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Reject Me

Reject Me (Kin #5)(7)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“I am who I am. Nothin’ changes, baby.”

“That chick can have you. It wasn’t that good anyway.”

Sure, it was a kick to my pride, but girls like her were everywhere. I didn’t need to stick my dick in New Jersey for a good time. “You jealous?”

She climbed on the four-wheeler and started it before she answered. “I’m too good for you anyway.”

“Whatever!” She wasn’t worth the chase.

It was dark before we all headed home, and Ang never spoke to me again. I climbed out of the truck, noticing that Peyton was already home from the cookout. Since Ang had gotten me worked up, I couldn’t wait to climb into that bed and feel Pey’s naked body against mine. Something about her drove me crazy. If she’d just stop complaining about everything we’d be good. I said my goodbyes to my friends and ignored Ang as I headed inside of my house.

All of the lights were off, and my hopes of getting a piece of ass were increasing as I made my way to my bedroom. I’d already pulled off my shirt and kicked off my boots before leaning in to kiss her. “Hey. I’m back.”

She leaned over and turned on the light. “You’re filthy.”

“I expected a kiss before you complained about somethin’.”

“I just got a shower, Jamey. Maybe I don’t feel like sleepin’ in a dirty bed.”

I lifted her chin up to my lips. “Maybe I like makin’ the bed dirty with you.”

She pushed me away, which wasn’t out of character, especially after I’d been out with my friends instead of being with her. “Just go get a shower.”

“Make me,” I teased, hoping she’d want to join me, even though she’d already gotten one. I could smell how sweet she smelled and it made my dick ache even more than it already was.

“Please. I don’t feel like arguin’ with you.” Her attitude was nasty.

“What’s your f**kin’ problem?”

“You are.” Peyton got up off the bed and looked at me. “How you treat me. That’s my problem. I’m not a toy. I have feelin’s that you don’t seem to care about.”

I put my hands up in the air. “Whoa! What’s this about? What did I do to you now? Is this shit because of your brother?”

“No. It has nothin’ to do with Shayne or anyone else. It has to do with you and me. How long do you expect me to be in this arrangement without admitting that we’re somethin’ more than f**k buddies?”

“Pey, it ain’t just about that and you know it.”

“Oh yeah? When have you ever introduced me as your girlfriend?” she asked as she started to cry. “For more than a year I’ve tried to be what you wanted, but it gets me nowhere.”

I was getting annoyed. “Every time you’re with them you come home actin’ like this.”

“This isn’t about them I told you!” she was adamant.

“Then what? What brought this on?”

“Everything!” Peyton wasn’t making sense. When I’d left the house we’d just screwed. Nothing had changed in my mind.

“You’re bein’ ridiculous. I’m gettin’ a damn shower. Maybe when I get out you’ll have calmed down.”

I left her there crying in my room. It wasn’t like I didn’t care, I did. Peyton was special to me. She should have known that. I’d never let another girl stay with me like she did. I took her places, and people knew we were more than friends. So what if I didn’t label it as something more. It wasn’t necessary. It was better this way. If I decided that I wanted out, I had nothing holding me back.

I took my time in the shower, too tired to put up with another argument. When I climbed out, I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked into my bedroom. Peyton was still crying, and she was packing her stuff in a book bag. “What now, Pey? What did I do now?”

“I can’t do this anymore, Jamey. I can’t sit here waitin’ for you to come around. I want more and you’re never goin’ to give it to me. Why should I bother tryin’ anymore?”

Her tears were real, and I’d never paid such close attention to her as I was at that very moment, while standing in only a towel. “You’ll change your mind.” I made the statement but second guessed it as soon as she didn’t respond. “I don’t get why you’re bein’ like this. I didn’t do shit to you. In fact, I could have f**ked this chick today, but I didn’t.”

That got her attention. “You said you were four-wheelin’?”

“I was. She was there with us.”

I could see the look of disappointment rush over her face. “I can’t do this with you. It hurts too much. Screw whoever you want Jamey. We’re done. I’m through with tryin’.”

“This is all because I won’t commit? I don’t believe that.” I followed her downstairs toward the kitchen exit. “We were fine this mornin’.”

She turned around and pointed right at my face. “You were fine. You were fine with stickin’ your thing in me to shut me up. You think I don’t know how you work? Nothin’ was fine this mornin’, not even when we were in bed. It hasn’t been fine in as long as I can remember. We fight all of the time, and it never gets us any closer to bein’ happy.”

“Pey, wait.” I grabbed her by the arm and forced her to come to a halt. “We fight to make up. You know how it is between us. I thought you liked it.”

“I don’t like anything about it. Don’t you get it, you idiot, I want more. I want a man that will take me places and hold my hand. I want a man that will talk about me when I’m not around. I want a man that makes plans for the future knowin’ that I’ll be in it.”

I threw my arms in the air. “I’m not that guy. I never will be. You knew that from the beginnin’.”

She shook her head and tightened up her face, as if it was hurting her physically to look at me. “Well I thought you’d change.”

“Come on. You know me. Are we really havin’ this conversation when you know damn well you’re goin’ to call me later and beg me to let you come back?”

She pushed me clear across the kitchen floor and turned to walk outside. I caught my footing and went after her, holding the towel so that it didn’t fall off. We lived in the country and I didn’t give a shit if someone rode by and saw me standing outside in a towel.
