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Reject Me

Reject Me (Kin #5)(22)
Author: Jennifer Foor

We were over.

Even though he had nothing left worth saying, Jamey didn’t leave my side. He continued to beg and plead, trying desperately to convince me that Angie was the liar, not him.

When I could see Wayne’s car approaching in the distance I stood up and brushed off my butt from sitting on the curb. Jamey stood up and noticed that my ride was pulling in. “Pey, don’t this to me. Please. I mean what I said to you. You’re different. You’ve always been special to me. I want you in my life.”

As Wayne pulled the car up to where I stood I shoved Jamey away. The door opened and I turned to look at him one last time. “Goodbye, Jamey. I hope your dick falls off.”

In the passenger mirror I could see him watching us pull away. My heart broke even more seeing the despair in his eyes.

Wayne saw me and continued to drive as he badgered me for answers. “What were you doing with him, Peyton? You told me that you were through with him.”

“I know. It was irrational, and pretty stupid. You don’t have to remind me. I just wanted to believe that he’d changed. He told me that he wanted another chance.” I cried harder, imagining never being in his arms again. Last night had been different, and somehow I knew it was going to be harder to let him go this time around. I had to do it though, because I couldn’t degrade myself anymore than I already had. “Can we go back to your house? I don’t feel like seeing my family today.”


I wiped my eyes and looked in the visor mirror. “I’m pathetic.”

Wayne reached over and put his hand over mine as he drove. “You’re human, Peyton. You love him. That doesn’t make you pathetic. It shows how forgiving you are. Look, I don’t know that guy back there, but he’s a fool for taking you for granted. If you were my girlfriend I’d appreciate you, and cherish our time together.”

I looked toward Wayne and smiled. If he was hitting on me I wasn’t getting that vibe. This was him being a genuine friend, caring about my feelings more than he needed to. “Thanks for sayin’ that. I’m a mess right now. I think after I get a nice, hot shower I’ll feel better. I just want to put this day behind me and move on. If I never see that man again it will be too soon.”

After we pulled up at his house I started to relax. Jamey wouldn’t be able to find me. In fact nobody would. I was safe and with someone who would make sure I didn’t pick up that phone and call the one person that I knew I shouldn’t want to talk to.

The hot shower felt amazing, but it didn’t take away the heartbreak. I longed to understand why Jamey was fighting so hard for me to stay, when all the other times he’d just let me. Something was off about the whole ordeal. The more I thought about Jamey the harder I cried. It got so bad that I heard the bathroom door open. Without even thinking about the repercussions I opened the curtain and saw Wayne standing there with a towel spread out in his hands. I turned off the water and stepped out, falling against him as he wrapped me in it. “It’s going to be okay.”

“I’m so sorry to put this on you. I didn’t know who else to call.”

He kissed the top of my head and led me into his bedroom. After sitting me down he went into his dresser and pulled out some clothes for me to put on. “I’ll be in the living room when you’re dressed.”

He’d seen me totally naked just then and never said a word about it. If I didn’t know that he was married before I’d wonder if he was g*y. Surely he noticed everything I had to offer, yet his eyes never left my face. I couldn’t believe that there was a man out there that wouldn’t at least peek.

After putting on clean clothes I curled up in bed and sobbed. I could hear Wayne tending to his daughter, Abigail, and knew that he was giving me space. I closed my eyes succumbing to my own exhaustion, relieved that my body was giving up, so I’d be spared time to not have to think or hurt.

I’d got myself into this situation, and I was determined that I’d get myself out of it.

Chapter 12


It was just a little lie, nothing so horrible that it would have left me feeling the way I was. After seeing her pull away from the curb I went inside to deal with bitch that had just ruined my chance of being with Peyton. Ang sat at a table ordering food with a smile on her face. Her cousin saw me coming first, not saying anything as I approached and placed my hands firmly down on the table between them. “Give us a second, miss.”

The waitress nodded and walked away, followed by my buddies, who obviously didn’t want to be any part of my conversation. “What the f**k is wrong with you?”

She giggled. “What are you talking about?” She reached over and touched my hand with hers. I pulled away disgusted.

“Keep your f**kin’ hands away from me, bitch. Do you have any idea what you just did?”

She laughed again and bit down on her lip. “Aw, are you really going to stand there and pretend that she meant something to you? Come on Jamey, we both know how you roll. That chick was a dime a dozen when it comes to you, and you know it. Stop trying to kid yourself. If it’s pu**y you want, I can give you good time. Remember how fun it was when we got together?”

“Look, cunt.” I’d had it with this chick. She deserved the name. “That girl that you just started somethin’ with was my girlfriend. She wasn’t some slut that I picked up to bang. She means somethin’ to me, and now she thinks I cheated on her. The fact that you can sit there thinkin’ I would want to f**k you again is beyond me, because I can’t f**kin’ stand to look at you.”

I could see her confidence vanishing. She looked down at the table and played with her hands. “I thought you liked me. You know we always have a good time.”

“That was a long time ago. Shit has changed, Ang. I’m with someone. Well I was before you f**ked it to hell.”

“I can make it up to you.” She looked at me with this spark, as if I was going to fall to my knees and beg her to make my anger go away. Little did she know that it was taking everything I had not to strangle her.

“How? Are you goin’ to call her and tell her that I never cheated? That’s what it’s goin’ to take to win Peyton back. She’s done with me now. In fact, I doubt she’d even listen to you. Somehow you’re goin’ to make this right for me.”

Ang stood up, showing the person that I knew she was. Her attitude was apparent. “You think I’m just going to tell her the truth? You’ve got another thing coming. I won’t help you get her back, Jamey, because I don’t want her to have you.”
