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Reject Me

Reject Me (Kin #5)(49)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“So we’re just supposed to act like friends now?” I wasn’t buying it.

Shayne held out his hand. “Please.”

Even though I was mostly annoyed, I shook his hand as a peace offering. If he wanted to try to work things out I’d do it for Peyton. “I’m doin’ this for your sister, because forgivin’ you for havin’ me locked up, twice, ain’t easy to get over.”

“Yeah, it was an ass**le move, but it did get you to wake up and see what you were doin’ to my sister.”

I started to walk back in the house. “Just come in and shut up.”

When I got back inside I saw Peyton holding Eli. She seemed so happy when they were near her, and I could only imagine her being a great mother. As scared as I was about being responsible for another human being, I knew she’d keep me straight, and honestly ever since we’d been back together I hadn’t even noticed another female. I guess I finally learned my lesson after almost losing her. Our struggles had made us stronger, and even though we’d been rocky from the start, our new start had only brought us satisfaction.

At dinner we all sat around the living room in a circle. I’d brought chairs in from the kitchen and some of us just sat on the floor with a plate in our laps. I could tell that Peyton was itching to tell everyone the news. She was picking at her plate with an ill look on her face, so I took it upon myself to give the hard news.

“So we didn’t invite you here to just celebrate us gettin’ back together. We got some news that we wanted to share with all of you.”

My mother couldn’t hold in the excitement. “Oh my God. Are you pregnant?”

I looked over toward Peyton was saw her afraid face. “Yes.”

My mom put her hands over her face in an excited way, while Peyton’s mom and dad sat silently for a second. I knew it was up to me to put their minds at ease, but Shayne took it upon himself to cut in. “Mom, Dad, before you say anything I want you to know that I’ve talked to both of them about this. They know what’s to come, and in my opinion they’re goin’ to make it work. Jamey’s got a good job and Peyton’s in school. She won’t have to work, because their rent is cheap. Ash and I can babysit if they ever need help. We’re all in shock about this, but it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Peyton knows how to take of a baby. I wouldn’t have been able to get through what I did without her.”

“It’s just a surprise, that’s all,” Peyton’s mom commented. “It’s not that we aren’t happy for her. She’s so young, and the two of them just moved in together.”

“We’ll figure it out,” I reassured her. “I love your daughter, and I’ll do whatever I have to do to prove that I’m goin’ to take care of her and our baby. I promise.”

Peyton stood up and walked over to her father. “Daddy, I love you, but I’m not a little girl anymore. I know I’m the baby, but it’s time for me to make my own choices. Even if you can’t be happy for me, can you at least be supportive?”

He nodded. “Of course.”

For the next half hour we did everything we could to reassure her parents, while my mother went on and on about being a grandmother. I don’t think Peyton started to relax until they left. The only people that remained was her brother and Ashley. The girls were putting away dishes while Shayne and I watched the twins running around the house.

“Thanks for what you did earlier, Shayne.”

“I did it for my sister.”

“It still meant a lot to both of us.” Believe it or not I was considering forgiving him for helping us out of a tough situation.

“You’re welcome, but if you mess this up in anyway, I will make your life a livin’ Hell. Got it?”

“I hear you.”


That was the end of our conversation, and I was content over it. Shayne was making an effort whether it was for his sister, or his family. I’d prove to him in time that I could be counted on.

After they’d finally gone home I pulled Peyton into the bathroom with me. “You look tired.”

“I have to watch Abigail for Wayne tomorrow, and I’m afraid I’m going to be a zombie.” Wayne and I had been hanging out more, and I found that he was a great guy. For some reason he didn’t give me any kind of vibe of being a threat, and I was crazy about his little girl. I only hoped that if I had a daughter she’d be as cute. Even though we were getting along I knew I’d keep my eyes on Wayne. I wasn’t willing to let anything come between me and my girlfriend again.

“I’ll help. If you need to take a nap I’ll keep her occupied. She can help me make the soup for the diner.”

Peyton rolled her eyes. “Oh, I’m sure that will be fun for a five year old.”

“I’ll make it fun.”

She wrapped her arms around my neck. “I can already tell you’re goin’ to spoil our kid.”

I shrugged with a ornery grin. “Is that so bad?”

She shook her head. “No. It’s sweet.”

My lips reached for hers, and from the moment they connected I felt myself becoming aroused. “We got through today, baby. I didn’t kill your brother.”

“He’s tryin’.”

I picked her up and sat her on the vanity. “Let’s not talk about your brother.” Her shirt was easy to pull over her head, and her bra came off after I unfastened the hooks.

We kissed again, this time both knowing what was to come. I dropped to my knees and pulled off her shorts, taking her panties with them. Peyton sat there naked and fully exposed to me. I kissed her inner thighs as I made me way to her prize. “I need you.”

She ran her hands through my hair and leaned back against the mirror. The palm of my hand ran over her pu**y to get a reaction. Her legs spread farther apart and I buried myself between her legs. The taste of her salty arousal forced the bulge in my pants to jump. It wasn’t just her pu**y that I wanted to taste. I needed to be inside of her, feeling as close as we could possibly get. I flicked over her clit several times with my tongue, feeling her legs shaking on either side. I held her tightly until I felt her letting go. Her release came quick, only making the urgency to switch positions apparent. I stood up and let my shorts drop to the floor. Our lips met, and I savored the way her tongue meshed with mine, while slowly entering her. She wrapped her legs around my back and held me as I worked our pace.
