Read Books Novel

Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(15)
Author: Jennifer Foor

He kissed his way up to my lips, causing me to shiver as his wet saliva hit my skin. “I need to f**k you again, right now.”

My body was on fire. “What about your dad?”

He was already pulling me into position. “Fuck him. He can wait. This pu**y is mine and I’m not leavin’ until I have it again.”

He drove his hardness inside of me with force. I gasped and called out his name, but he thrust harder inside me. After the second time, I wanted to keep the momentum going. The pain mixed with pleasure was nothing like I’d felt before. The harder he f**ked me, the more I cried out harmonious bellows of enjoyment. Unlike the other times, he seemed more determined, more turned on, if that was even possible. He was looking at me like he was going to eat me and I was willing to let him.

His c**k was filling every inch of my sex and I vibrated inside each time he pounded in and out of me.

With no warning, he pulled out and flipped me around, pushing my face down and positioning my ass in the air. He smacked my right cheek hard then rubbed the sting away, before entering me again. His strong hands grabbed my hips and pulled my body into each thrust. Our bodies were slapping together, as my tits slapped against my skin. I took one hand between my legs and tickled his balls each time they were within my reach. “Oh yeah, play with my balls, Sky. Think about them being in your mouth.”

I didn’t care what he was saying. Imagining sucking on his c**k was something I would have done without him asking. My mouth watered just thinking about taking my lips and dragging them down his hard shaft.

He rammed me with everything he had in him, digging his fingernails into the skin on my waist. I let go of his balls and reached for the back of the couch, using it to push myself into him and keep his pace going strong. He fell down on top of me, panting, but reaching for my br**sts. As I cried out, I felt his weight pressing down on my back as he began to cum. Realizing that he wasn’t wearing protection, he pulled out of me, releasing the rest of his load onto my back. I could feel the warm, slick liquid running down into my ass crack.

Ford got up and tossed me a towel from the floor. He leaned over and tried to catch his breath. “Fuck!”

I cleaned off then leaned up on my elbow, laying across the bed with no clothes on. He looked at my face and then let his eyes travel to every inch of my body. He bit down on his lip and shook his head. “How bad do you want to get to that beach?”

I shrugged. “I was looking forward to seeing my friends.”

“Damn!” he scratched his head and grabbed his clothes, then started getting dressed. When he was finished, he leaned down and kissed me. “Thanks for last night, and this mornin’. It’s been a long damn time since I’ve had this much fun.” He stood up and walked out the door before I could say anything more to him.

Maybe a part of me was hoping that I wasn’t just a one time f**kfest for Ford. It was obvious that we were attracted to each other, but I’d be fooling myself if I ever thought we could be something more. We met on terrible pretenses, and the fact that we lived so far apart just wouldn’t make it possible.

I fell back down onto the bed and started to wonder if I should regret what I’d done. Soon sleep overcame me. My exhaustion was inevitable and I wasn’t going to fight it any longer.

Unsure of how long I’d been asleep, I sat up in the bed and looked around. Ford was leaning against the kitchen counter, eating a sandwich. It was weird how he was just watching me sleep. I wiped my face and adjusted my hair. “How long have you been standing there?”

He had a mouth full of food. “You’re cute when you sleep.”

I pulled the covers up to my chin. “This is where you murder me, isn’t it?”

He laughed and shook his head, turning around to face me with a plate of food. “I wanted you to eat before I cut you up into a million pieces.” His full smile assured me that I had nothing to worry about.

I climbed out of the bed and started making my way to the kitchen, suddenly realizing that it wasn’t a draft I was feeling. There were no clothes on my body and Ford was definitely liking the free show. I covered up myself with my hands and he walked over to his dresser, pulling out a wife-beater, sleeveless men’s undershirt. He walked back over and pulled it over my head, covering all of my assets. “You’re just as sexy wearin’ my shirt, you know.”

I blushed and took a bite of my sandwich. “Thank you.”

“I got some bad news about your car. It seems that when you drove into the field, you hit something that put a hole in part of your fuel line. My dad is going to order the part, but it will take at least a day or two to come in. Do you think one of your friends would be willin’ to come get you?”

I shook my head. “No. I don’t want them to miss their good time for my stupidity. It wasn’t like I was invited there. I practically invited myself. I mean, they would come if I asked them. They aren’t ass**les.”

He scratched his head and looked at me, then put his plate in the sink and rinsed it off. “Your car is going to take two to three days, Sky. I reckon I can take you to the beach, if you want. I got some friends there myself. Things are slow here, obviously, so it ain’t like my dad will miss me.”

He was leaning against the counter with both of his hands on either side of him. I looked at how handsome he was standing there. His tall, muscular body would look amazing on the beach. My girlfriends would go nuts over him.

Then I was taken back by my own jealousy. I didn’t want them swooning over him, because I wanted more of him for myself. “You don’t have to do that.”

“Well, I already called my friends. Look, I can just drop you off, that way you ain’t embarrassed by me.”

I walked up and put my hands on his chest. “It’s not that, I can assure you.”

His hands were on my arms and he looked right into my eyes. “What then?”

I felt embarrassed. “It doesn’t matter. I guess I just need to get it through my head that this was just an agreement. I mean, if you ran into one of my friends and hooked up with them, it would be your choice to do so. We aren’t anything to each other, right?”

I was kind of hoping he wouldn’t agree. “Right!” He let go of me and kept his hands to his sides. “We both needed it, I guess.”

I agreed and walked away from him, heading into the bathroom. When I started the shower, I noticed he was leaning against the door. “If you are already going, I guess I’ll catch a ride with you.”
