Read Books Novel

Reject Me

Reject Me (Kin #5)(32)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Suddenly realizing that I was full of shit, I knew I had to get out of there, before I dug myself into a deeper hole with my brother. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

I kissed him on the cheek. “I love you for worryin’ about me, but I promise that I’m fine.”

I left before Ash could give me her two-cents.

Just like he’d promised, I found Jamey standing in front of the restaurant waiting for me. He smelled like heaven, and unlike how he used to gel it down, his hair was blowing in the breeze. I got goose bumps the closer I got to him. “You made it?”

“I told you I would.”

He opened the door for me. “I checked my phone twenty times to make sure you didn’t cancel. You look amazin’.”

A compliment. I wasn’t used to that.

“Thank you.”

When we reached our seat Jamey rushed over and pulled the chair out for me. He sat down across from me and waited for me to open my menu before he did the same. “I haven’t been here in a long time.”

“Me either.”

I had to peek at him, to see the perfection of his face up close knowing that this was our last date. He caught my stare and sat his menu down on the table. I felt his hands coming across the table and didn’t pull mine away. I was too mesmerized in the moment. “You’re so beautiful.”

“Stop bein’ so nice. It’s weird.”

“I am simply observin’ what’s in front of me. If this is our last date then I need it to be perfect. Tonight I’m puttin’ my heart out on this table. I realize that it’s not goin’ to get me anywhere, but I appreciate you givin’ me the opportunity to do so.”

It was too much to hear, too much to handle. I stood up and grabbed my purse. “I need to use the ladies room.”

Jamey stood up and I turned around quickly. “I’ll be back. I promise.” The last thing I wanted was for him to follow me into another restroom. Besides the fact that I was afraid of what I would do given the opportunity to be alone with him again.

Once inside of the lavatory I leaned over the vanity and stared at myself in the mirror.

“What was I thinkin’? This is the dumbest idea you’ve ever had, Peyton,” I whispered to myself.

Not wanting to mess up my makeup, that I’d almost lost an eye over, I didn’t splash water over my face to calm down. Instead I just stood there taking deep breaths. I had to get through this night if I wanted to be able to move on.

When I got back to the table Jamey had already ordered us drinks. He had his hands folded over the table and smiled as I sat down across from him. “Sorry about that.”

“Are you nervous?” He paused for a moment. “I know I am.”

It was relieving knowing that we were both feeling the same. “I don’t trust myself with you, Jamey.”

“I won’t try anything. I swear.”

“So what’s new with your life?” I had to change the subject.

“I moved into my brother’s old place, and picked up more shifts at the diner to pay the bills. That’s about it.”

He had to have been dating. Jamey didn’t go without sex. “So you aren’t seein’ anyone?”

He cocked his brow, as if my question had offended him. “No. What about you? Are you still seein’ Wayne?”

I almost laughed thinking about my complicated friendship with Wayne. “Wayne is my friend, Jamey.”

“So you’ve never slept with him?” His question was direct. It bothered him that I could be with someone else.

“I’ve slept in the same bed as Wayne, but we’ve never had sex.”

“Wow. He’s takin’ the word slow to another level.”

“It’s not like that.”

“Yeah, I bet. There’s no way in hell he’s laying next to you at night and not thinkin’ about bein’ with you. He’d have to be g*y. You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever met, and you’ve got the heart of gold. Trust me, he wants you just as much as I do.”

“I’m goin’ to ask you to talk about somethin’ else. It’s makin’ me uncomfortable.”

Our waitress came up at that exact moment, breaking up the awkward feelings I was having. Once we ordered she left us alone again.

“So, do you see yourself becomin’ serious with this guy?”

I shrugged. “Jamey, I don’t want to talk about Wayne. It’s too complicated. Did you really ask me here to talk about some guy you don’t know?”

“Honestly, I came here tonight to convince you that I’m the man you belong with. The rest is just my nerves.”

I giggled at his admission. It was just like him to act that way. “You told me that this was our last date.”

“I will keep my promise as long as you keep an open mind.”

“Fine. I promise to be open-minded.”

Jamey reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a velvet bag. I knew it contained a present, but was stunned when he passed it to me. “This is for you, but before you open it I want you to know what it’s for.”

“I’m listening.”

“Since this is out first official real date, and our last, I wanted you to have something special. I also know that when we were seein’ each other I wasn’t exactly a gentlemen on birthdays, and holidays. For two years I dodged those days so that I didn’t have to buy you anything sentimental. I was a total douche, and you should have left me a long time ago. Last night messed with my head. I thought about all of the moments where I could have changed our future. So I spent my whole day looking for the perfect gift. Open it and see what it is.”

I reached into the small velvet bag and pulled out a Pandora bracelet that was full of charms. As the tears rolled down my face to see that he’d given me a real piece of jewelry, he started pointed to the charms, one at a time.

“The crab represents our love for the beach. I would have given you this charm on your birthday.” He pointed to the next. The suitcase reminded me of all the times you packed your bags to be with me, and then to leave me. I should have bought you this when I first realized that I was losing you.” He pointed to the third charm. “The J is my initial. After our first year I should have given this to you to represent that you were my girl.” He twisted the bracelet around and pointed to the next charm. “The present charm represents all of the gifts that I should have bought you.” Moving onto the next one Jamey started to get choked up. In turn I began to cry harder. He touched a charm that was a couple. “This should have been you and me.” Then he pointed to the last one. “The heart charm means the most to me, because I should have known a long time ago what love felt like. This represents my heart, and whether you decide to give me another chance, or say your goodbyes, I wanted you to have it anyway.”
