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Reject Me

Reject Me (Kin #5)(2)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“No. That’s not right and you know it. It’s just me or I’m out of here.”

He let go of my hands and cocked a half-smile across his lips. “I know just what to say to get you all worked up, don’t I?” His hand brushed over one of my br**sts and I turned my head away from his gaze. “Are you pissed?”

“Yeah, I’m pissed. Why do you say things that hurt me? All I wanted was for you to come to the cookout with me, eat a meal with me, and be by my side. You turned it into this; sayin’ you can f**k who you want. You’re right, Jamey. I suppose you can. I guess that if you wanted to you could tell me to go to hell and have someone in your bed by the end of the night. If that’s what you want than obviously I can’t stop you, but I can at least leave with my dignity. Don’t treat me like a pet. I’m either your girlfriend, or I’m nothin’ at all.” For once I was standing up for myself. He wasn’t going to belittle me, not this time.

Jamey flipped us around so that he was on top of me on the bed. He stared into my eyes and wiped off my tears. “Are you afraid of losin’ me, Pey?” I felt his hand reach between my legs and cupped my pu**y over the fabric of my jean shorts. “You think I’d give up this perfect pu**y so easily? You’re in my bed, because I want you there. Just because I don’t make promises don’t mean I don’t want you. Baby, there ain’t no woman around that makes my dick as hard as you do.”

I wanted to roll my eyes, to cringe at his choice of words, but instead could only comprehend the part where he was telling me that I was the best. It was little compliments hidden in his rough persona that drew me in.

I felt that familiar tingle happening between my legs where his hand still sat. “Are you hard now?” I moved my body ever so gently to get a rouse out of him.

He moved his hand away, sat up straight and grabbed mine, rubbing it over the lump in his pants. “You know the answer. What are you goin’ to do about it?”

I know, I should have shoved him off the bed and left, but I couldn’t. I was so desperate to hold onto anything that I gave into temptation every single time. I bit down on my lip and silently pictured all of the things he was going to do to me instead. “What do you want?”

He began to unfasten my shorts, and climb off the bed. I watched his shirt coming over the top of his head. I knew damn well what he was going to do, and I was willing to let him do it, because every second he spent inside of me was like heaven. “Don’t play stupid. Take off your shorts and spread. You get me so f**kin’ worked up when you’re whinin’. I need release, and you’re goin’ to give it to me good.”

He was right, for once. I stood up on the bed and let my shorts fall. Standing there over him made me feel empowered, sexy even. I lifted my shirt over my head and unfastened my bra. Left in only a pair of panties, I crossed my legs and watched my boyfriend dropping his drawers to the floor. He saw my panties and tugged me forward by them. “Why are these still on?”

I touched the sides of his hair, instead of the top. The last thing I wanted to do was hear him complain that I’d messed up his masterpiece. “Because I like it when you have to work for it. I’m not easy.”

He took his fingers into the elastic on either side of my hips and pulled them down to my knees, roughly. Unexpectedly, he kissed me straight on my pu**y, letting his lips linger over my folds as he spoke. “Tell me how hot I make you, Pey.”

I held onto his ears and let my head fall back, knowing he was right there, so close to bringing me to ecstasy. “Baby, you make me crazy.”

All of my anxiousness about the cookout was erased the moment his tongue came out and licked my most sensitive area. I tried my best to stand still, but my knees began to shake as his tongue flicked over my clit. He sucked it into his mouth and pulled away to watch my body responding to his sensual touch. When he came in for another taste my knees buckled and I fell down onto the bed. Jamey laughed and climbed overtop of me. His body lingered there, steady, and ready to please me. I wrapped my legs around his back and pulled him against my skin. Feeling the warmth of his body, the stiff erection pressing against my eager sex made me only want it to happen immediately. He reached down and teased my opening. His lips coursed over mine as he spoke. “You keep comin’ back for this, don’t you?”

“Yes,” I moaned. The truth was that it wasn’t just the sex with Jamey or the fact that he made me completely crazy. I was in love with him, totally and utterly in love with him. The problem was that Jamey was incapable of love, and that may as well have been the biggest deal breaker of them all. Knowing that this was just temporary was impossible for me to come to grips with. I’d never felt this way before about any man, yet knowing he didn’t return those feelings hurt like a dagger driving straight into my heart. I was broken, and the only way to fix it was being with him, over and over again, as if it fixed what was broken.

As he entered me my heart broke again, knowing that this was all we had, and that I was settling instead of being strong enough to walk away.

Chapter 2


She knew what I wanted, and was always able and willing to give it to me. That’s the reason that I kept her around. Besides, I didn’t like the idea of sharing something that was mine. Peyton was sexy in every way. From her thick thighs to that perfectly supple ass, she had me at hello. She thought I’d never noticed her when we were younger, but the truth was that I’d fantasized about being inside of that for a long damn time.

I enjoyed coming home and knowing she was lying naked beside me. It was convenient and I usually didn’t complain. What rubbed me the wrong way was the fact that we’d started this little thing between us with our eyes open. I’d been clear to her that we weren’t going to get serious. A year later she was expecting things I wasn’t capable of. As much as I wanted to tell her to get out of my house, I couldn’t give up the good pu**y, not without regret.

Sure, Peyton and I weren’t just about sex. We were friends long before, well somewhat. We shared friends, which made seeing each other a frequent thing. Our small town only provided us with so many places to go, or clicks to be a part of. Since working at the diner for my mother I’d met everyone that came through the door, which happened to be everyone from town. Once in a while a stray chick would come by on her way to the beach, and I was the first face she saw when she walked through that door.
