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Reject Me

Reject Me (Kin #5)(42)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“Don’t try to make me feel better. Nothin’s goin’ to help me.”

“I’m sorry, bro. You want me to talk to Shayne?”

“Hell no. You two have had enough beef. I sure as hell don’t want you in here with me. Things have been mellow between you, and I know Lacey appreciates it. I’ll figure it out.”

My brother stayed only to assure me that he’d have my back with whatever decision I made. I knew what had to be done, but going through with it wasn’t going to be easy.

Shayne must have returned the next morning, because I was sent on my way a little after nine. I didn’t bother calling Joey to come pick me up, because someone was already there waiting for me to come outside.

Even though I could tell she’d spent most of the night crying, from the swelling underneath her eyes, she still looked beautiful. Her arms were around me before I could prevent it. She felt so good close to me, but I knew it couldn’t last. Her ass**le brother was probably around the corner watching us. “I’m sorry, Pey.”

“What happened? Shayne said you attacked him.”

I opened my mouth to argue, but knew this would give me the opportunity to break things off with her mad at me. It was better this way. “He’s right. I did. I went there to give him a piece of my mind. I’m sick of his shit.”

“Jamey, why?” She backed away from me. “Why would you cause more drama?”

I smiled, pretending that it made me happy to mess things up. “You were right all along, Peyton. I can’t change.”

“What? Why are you sayin’ that?” I watched the expression on her face change from angry to painful. “We can be together now, Jamey. I forgive you. Don’t talk like that.”

“I’m sayin’ it because it’s true. I’m never goin’ to change, and the sooner you realize that the sooner we can stop playin’ this game. It’s not fair to you.”

She shook her head. “No. I don’t believe that. I know you didn’t sleep with Angie.” She pulled my phone out of her purse. “I text her pretendin’ to be you. She admitted you were never together on that day she claimed.”

I couldn’t let her forgive me. She had to be angry. It was the only way to ensure she wouldn’t keep trying. “I saw her last week and told her you’d be callin’. I gave her a password, so she’d be able to tell the difference between me and you.”

She began to sob heavily. “You’re lyin’.”

“No, I’m not.” Waves of anguish washed over me as I lied to the only woman I’d ever loved. This was torture that even I didn’t deserve. She was being crushed and I knew I couldn’t comfort her. This was sealing our fate forever. Shayne was getting what he wanted, and I was losing everything. “Look, baby, I’m sorry. I thought I could make it work, but it’s not possible. We both need to go our separate ways.”

Peyton turned and ran away without saying anything more. Realizing that I’d just ruined my life, I started to run after her. I watched her pulling away from the curb as she rolled down the window and tossed out her bracelet on the street.

I picked it up and stared down at it. This was what it felt like to hit rock bottom, to be completely alone without hope.

Maybe I deserved this ending.

Maybe Peyton was too good for me.

I would never know the answer, because I’d been pushed into a decision that would ruin me forever. I had to let her go.

Chapter 23


How was it possible that this was happening to me again?

I’d fought so hard for answers to find a way to forgive Jamey for what he’d put me through. He’d done so much to prove to me that he’d changed, and now he’d just thrown me away as if I never meant anything at all.

I was so distraught that I had to pull off the road to calm down. I picked up my phone and sent Jamey a message to try to figure out what was going on, because none of it made sense.

Talk to me. – Peyton

Jamey, please answer me. – Peyton

Don’t do this. – Peyton

My messages were left unanswered. II had no clue what was going on. The last time I’d seen Jamey he was doing everything he could to get back together. Now, just a day later, he was pushing me away. None of it made sense, and I was too devastated to figure it out.

When my phone rang I thought it was Jamey, so I picked it up on the first ring.

“Hey. What are you up to? I was just thinking about you and wanted to make sure you were okay.” Wayne’s voice was not who I wanted to hear. My instant sobs let him know that I was far from okay.

“Peyton, talk to me. What happened?”

“Jamey got arrested for fightin’ with my brother. Now all of a sudden he wants nothin’ to do with me. He pushed me away, Wayne. I don’t know what to do.”

“Where are you?”

“In my car.”

“You need to calm down. You can’t be driving around in that condition. Peyton, you’ve got to get yourself together.”

“I can’t think straight. It’s all happenin’ so fast. I thought we were goin’ to start over. Why doesn’t he want me anymore? What did I do to deserve this, Wayne?”

“Peyton, can you make it here, or do you need me to come and get you. Abigail and I can drive as far as we need to.”

I shook my head, even though he couldn’t see me. “No. I can make it.”

“Hang up the phone and keep your focus on the road. We’ll figure this out. I promise. If you need to pull over to gather yourself just call and let me know. I’m worried about you.”

“I’ll be there soon.” I hung up the phone and immediately started bawling again. No matter how I tried to calm down it wasn’t happening. Jamey had destroyed me, and I just didn’t understand why.

By the time I pulled up at Wayne’s house he was outside on his porch waiting for me. He ran to the car before I could even get out. The moment his arms wrapped around me I collapsed. Wayne wasn’t a big guy, but he managed to pick me up and carry me inside. He sat me down on his bed and left the room, only to come back with a glass of water and a pill. “Take this. It will make you feel better.”

I sat and took the glass in my hand. “What is it?”

“It’s a Xanax. The doctor gives them too me for anxiety. Trust me, you need it.”

“I don’t want to be a zombie.”

“Silly woman, it won’t knock you out. It will just help you to relax. Now if you add a few glasses of wine with it, well that’s a different story.” He winked and waited for me to take the medication.
