Read Books Novel

Reject Me

Reject Me (Kin #5)(20)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“I never said you were.”

“Tell me the truth. Have you ever slept with that chick?”

I knew I should have been honest. I should have just told her that we had a fling a long time ago, and done my best to convince her that it was never going to happen again, but Peyton was hard-headed. She wasn’t going to believe me, and trust was out of the question. So I did what I thought was right. “No. I’ve never slept with that slut. It pisses me off that you’d even think it. I have standards you know.”

My girlfriend looked down at the ground. The guilt had returned, and I felt bad immediately. “I had to ask.”

“I’m not mad. Will you please come back down here and lay with me? I invited you here to be close to you, not argue about some dude, and a chick I don’t give two flyin’ fucks about. She pursued me, by the way, if you wanted to know.” More lies to add to the pile. Next I would be sent to jail for being a con-artist. My mother would be so proud.

Peyton tackled me, throwing us both down on the course grass beneath me. Her lips were suddenly on mine, and nothing else mattered. The more lies I told the crappier I felt. It also made me paranoid that something bad was going to happen. That’s why I had to savor every moment with Peyton. I was going to have to be a better person if I wanted a chance, because so far I was only giving her more reasons to be without me.

Chapter 11


We spent the next hour making love, in the clearing, not caring about anyone coming up and spying on us. All I wanted was to be close to Jamey. Knowing the judgment was right around the corner, I wanted to savor every second of peace we had together.

While my mind was in a million places, my main focus was on my inability to trust Jamey. For some reason I felt like he’d been lying to me about Ang. Even after he’d reassured me, I just had this feeling like it wasn’t the whole truth.

It wasn’t until later that I would find out exactly what it was.

We’d spent a while alone, ignoring the fact that his friends were somewhere around. It was lunch time before we realized that the morning had gotten away from us. Since I’d left my phone in the car, I hadn’t even paid attention to it like I normally did. It felt as if time stood still when I was with Jamey.

We heard an ATV approaching and quickly put all of our clothes back on before it came into view. Jamey never moved from his seated position on the ground. Angie came into play, making my stomach turn when I saw her eying up my boyfriend. She was everything that I wasn’t with her dark hair and those big brown eyes and a curvy body that left little to the imagination. I could immediately see why any man would find her easy on the eyes. What made me uneasy was knowing that my guy was probably one of them.

She walked right up to us, as if she hadn’t gotten a privacy vibe from the two of us being hidden away from the rest of the group. “We were all talking about going somewhere for lunch. Are you all hungry, or did you just want to stay here doing whatever it was that you were doing?” I hated her accent. She made me feel like she could have been one of those reality characters from that New Jersey beach show. Her words had attitude attached to them, and I hated the way she stared at Jamey as she spoke.

“What do you want to do, Pey? It’s up to you.”

I shrugged and looked down at my hands as I spoke. “I’m a little hungry.”

Jamey stood up and held his hand out to help me stand. He kept holding me even as I got my footing. “Let’s go feed you.”

Jamey climbed on the four-wheeler before speaking directly to Angie. “We’ll meet you back at the gate.”

We pulled away leaving her standing there all alone. I couldn’t help but look back and watch her looking at us. That vibe was back again, and I knew I was going to have to go to the source if I wanted to clear my conscience. I needed to know for sure that Jamey was being honest to me.

After loading up the ATV’s Jamey climbed in the vehicle beside me and started it up. “You havin’ fun so far?”

“Well, yeah, but we haven’t done much ridin’ today. I mean, we were naked for most of it.” We both began to laugh as we followed behind his friends in the truck. “So, how long have you known Ang?”

“For a while I guess. She comes to visit her family every summer. Why are you askin’ about her?”

“She’s pretty.”

“I haven’t noticed.” He was lying. Jamey always noticed. It made me wonder why he wasn’t telling me the truth about her.

“Jamey, seriously, if you hooked up with the girl you need to tell me the truth. We said no secrets.”

He pulled the vehicle over and looked out of his window for a second before looking at me. “I told you before. I never hooked up with that crazy bitch. Just drop it already.” He was irritated with me, and maybe I should have backed off, I just couldn’t.

We made it to a food place a few minutes later, and since we’d been outside in the dirt, I decided to go wash my hands before even ordering something to eat. After using the restroom I stood at the sink primping my hair while looking in the mirror.

It was hard imagining Jamey finding me attractive. My hair was a rat’s nest, not to mention that I hadn’t put on any makeup before we left the house. Unlike Ang, who was wearing a whole stick of eyeliner when I’d seen her, I was plain with nothing on. When the bathroom door opened up I knew right away who had come in. Her long black hair was up in a ponytail as she approached the vanity. I watched as she pulled out the hair-tie and put it around her wrist. “If I were you I wouldn’t leave your boyfriend unattended. You never know when someone else might catch his eye.”

I wasn’t taking her shit any longer. She may have thought she was getting one over on me, but she was messing with the wrong girl. I shoved her and walked forward breaking the distance from where we both stood. “What is your problem?”

She came right back at me. “You are, you country-fried-hoe.”

I pushed her harder, causing her to fall down on the hard floor. She stood up and came at me, grabbing my hair first. I jabbed her in the side and felt her let go. While holding my fist back ready to attack she put up her hands. I knew I was then in control of the situation. “I’m not a hoe. You don’t know nothin’ about me.”

“I know more than you think.”

“Screw you. You’re just jealous because I’m with Jamey. I’ve seen how you look at him, and you’re just pissed he don’t want you.”
