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Reject Me

Reject Me (Kin #5)(6)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I wanted to trust them, not just because they had me pinned in the bathroom, but because I knew deep down that they were right. Jamey was using me because I was letting him. As much as it broke my heart I was the only person who could do anything about my predicament. “I do trust you. It’s just harder than just walkin’ away. I don’t know if I can do it.”

“You have to.” They all said at once.

I let out an air-filled laugh behind my tears. “What if I don’t want to?”

What if I couldn’t was the real question that I needed to be asking. Walking away from something that I loved wasn’t going to be easy at all, not when I had this ill feeling that he’d be perfectly fine about it, and I’d be left all alone, feeling worse than I did. “Fine,” I began to cry more as I spoke. “I’ll break up with Jamey.”

They stayed in the bathroom with me until I could come to grips with my decision and calm down. Sky stayed with me when Shayne and Joey came looking for Ashley and Lacey.

I tried to change the subject. “It’s weird seeing you all gettin’ along with Ash.”

“She’s been through a lot. At the end of the day Shayne and Ford are family. I can choose to hate her and stay away, or forgive her and be with my boyfriend. He left the choice to me.”

“She’s changed. Even before the aneurism she was different,” I agreed.

“Your brother saved her. They’re good together.”

Sky knew Shayne because he dated Lacey. She knew him as a male whore, who cheated. Then she watched him, just like we all did, change into the man he now was; the devoted father and husband. It was still weird to wrap my head around, but I saw that devotion firsthand, and admired that every man could change. It’s the reason why I had such hopes of changing Jamey. “Do you think Jamey loves me?”

I could see the doubt across her face before she answered. It was like a knife driving into my chest. “I think Jamey needs to stop loving himself before he can begin to love someone else. I’m sorry, Pey. I know it isn’t what you want to hear.”

I sniffled and looked away. “I know.”

“You’ll get through this.” Her encouragement wasn’t going to help me tell Jamey that I was walking away from whatever we had. I was going to have to do it all on my own, and I wasn’t sure how I was going to find the courage the go through with it, but knew I had to.

I couldn’t face my family and friends until I was in control of my life again. Hell or high water, I was going to free myself of his hold on me. If he came running back begging me to be with him, I’d reconsider. If he didn’t I’d have to find a way to fall out of love with him.

Chapter 4


Normally I would hate that some chick tagged along with us, but Ang was different. She could hang out with all of us guys and not be annoying. Plus she looked so good covered in mud; those perfect tits were dripping with dirt running between them. I couldn’t help but look at her and not think about her being bent over in the lifeguard stand at the beach. Her hair was different from the last time I’d seen her. The brown was darker¸ almost a black, and it was pulled back in a ponytail. She wore these big zirconia earrings that attracted me to her lobes that I’d once nibbled on.

“See something you like?” She’d caught me looking.

“I see somewhere I’ve already been before. Don’t get the two confused.” I had to be cocky or else I’d have her bent over a muddy machine while my two friends were out there somewhere chasing each other around still.

“Why’d you follow me back here?”

“I left my two waters in the truck. You had nothin’ to do with it.” I grabbed one of the bottles and opened it up, dumping a few drips over my face and washing off the mud before it dried. “Though I see you’re still thinkin’ about me.”

“Maybe.” She held out her hand for the bottle that had just left my lips. “Do you mind?”

I handed her the bottle and felt our hands touching as it was exchanged. “My cousin tells me that you’ve got yourself a girlfriend. I’ve got to be honest.” She dumped some water on her chest and started rubbing the mud around. I couldn’t stop looking. “I never thought you’d settle down.”

“Me? Settle down?” I let out an air-filled sigh. “That shit ain’t happenin’. I don’t know where you heard that from, but I ain’t tied down to anyone.” My mind went directly to Peyton, and I immediately felt guilt. I hated that she got to me like that, and was determined to make it go away. If there was a chance that I could hit Ang again, I wanted to at least have the option.

“So you’re not living with someone?”

“I’ve got a friend that stays at my house, yes, but we’re just that. We f**k each other, but she knows how I am.”

Ang took a sip of water before handing me the bottle back. She peered into my eyes and licked over her lips. “I know how you are too.”

“That was a long time ago. I’m surprised you remember it at all.” I had to walk away, because I didn’t feel like dealing with the bullshit that would happen if I let my dick lead the way. “We should get back out there.”

She grabbed my arm as I began to walk by her. “Wait. I’m not finished catching up.” She pulled me her way and I smacked into her chest. I looked down and saw intent on her eyes. “If you’re not with someone than why can’t we catch up?” Her finger ran over my bottom lip. I grabbed her arm and took a step back. My laugh wasn’t because I was happy. It was because I knew I had a choice. Sure, I could nail her and Peyton would possibly never find out. I kept saying that I owed her nothing, but at the end of the day, when put into these kind of situations, I always chose her, because she was the best. “Maybe I do have someone at home.”

“Maybe I don’t care,” she said as she inched closer again.

I took both hands and shoved her away. “That’s the problem with women like you. You don’t care. I’m over that. Besides, I’ve already been knee deep inside that pu**y of yours. There’s nothin’ new there for me to be interested in.” Sometimes being a cocky ass**le came in handy. Not only did it drive a wedge between me and Peyton, but it also drove away hoochies that spread their legs for every dude around.

Her face changed, and I could tell I hit a nerve. “Fuck you, Jamey. I should have known you’d be a douche.”
