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Reject Me

Reject Me (Kin #5)(31)
Author: Jennifer Foor

It got quiet for a few minutes, and then I felt the door unlocking. Peyton walked out to face me with tears in her eyes. I could hear her sniffling as she conjured up enough nerve to speak. “I waited so long to hear you say that.”

I took a step forward, breaking the distance between us. I reached for her face, watching as her eyes closed when I touched it. “Please give me another chance. I’ll do anything.”

She shook her head. “I can’t. I can’t do it again.”

“This isn’t like the other times. I’m pourin’ my heart out to you. Can’t you feel the difference? Can’t you see how much I need you, how much I want you?”

She shrugged and leaned against the stalls. “I don’t know what’s happenin’. Jamey nothin’ about this is easy. No matter what I choose someone will get hurt. Don’t you see? We don’t work. We never did.”

It hurt so much to hear her saying it to my face. She was right there in front of me and I couldn’t convince her that I was sincere. “If this is over than can I just have one more kiss? Just let me say goodbye the right way, please?”

Peyton didn’t answer with a response. She simply nodded and let my lips come closer to hers. I closed my eyes as they made contact and savored how familiar it felt to kiss her, how natural it was. Pain overwhelmed me as our kiss intensified. Peyton was giving me one final kiss, and she was definitely showing me everything that I’d be without. Our tongues collided, while my hands found her tiny waist. I pulled her closer to me, as I poured my heart into the embrace. Breathless, I pulled away after feeling her tears reaching our lips. I licked over mine to taste her salty pain. I’d never wanted to cry in front of anyone, but this moment between us was almost too intense to hold it in. Her bottom lip trembled as she spoke. “I will always love you, Jamey, but it hurts too much to be close to you.”

She ran out of the bathroom leaving me there to indulge in the worst pain I’d ever experienced.

Chapter 17


Had that really just happened to me?

I couldn’t believe it, and I certainly wasn’t going to stick around for more. I needed to get as far away from the restaurant as possible. Without explaining the root of my desperation to my brother and Ashley, I stopped by the table to tell them that I wasn’t feeling well. If they saw Jamey they could figure it out on their own, without me having to go into detail with an explanation.

I took the bus back to the beach house, crying the entire way. An older couple handed me a travel sized pack of tissues, in which I filled every single one with tears and snot. It didn’t matter how much time had passed. Seeing Jamey face to face had brought back every feeling that I’d felt for him. I couldn’t shake him, no matter how hard I tried. It was as if no time had passed. When we kissed every rush of emotions came back full-force. I didn’t just miss him, I longed for his touch, for that affection that he’d always given me when it was just the two of us.

By the time I made it inside of the house I was a nervous wreck. I plopped down on my bed and bawled like a baby.

Then my phone started to blow up with text messages. I knew it was him, and even though I shouldn’t have looked, I couldn’t resist.

Are you okay? – Jamey

God, it was crazy how that kiss had affected me.

I don’t know. – Peyton

It was the truth. I didn’t know what was going on inside of my head. All that I’d promised to myself was going down the drain after seeing him again. How could he get to me the way he did? I was pathetic.

I am a mess now. – Jamey

Don’t say that. – Peyton

It’s true. I missed those lips. I miss everything. – Jamey

We can’t. I won’t. – Peyton

Come out with me. Let me take you on a real date. If you still hate me afterwards I’ll stop trying. Just give me the chance to say how sorry I am. Give me two hours, Pey. Let me take you to dinner. Give me one more night. – Jamey

I already gave you one last kiss. What do you expect out of this? I won’t change my mind. – Peyton

I wasn’t too sure about that.

It’s just dinner. We never have to touch. I promise. – Jamey

I already ate. – Peyton

Tomorrow night. I will meet you at Blue Crab’s at seven. You don’t have to tell anyone who you are meeting. It can be our secret. – Jamey

This is the last time, Jamey. If I agree to this then you need to promise you will stop all of this. I can’t take it anymore. – Peyton

I promise. One last night. So, will I see you tomorrow? – Jamey

Yes. – Peyton

I’d agreed to go on a date with Jamey, knowing darn well that I wouldn’t be able to resist him. I wouldn’t be able to look into the deep brown eyes and tell him that I didn’t want him. It was impossible. Before tomorrow night I’d call and cancel. I was sure of it.

Except I didn’t.

With little sleep I woke up the next morning feeling terrible with only one thing on my mind. Our kiss consumed me, so much that I found myself touching where his mouth had been just one day before. I longed for more. Wrong or right, I couldn’t send that message, because telling him no was like breaking my own heart. I had to do this, for myself, for closure that we both needed.

I changed my outfit three times before putting the first thing back on. My hands were so shaky that I poked myself in the eye with my makeup twice. If my brother didn’t already suspect something was up, my actions gave it away immediately.

He was waiting on the balcony for me when I was about to leave. As soon as Ashley told me I knew that he’d figured it out. The sliding glass door hadn’t even shut all the way when he started talking. “Pey, what are you doin’?”

“Don’t start, Shayne. I’m a grown up. I can make my own decisions.”

“How many times are you goin’ to run back to this fool? He’s no good for you.”

“You sound like dad.” I knew that would hit a nerve with him.

“I’m lookin’ out for you. Someone has to. Didn’t you learn your lesson the last time?”

It was funny, because Shayne didn’t even know about the last time I’d been with Jamey. I’d never told him about it. “Obviously not. Look, it’s my mistake to make. At the end of the day I’m the only one that has to live with my choices. Besides, it’s just dinner. It’s not like I’m goin’ to end up in bed with him. I know better than that. We’re tryin’ to be friends. Can’t you understand that?”
