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Reject Me

Reject Me (Kin #5)(44)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I turned to face him. “She asked me before too.”

“Yeah, she’s curious. It’s only natural. I like to think that you being around is good for her. Plus she likes your southern accent. She wants to know why I can’t talk to like you do.”

I giggled. “I don’t have an accent.”

“Yes you do. It’s cute.”

I got quiet for a moment. There was a time when Jamey used to call me cute. It hurt to think about him in anyway, and I couldn’t help myself. “Do you think I’ll ever be able to get over him?”

“Yeah. It may take time, but you’re going to do it.”

“I appreciate the optimism, especially when I feel like it’s impossible.”

“Try to get some sleep. I promise it will help. If anyone knows how to deal with a broken heart it’s me. I think about her everyday, Peyton, but I keep going, because I know I have to. You’ll figure out a way to do the same.”

“What if I don’t want to?”

Wayne pulled me closer and kissed the top of my head. “You’re strength is empowering. If you don’t want to give up I imagine you’ll find a way to get what you want.”

When I closed my eyes I didn’t think about what I’d lost. I thought of ways to get it all back.

Chapter 24


“That’s enough rum, Jamey. The bartender is about ready to ask us to leave.” Joey wasn’t in charge of my alcohol consumption. I had everything under control.

“One more shot!” I went to push the stacked shot glasses toward the bartender and they all went crashing behind the counter. I could hear them shattering as they hit the floor.

“All right. That’s enough. Get this guy out of here.” The middle aged man was not to happy with me.

“Come on. It was an accident.”

I felt my body being pulled off of the seat. Ford had one arm while Joey had the other. I tried to fight them off, but both were bigger in stature than me. “I’m not goin’ to let you ruin this night for me.” I looked over at Ford confused.

“What are you talkin’ about?”

“We didn’t want to tell you, since you and Peyton broke up,” Joey explained.

“Tell me what?”

“Ford and Sky set a date. We were comin’ out tonight to celebrate.” I took my eyes off of my brother and looked at my cousin. I suppose I should have been happy for him and Sky. They were happy, and the best of friends. I’d given up my happiness, and my very best friend. I reached down the bar and grabbed someone else’s drink, holding it up in the air. “Here’s to your f**kin’ happiness. Hopefully she doesn’t have a brother that takes everything you love and turns it to shit!” I down the concoction without even looking to see what it was.

The next thing I knew I was being dragged out of the establishment. Joey tossed me down on the curb. “You need to get yourself together.”

“Fuck you. This is the new me. Take it or leave it.”

“Look, I don’t know what happened to you today, but you need to chill the f**k out.” He had me by my shirt, and all I could do was laugh. It pissed him off even more, so much so that he tossed me back down on the concrete and walked back inside of the bar.

I sat back up and looked around at the empty street. I’d been drinking since lunch time and had no idea what time it was now. I didn’t even care. Nothing mattered to me, because I’d done everything in my power to win back my girl only to lose her again for something that I had no control of.

She was out there somewhere hurting and I knew that I was to blame. Forget about my dignity or pride. I didn’t care who saw me acting like a little bitch. I had nothing left to lose. Shayne had stripped me of it all.

He had to pay.

I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and dialed her number. She needed to know what her brother was up to, and what he’d done to keep us apart. I couldn’t lose her like this. She was worth going to jail over. I’d made a mistake.

It rang four times before her voicemail picked up.

“You’ve reached, Peyton. Leave me a message and I’ll call you right back.”

“Pey, baby it’s me. I need to tell you a secret. You’re brother, Shayne, is a douche. He’s like a f**kin’ cock suckin’ prick. Are you there?” I looked at my phone and saw that it had turned off from a low battery. I was so pissed about it that I tossed it across the street and watched it shatter into pieces.

I looked behind me to make sure that my brother wasn’t watching my back. When I knew he’d left me all alone I got up and started walking back to our place. On the way I made a pit stop at Peyton’s beach house. Shayne’s car was parked in the driveway, so I took it upon myself to piss on his tires. He’d probably never know the difference, but I’d never forget it. Then as I was walking away I felt it necessary to let the whole world know how much of a prick he was. The only problem with that was the person sitting on the front porch. I wasn’t sure who it was until she stood up. I started to walk down the street, but she kept following me. After passing two more houses she caught up. I turned to see how close she was and she shoved me to the ground. “Jamey, what do you think you’re doin’?”

“Ash, this doesn’t concern you. Just go back to your dickhead husband and mind your business.”

“Are you kiddin’ me? You’re drunk and you just pissed on my car. I should call the cops again.”

I grabbed her by the arms abruptly. “Please don’t I lost Peyton because of it.”

“What are you talkin’ about?”

“It was Shayne. He told me he’d drop the charges if I broke up with Peyton for good. He said if I didn’t then he’d make sure I got locked up again. I should have picked Peyton and just done more time. I know that now. I made the wrong choice, Ash, and now she’s gone.”

Ashley looked behind her to make sure nobody was looking at us. To be honest I think it was late, because everyone’s lights were turned off in their houses. “You’re tellin’ me that my husband blackmailed you into breaking up with Peyton?”


I watched her silently freaking out. “Listen, Jamey, you need to understand that He’s just worried about his sister. We were there when you broke her heart over and over again. I’m sorry that he made you do that, but it’s not too late. Peyton’s a grown woman. She can make her own choices, and I know how much she loves you. I’ll talk to Shayne. I’m not makin’ any promises, but I’ll try to get him to back off of you.”
