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Reject Me

Reject Me (Kin #5)(15)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Right away her eyes lit up. “You’ve said that to me before, Jamey.”

“I mean it this time.”

“I want to believe you.” I could see her struggling. This wasn’t about my past, or the way I’d never been able to commit the way she wanted me to. This was about taking our relationship to the next level, or losing her forever. There was no reason to beat around the bush with excuses why I shouldn’t do it. I’d caused her enough pain, and wasted enough time fighting what I knew was already happening between us. There wasn’t any other woman that could get to me like Peyton did, and it was time she knew it. “I want us to be a real couple, baby. I want you and me to work out this time. I’m done bein’ a hard ass. It’s time you and me made it official.”

Her eyes glossed over, suddenly displaying that tender side of her that used to annoy me. It was the first time that I understood why she’d fought me so hard.

“Do you mean it, because if you don’t and I take this leap with you, I’ll be riskin’ my relationship with my family. They ain’t goin’ to understand this at all, and they surely won’t believe that you’ve changed. Jamey, I want this. I want to be with you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone in my life, and I know you hate talkin’ about feelin’s, but I’ve got to be sure.”

I let my forehead press over hers and closed my eyes as I spoke. “I’m positive. I want you. I want you to be my girlfriend, and I’m ready to tell everyone about it, starting tomorrow with my boys. We’re goin’ four-wheelin’ and I want you with me.”

That flicker in her eyes returned and our lips met again, coaxing timelessly as we sealed our decision.

Peyton was mine again, and this time I wasn’t about to f**k things up.

Chapter 9


I couldn’t stop myself. I had to run to him even though I knew it was a bad idea. Everyone was against us, which only made me want him more. Jamey was my weakness, my reason for fighting, my whole world. I could fool myself into thinking I was happy, but given the opportunity to be with him again had only proven that I was denying the inevitable. No man could get to me the way he could, and I was beyond myself with joy to hear him saying that he wanted me, and only me.

He picked me up and carried me back into his room, closing his door with his foot before letting us fall back down on his mattress. I’d like to say that a lot was running through my mind at that moment, but I’d be lying. There was only one thing that I was thinking about.


I needed to be as close to him as humanly possible. This was the first time that we were real; that he was real. Far be it from me to dwell on little details like my family approving. Eventually they’d have to give in. Our families were too close to have such bad blood between them.

Sure, Jamey had made some huge mistakes, and I didn’t expect my brother to welcome him into our family with open arms, but at least he could have the decency to realize how utterly complete I felt when I was in his arms. I’d loved this man for too long to let him go. Hell or high water, I was giving this another go, with or without the approval of my family or friends.

Jamey wasted no time removing the clothes from her body again. We lay there together as if we’d never spent a moment apart. Having already memorized each other’s bodies, this encounter was more emotional. We’d always shared a physical connection, and somewhere deep inside I knew that he reciprocated my feelings, but now it was apparent. He may never say those three words to me, and I was going to have to be okay taking baby steps if I wanted a second chance at happiness. For now I was content being in the arms of the only man I’d ever really loved.

Jamey pressed his lips over mine once more. Our tongues began to mingle together, and soon our naked make-out session had intensified. He caressed my ni**les and leaned down to take one in his mouth. I felt his tongue coursing over my sensitive tips, and a shiver went down my spine. Tiny butterflies filled my stomach and a heat radiated between my legs. Slowly Jamey kissed down my belly, resting his head on it as he spoke. “You’re all mine now, Pey. It’s how it should have been all along, baby.” He ran his hand up the side of my waist, until the palm of it cupped my breast again. “All of this belongs to me.”

Jamey declaring ownership over me should have been some kind of red flag, but all I heard was him telling me that I was his girl again. When you’ve waited as long as I had for acknowledgment, you took what you could get. I lifted my head and let my fingers run through his dark, thick hair. “Only if all of you belongs to me.”

He moved up to face me, grabbing my chin gently and taking another kiss from my awaiting lips. “Whatever you want.”

It was the magic words. I was pudding in his hands. Far be it from me to question what he was saying. I wanted Jamey to make up for all of the time we lost bickering and being apart. Finally I was to a point in my life where I was ready to stop worrying about the small details and enjoy what was right in front of me. I’d denied myself this enjoyment; burying my feelings deep inside where nobody could find them. Jamey knew the truth, and the fact that he was fighting for them meant everything.

He flipped us around until I was straddling him. I sat up and ran my own fingers over my hardened ni**les, moaning as I continued. We’d just f**ked, fought, and were now right back where we started. I could feel his hard dick underneath of me wanting attention. The sudden urgency to please him overwhelmed me. It was as if I felt I needed to thank him for finally giving me what I wanted. I sank down in the bed, forgetting the fact that we’d been intimate before. I didn’t care if I tasted myself when I took him into my mouth. It only signified the fact that he belonged to me. This wasn’t a chase anymore. I didn’t have anything to prove. I’d won the battle and this was my celebration.

The moment I took him into my mouth, savoring his size between my lips, he started to make sounds. Jamey took a handful of my hair and pushed it away from my face. He liked watching me suck his dick, but liked it more when I watched him doing it. I used my saliva to wet his shaft, then pulled away to look at the skin glistening over it. My hands began to massage his balls, and that’s when he started moving his hips ever so gently. I took him into my mouth again, using one hand to stroke his shaft, while my other caressed the smooth skin underneath. The faster my head bobbed the louder his groans became.

This episode wasn’t about foreplay. I wasn’t doing this to make him hard, or to get him to pay attention to me. I was doing this because I was grateful. I wanted to please him in every way possible.
