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Reject Me

Reject Me (Kin #5)(3)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I suppose that my problems started when my douche brother decided to throw in the bachelor towel and get tied down to a woman. Sure, she was sexy as all hell, and I didn’t blame him for wanting to hit it. I just couldn’t fathom how any woman could be good enough to never want anything else again.

I may be content with Peyton, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t paying close attention to what else was out there.

My problems weren’t just with my brother. Peyton’s brother Shayne, unlike her twin brother Parker, was always up in my shit. His threats were getting on my last nerve, so I refused to be around him. Most of that was Peyton’s fault anyway. Every time she didn’t get her way with me, she’d run to him crying about what we were fighting about. He was in our business way too much, and that didn’t set right with me.

I took myself out of the equation, knowing she’d still end up back in my bed at night. For the past year or so it had become expected. I was used to her, and as much as I could tell she longed for more, she stuck around because apparently I was just that good.

This time was no different. She’d started on me about seeing the family and we’d ended up naked in bed. The more pissed she made me the more turned on I got. I couldn’t help it. I liked to fight with her. I enjoyed seeing her face turn red, and even the fact that I could make her emotional at the drop of a hat. I had her right where I wanted her, giving me the upper hand. As long as I stayed in control of the situation we didn’t have to put labels on things.

It wasn’t like I was a dick all the time. I bought her things and took her places a lot Actually, when it was just us, and we weren’t fighting about stupid shit, I actually enjoyed her company.

Peyton made me work during sex, in which I liked the challenge. Being with her was like being with someone new once a week. She was always changing things up, causing me to stay interested. Sometimes she was desperate and it showed. This day had been a perfect example of that. She knew if she could get me to this point I’d crumble and change my mind.

She was wrong.

I thrust my body into hers, feeling those legs wrapped around my back. My nails dug into the plump skin of her ass and I lifted her off the mattress. With her halfway in the air, and me on my knees I got into a good pace. Peyton flicked her own ni**les as I watched. “Lick them, baby. Show me how you do it.”

She pushed her tit up and licked over the tips of her nipple. I closed my eyes for a second, trying to focus on anything but my release. She bit down on that puffy lip and moaned before doing it again. “Lick it with me. Come closer.”

I slowed my pace, dropping her ass back on the bed and bringing my lips up to her nipple. As my tongue brushed over it I felt her tongue traipsing over mine. This time I was the one moaning as we repeated the process. “My sexy girl,” was all I could grumble as I kissed her lips. Her tongue fought with mine enough to trigger that ache between my legs. Forcefully I filled her, stiffening my own body as she cried out and held me close.

Our eyes met a few seconds later and I saw that spark in hers. She was content and it was the perfect time for me to leave with my friends without another confrontation. For the moment she was satisfied. She wouldn’t call or text me every half hour asking stupid questions, like when I was coming home, or if there were any chicks there. The redundancy was getting on my last nerve, and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to take it much longer without addressing the situation.

I separated our bodies and climbed off the bed, tossing her a towel off the floor to clean up with. Without looking back at her I redressed. Before I grabbed my cell phone off the bedside table I leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. “I’ll see you tonight. Don’t forget that I’ve got to help my mom in the mornin’, so if you end up stayin’ late at your brother’s house I’ll probably just shower and go to bed. Wake me up when you get home.”

I walked out of the room when I saw those blue puppy-dog eyes looking back at me. I couldn’t look at them and not want to climb back into that bed.

My mother was downstairs on her way out the door. Her hair was still wet from a shower. “Don’t forget tomorrow.”

“I won’t, Mom. I’ve worked Sundays since I was in diapers.”

“Don’t be flip. I know how you are. One minute you say you’ll be there and the next you’re callin’ from the beach sayin’ you ain’t comin’ home for days.”

“I haven’t done that in a long time.” I grabbed a couple bottles of water out of the refrigerator and stuck them in a grocery bag as I spoke. “Besides, you’ve hired a ton of new people to help out since Joey quit.”

She rolled her eyes. “Don’t remind me. None of them are half as good as your brother was. Pretty soon I’m going to have to put you in the back to cook.”

I gave her a handsome look. “You can’t hide me in the back. I bring in the ladies and you know it.”

My mother smacked me on the arm as we both walked out to our cars. “You’ve got a nice girl upstairs in your bedroom. Don’t talk like that in front of me, boy. You know better. In fact, if you feel the need to act like that than maybe you shouldn’t have a girl livin’ in our house. I like Peyton. I’ve known her since she was born, but that don’t make it right. I’m not wantin’ to hear anymore shit from her daddy because she’s stayin’ at our house. I gave him my word that you’d be good to her. You think I don’t hear her cryin’?”

Crying? “What are you talkin’ about?” I played dumb, knowing damn well she was probably crying when I went out without her.

“Jamey, do you think I’m stupid? I’ve raised two hard-headed boys. That girl is crazy about you. Treat her right or let her go. The relationship between you two has caused me enough grief. I should have never let you move her in here in the first place.”

My friends pulled up in a big pickup truck that was pulling a trailer full of four-wheelers. “I’ve gotta go. Peyton’s fine, Mom. She’s just being a chick. I’ll see you in the mornin’.”

My mother climbed into her car after calling me a name. I gave her a hard time like every other woman in my life. Sure, I was cocky. I knew I was. That didn’t mean I had to change to get what I wanted. I knew how to play my mother even better than I could mess with Peyton. Women were easy to read, and even easier to control.

Once we got the four-wheelers loaded onto the trailer I climbed into the crew cab and was shocked with the person sitting next to me.
