Read Books Novel

Reject Me

Reject Me (Kin #5)(21)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“Honey, I’ve already been there and done that, plenty of times. It isn’t anything to write home about.” She flipped her hair before backing further away from me.

I froze.

He’d lied to me. The truth was written across her face. She was being honest about sleeping with my boyfriend, and there was only one thing left to do. “When?”

“When what?” She crossed her arms and refused to look me in the eyes.

“When was the last time you were together?”

“Four days ago.” She waited to watch me respond before continuing. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. You thought you were special, didn’t you? Let me just tell you that he’s taken me to that same spot he took you today plenty of times. He’s told me I was his girl, and promised me things too. The only thing special about you is that you’ve been written into his little black book.”

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. She’d not only been with my boyfriend, but recently. I wanted to not only kill him, but throw up at the same time. This skanky chick had probably slept in the same bed that we were together in last night. The ill feeling only intensifies as she kept talking.

“Aw, don’t cry. It’s not your fault that he likes to mess around, well maybe it is. I mean, if you were good enough he wouldn’t have to come to me to be satisfied.”

I swung at her again, this time having someone grab my arm before my fist could make contact with the over-made face.

Jamey was holding me and screaming at her the same time. “Get the f**k away from her, bitch.”

“Fuck you, Jamey. She needed to know the truth.”

Next her cousin came into the bathroom and yanked her outside before I could gather my thoughts enough to respond. My next move was to get free from Jamey. With one swift pull I was facing him. My tears were apparent, and I didn’t even worry about hiding my emotions. Jamey already knew he was screwed.

“How could you?”

“What?” He was acting as if he had no clue.

“How could you sleep with her? You lied right to my face, you son-of-a-bitch.”

“Pey, wait. It was a long time ago.”

He came at me as he spoke, and all I could do was push him away. “Get off of me. You’re nothin’ but a liar. I’m a fool for trustin’ you, Jamey. You’ll never change.”

“Pey, please. I know I didn’t tell you about her, but it was a long time ago, I’m tellin’ you the truth, dammit.”

“Screw you. Go f**k yourself. I will never believe another word out of your mouth, do you hear me? We’re done, forever. I hate you! I wish I never knew you.”

In my defense I had to lash out. He’d betrayed me again, and this time it was as if I was being stabbed directly in my heart.

While bawling, I ran out of the restaurant and started walking down the road. Jamey chased after me, pleading and screaming at the same time. The closer he got the faster I moved. “Baby, wait up!”

I turned around. “I’m not your baby. I’m not your anything. Get it through your head. Last night was a mistake. My brother was right about you. They were all right about you.”

One glance into his eyes left me in more pain. He seemed so sincere, and a part of me wanted to fall into his arms and forget about the fight. Desperately I trekked on, reaching into my purse for my phone. I called the one person who I knew wouldn’t judge me; the one person who I could count on.

Wayne answered on the second ring.


“Wayne, it’s me. Can you please come pick me up?”

I could hear Jamey in the background. “Oh that’s real nice. We have one fight and you call your other boyfriend. What the f**k, Pey?”

“Screw you. Get out of my face. Go back to the restaurant and buy your New York slut lunch.”

“She’s from New Jersey.”

“I don’t give a shit. Go away, or I’ll call the police and tell them you assaulted me.” It was a threat that I was willing to make considering the circumstances.

“Pey, please don’t do this. You’re makin’ a mistake.”

“My only mistake was lovin’ you, Jamey.”

“You don’t mean that.” He looked so hurt. I swallowed back more tears and looked away, turning my attention back to my phone. “Wayne, are you still there?”

“Yeah. What’s going on, Peyton?”

I looked at Jamey when I responded to Wayne. “I made a huge mistake, and now I just need to get away from it, before something bad happens.”

“Where are you?”

“I’ll text you the name of the restaurant and the address.”

“I’ll be there shortly. Hang tight and don’t do anything stupid.”

I sent the text message before looking over at Jamey. He’d sat down on the curb and had his hands covering his face. When he heard me not talking anymore he looked up at me. He wasn’t crying, not that I ever expected to see the day that that would happen, but he definitely looked saddened. “Please hear me out. It’s not what you think. I haven’t been with anyone else since we’ve been together. I get why you’re mad, but it was a long time ago. Pey, please don’t do this to us. We were startin’ over. Don’t walk away now.”

“I can’t even look at you without wantin’ to kick the shit out of you. I know you were with her the other night. She told me herself. I can’t believe a single word out of your lyin’ mouth. We’re done. Do you hear me, Jamey? We’re through, forever. Get it through your thick skull and leave me be. I don’t want to see that you tried to contact me. I just want you out of my life, for good this time.”

“I’ve changed. I’m bein’ honest.”

“You don’t know how to be honest. I thought you loved me. I believed it this time. How could I have been so completely blind?”

“I do, Pey. You mean everythin’ to me.”

I swung my purse around and hit him with it. “Shut up or I’m callin’ my brother. I can’t do this with you anymore. I hurts too damn much. Please, if you ever gave a shit about me, you’ll walk away and leave me alone.” I started to really cry, so hard that I was shaking. His hands touched my arms and I jerked away, bawling harder, if that was even possible. My heart wasn’t just broken this time. I knew that we were through, and it was for good. My hopes of reconciling with Jamey were over, and I’d been left with nothing but emptiness inside. He’d betrayed me in the worst way. No matter how much I wished I could forgive him, I knew it was way too late for that.
