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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(16)
Author: Jennifer Foor

He patted the doorframe. “Sounds good. I’ll go tell my dad and pack a few things.”

With that, he walked away and left me standing in the bathroom alone.

Was I crazy for being so into him already? It had to have been my guilty conscious feeling bad for sleeping with a stranger. I hardly knew anything about this guy. There was no way that we shared some deep connection already.

The water of the shower didn’t help clear my mind, especially when the lathered soap ran across my br**sts and pu**y, bringing me back to every place Ford had touched me. My body started getting hot and the bar of soap fell out of my hands, letting the skin on skin friction heat me up even more. I closed my eyes and threw my head back against the shower wall, trying to relive every moment of being with Ford.

When I heard the shower curtain moving, I opened my eyes. Ford was climbing in. “Don’t stop on my account, darlin’. I’m enjoyin’ this more than you know.”

He was already hard and we were both aware of it. “I…”

He pressed his lips over mine. “If you wanted to be touched, all you had to do was ask.”

Wet friction was all I could feel as Ford explored my skin. He watched his hands moving around and bit down on his lips as they crossed over my ni**les. For me, they were so sensitive that I let out a little moan. “Ford…”

He buried his head into my neck, letting his teeth drag against my skin until he reached my ear. “You can’t get enough, can you?”

I could try to argue until I was blue in the face, but we both knew the truth. I wanted him. I didn’t just want him one last time though; I wanted him as many times as it was possible. I wasn’t ready to ride off into the sunset. Ford was too sexy to let go of.

He sat down on the shower floor and grabbed my ass, pulling my pu**y to his face. Gentle pecks were replaced with eager kisses, followed by his tongue. I ran my hand through his hair and tried not to pass out. He pulled away and turned me around. I didn’t fight him, but when I felt his tongue licking from my pu**y to my little ass I was shocked. He pulled me closer, letting his tongue slide up and down my crack again. I felt weak in the knees and started falling down to the shower floor. He laughed, but spun me around and let me sit on top of him. “You know you like it.”

I was too horny to speak. My pu**y was throbbing and there was only one thing that was going to fill my ache. I lifted my body and sat back down on his hard shaft, letting it glide in and fill me. “It feels so good,” I cried out.

“Oh yeah. Fuck me, Sky. Ride me hard.”

The friction intensified, as the water made funny sounds each time I slammed down on top of him. He kissed me hard, with no real pattern to the way our tongues touched. We teased each other with them, while the heat of our connection continued growing. I was on the brink when Ford slowed me down. He lifted me up with ease and held my hand as we both stood up. He turned me around and ran his wet hands up and down my back before running his finger over my ass. When it was penetrated, I cried out. Immediately, I knew what he wanted and it was something that I was afraid of.

He leaned down, grabbing my breast as he whispered against my ear. “Relax, Sky. I can’t look at this ass and not want to f**k it.”

I put one hand on the shower wall and felt his hard c**k rubbing against my entrance. He brought it lower, wetting it against my pu**y and spreading it over my ass. He placed it there, letting his stiff c**k tease me in my most sensitive area. My pu**y was throbbing and begging for attention, but Ford had other things in mind.

I concentrated and thought about his tongue being there. With chills flowing through my body just thinking about what he’d done, the penetration of his hard erection entering me was shocking. I tried to be calm, but it hurt like a bitch. He went slow, but grabbed my hips so I couldn’t pull away. The pain was so intense that I felt like I was going to pass out.

After the fourth thrust, I was ready to tell him to stop, but then something happened. My body started to relax and I got a whole new wave of butterflies. With one slip of his hand, my clit was being rubbed as my ass adjusted to his c**k pumping in and out of it. Moments were all it took for me to scream out in pleasure. Ford loved my reaction. He slapped my ass and grabbed a handful of cheek. “Your ass feels so f**kin’ good. Tell me you like it.”

I screamed more. “I do. Oh God, I love it. Please don’t stop.”

Waves of pleasure continued to overwhelm me. My body was shaking and every inch of my skin was super sensitive. My pleasure was heightened above anything that I’d ever felt before.

Soon, Ford was holding me still. I could feel his c**k jerking inside of me, filling my insides with all he had to give. He collapsed on top of me and kissed my shoulder. When he pulled out of me, I felt free, but empty at the same time. Never in my life had I wanted to do something like that. The pain inflicted on me had given me pleasure that one could never explain. I was both pleasured and ready to do it again.

After cleaning off our bodies for a second time, we climbed out of the shower. Ford dried me off, before using the same towel for himself. “I’m goin’ to miss your fine ass, Sky.”

For just a second, I felt like we were on the same page.


I was consumed by her. Had my father not interrupted our sleep, I’d have been able to spend the entire morning lying naked next to her.

When I did go downstairs to see what he wanted, it pissed me off even more. All he wanted to know was where I had put a tool. It turns out that he didn’t bother looking for it where it was supposed to be. Since he never put a damn thing away, he never assumed that I would have done so.

I had to admit that hearing Sky’s car was going to take a couple days made me excited. Things had been too good for me to be able to let her just walk away. No woman had ever been able to please me the way she had. The best part about it was that she didn’t have a clue what she was doing to me. The poor girl thought she was inexperienced. Instead, her natural instincts knew just where to touch and how to move.

My hands fit into her curves and just imagining touching her was turning me on again. Speaking of that, I’d never had so much sexual energy in my life. Sure, I wasn’t out drinking every night or stressing about school work. My days had become so monotonous that I hardly worried about anything.

My dad was a whole different situation, even though he had issues, I didn’t stress over it. I was so used to it that it didn’t affect me at all. I was the poster boy for having f**ked up parents. Nothing was going to change that and me worrying about it was only going to piss me off more.
