predictable.

That night I also thought about the fact that, as much as I wanted it to be true, I wondered if Jamey meant everything he said. His soft snoring reminded me of where I was, still I wondered how long it was going to last; how long could it be good for us before it turned to shit again? How long until someone else caught his eye? Could he really be faithful to me, after living his life a certain way for so long?

Worry overwhelmed me, and instead of being happy for myself, I dwelled on what might happen. Little sleep came, and an early morning alarm woke me before I was prepared for it.

Jamey rolled over placing his limp arm over my back. I rolled over and wiped off my eyes before looking in his direction. A big smile washed over his face when our eyes met. “Hi.”

“I almost thought I was dreamin’. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I want you here, but I just couldn’t believe you really came over.”

It was probably too early to talk about, not that I cared. “Did you mean what you said last night to me? Do you really want us to be a real couple?”

He rubbed his eyes, making me feel like he was annoyed by my question. Then quickly he looked at me with another one of his cocky smiles. “I meant every word. I know you need labels, but to be honest with you, I haven’t been with anyone else. Yeah, I may have gotten a few numbers, but I swear you were my only girl. If labelin’ this gets us back together then I know it has to be done. I’m not messin’ around anymore, Pey. I want you to be my girlfriend again, and if I have to beg I will.”

He’d surprised me again. I’d swore that he was sleeping around on me, denying me that “girlfriend” title because he knew it would blow up in his face. The fact that I’d been the only one changed everything. Suddenly all of my worries from the night before had vanished. I climbed on top of my boyfriend, bad breath and all, and placed a big kiss over his lips. He pulled away acting like my breath was horrendous. Even if it was, I could tell he was teasing me. “You know I want this, Jamey. It’s all I’ve ever wanted from you. I’ve never stopped lovin’ you. I hope you know that.”

He nodded. “The feelin’s mutual. I know I don’t say it, but I’m crazy about you, baby.”

“Are you goin’ to be mad if I don’t want to tell my family for a while?” The last thing I wanted to do was piss him off.

“Nah. I don’t really feel like kickin’ your brother’s ass anyways.”

We both laughed, but deep inside I knew that Jamey was no match for my brother Shayne. Given the opportunity I knew Shayne could not only take him, but hurt him pretty bad. “I still can’t believe this is happenin’. I mean, just yesterday we weren’t talkin’.”

“I want you to move back in here.”

“You don’t think it’s too soon?”

“It ain’t like we’re just gettin’ to know each other, Pey. I want you next to me at night. That f**kin’ cold spot don’t sit right with me.” He motioned towards my side of the bed making me blush. “Now, get your pretty ass up and put on some of my old sweats. You’re goin’ to get dirty as shit today on the back of my four-wheeler. Don’t even worry about doin’ your hair. We’ll wash it tonight when we get home.”
