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Reject Me

Reject Me (Kin #5)(48)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“How sexy,” I teased.

“Where were we?”

“I need to tell you somethin’, and I don’t think you’re goin’ to like it.”

Jamey seemed worried. “Did you hook up with that guy, Wayne?”

“No. It’s not that.” I played with my hands while trying to get my nerve up. We’d been through so much already, and this was tipping the pot. There was no other way to get the nerve to tell him. “So, I’m pregnant.”

Jamey, who’d been close enough to kiss me, backed away. He stared into my eyes, waiting for me to announce I was joking. “Yeah right.”

“I’m serious. I found out this mornin’. I mean, I still have to call a doctor but I took two tests. I didn’t know. With everything that’s been going on, I wasn’t keepin’ track. I’m probably eight or more weeks along, and before you try to talk me out of it, I’ve already decided that with or without you I’m keeping the baby. It’s my decision and it’s final. I know this probably changes everything, and you didn’t sign up for all of this when you were tryin’ to win me back. I didn’t plan this either, but I’m not goin’ to get upset over it. This is a new start for me. I’ll be a good mother, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure my baby is cared for.”

“You know, my new place has two bedrooms. I’m sure the other one could be a kickass nursery.” He shocked me.

“You still want to be with me? It’s more than you bargained for.”

“Jesus, Pey, you just told me that we’re goin’ to have a baby together. Last night I thought I lost you forever. This is the best damn news I’ve ever heard.”

I fell against his chest and started to cry happy tears. “I thought we were through. It hurt so much.”

He kissed me tenderly. “I know, baby. I’m so sorry. I thought I was doin’ the right thing. I regretted it immediately, that’s why I was goin’ to tell you the truth. I couldn’t live with that decision. The next time I see your brother he’s gettin’ an earful.”

“My brother is outside, Jamey.”

He got up and went running for the door. I chased after him, coming to a halt when we made it outside. Jamey was standing right in front of Shayne, while Ford and Joey were off to the side. Ford made the first comment. “We’re all family here. Let’s keep this cordial, so nobody has to get hurt.”

It was a threat that we all knew Ford would make good on if things got out of hand.

“Shayne owes his sister and me an apology.”

I watched my brother clenching his jaw. “What you did was wrong, Shayne. I know you thought you were helpin’ me, but my life isn’t yours to control. I love him.”

“And I love her,” Jamey added. I couldn’t help smiling when he said it.

“I’m havin’ his baby, Shayne, and I know you don’t want me doin’ it all alone. You of all people know how hard it is to raise a child on your own.”

I heard the responses of my whole family, and Jamey’s too. Then I felt him grabbing my hand. “Your sister is movin’ into my place, and I’d appreciate it if you could eventually give us your blessin’. In return I promise to treat her right, and take care of her. You don’t have to answer today, but I’d appreciate it if we could at least call it a truce. I need to be around for Peyton, so bein’ locked up for some bullshit fight is out of the question.”

Shayne knew he was outnumbered. As much as he hated Jamey, he couldn’t bad mouth him in front of everyone else. My brother stuck out his hand and shook Jamey’s. “Fine, but if you hurt my sister, if you even call her a name and I find about it, I’m kickin’ your ass.”

We all started to laugh. Shayne threw up his arms like he’d given up. “I need to get back to my wife. I’m on her shit list for this one.”

I think we all knew he was still pissed. Jamey was going to have to prove to my brother that he was in it for the long haul, not to mention proving it to me. At the end of the day, I was happy to have him by my side. I still had to tell my family, and he had to tell his mother, but we could do it together, the way it should be.

Chapter 26


I probably should have been freaked out about becoming a father, but I wasn’t. In fact, it made me feel closer to Peyton, as if it gave us yet another reason to solidify what we both knew how we felt about each other. She moved into my apartment three days later, and we didn’t leave the bedroom for another two. After her first doctor’s appointment we made plans to tell our parents. Peyton was more nervous than me. My mom had been itching for a grandchild for a long time. She would be ecstatic. Peyton’s parents were the ones that had issues with me in particular. I didn’t blame them. I’d given them a million reasons to hate me being with my daughter. I was going to have to spend a million more trying to regain some kind of relationship with them.

Dinner at our house was the plan. We’d get them all together and spill the beans. Peyton knew her dad wouldn’t be disrespectful if my mom was around. Instead of cooking, we ordered a big meal from a local Italian place. It put less stress on Peyton, who’d scrubbed every corner of our place several times. She was nervous, and I couldn’t blame her. After Shayne found out, Peyton called to tell Parker. It wasn’t surprising that he took the news as bad. It upset Peyton, since she’d been happy about it. Parker had issues, we all knew that, but it still hurt me to see Peyton let down.

After our parents arrived I could tell she was freaking out. What made matters worse was an unexpected set of visitors that would potentially ruin everything. I opened the door to see Shayne, Ashley, and the twins standing on the other side. We weren’t exactly friends, so it stunned me that he’d show up at my house. “What are you doin’ here, Shayne?”

He took a deep breath and gave it to me straight. “I came here to support my sister.”

“We both did,” Ashley added.

I opened the door all the way so that they could enter. Once Ash had the twins inside, Shayne pulled me back to talk. “I need to say somethin’ to you.”

“This ain’t the time, Shayne.”

“Just hold up. I’m not here to start trouble. “

That was hard to believe. “What do you want then?”

“Look, we’re goin’ to need to deal with each other for the next eighteen to fifty years. If I want to know my niece or nephew I’m goin’ to have to get past my beef with you.”
