Read Books Novel

Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(3)
Author: Jennifer Foor

For me, it meant I was a constant babysitter. Hell, I’d given up my whole future to work at a rundown auto repair shop, all because I didn’t want to lose another member of my family. College was something that I’d never finish. As the days passed, so did all of my hopes and dreams of getting out of this dead end town. No, I was going to be stuck here, every single day for the rest of my life. There was no way around it. As long as my father was alive, I had to do this for him. He may have been a loser, but he was all I had left. We hadn’t heard from my mom in years and when we did, she had the nerve to ask us for money. My sister and I were just teenagers and she had the audacity to ask us for money so that she could satisfy her need. It started with opiates, but after time, it turned to heavier street drugs. The last I heard, she was staying at some crack house with a group of people just like her. It made me sick.

I don’t even think she knew that she’d lost a child. It wasn’t like any of us bothered to find her. Bringing her back into our lives wasn’t an option. She was dead to me and my sister.

The emotional toll on my father knowing my mother left us to live that type of life was hard to watch. He drank to forget, or ease the pain of knowing, at least. Each day was the same. We’d head out to the shop when we felt like it and work on whatever was waiting for us in there. For the most part, we were repairing beat-up clunkers, because nobody in our little town could afford anything better.

Even working with my father didn’t change the fact that we had nothing in common and even less to talk about. By noon he was already sucking down his beers while I continued working so I could get the hell away from him.

When he left to pick up payment from a local farmer and came back talking about some hot piece of ass on the side of the road, I immediately became interested. It wasn’t like I wanted to be involved with anyone. Since I’d come home, I’d pushed my ex to the side, telling her that I needed time to get over my loss. She fought with me about coming home and killing my future of becoming something more than an auto mechanic. She didn’t get it. Her family was still perfect and she had enough money to never worry about losing everything, like we did.

My dad tossed me the keys. “I got a job for you.”

“Did Wilber refuse to pay again?” We’d been chasing him around for weeks.

“Nah. There’s this pretty little thing stranded on the side of the road. She ain’t from around here, that’s for sure. Anyhow, I’m thinkin’ that if you got laid, you’d stop bein’ such a dick.”

“How I act is none of your business, old man. How would you know if I’ve had a piece of ass lately? If you saw her, why didn’t you just help her yourself?”

He took a sip of a fresh beer that he’d just cracked open. “She refused my help and a father knows when his son is deprived.”

“That’s her damn fault. I’m not about to waste my time, and I ain’t gettin’ into this with you. Who I screw is none of your damn business. Just be glad I’m here, helpin’ you keep this hell-hole goin’.”

He chuckled and started walking away. “Twenty bucks says she’ll get right in the truck with you.” Obviously everything I said meant nothing to him.

I laughed and shook my head. “Seriously? You’re bettin’ me money to help someone that doesn’t want to be helped?”

He pointed to the truck. “Boy, when I was your age, I could hit anything I wanted. Don’t act like you aren’t the same way. You and I both know that there ain’t one person that’s goin’ to be able to help her but us. Go pick up the hard head and I’ll tow her car once I get these tires on. In the meantime, maybe you can get that head of yours right. You mopin’ around is gettin’ old. Go get some pu**y.”

I threw my hands in the air. I wasn’t interested in f**king around with some strange chick. For all I knew she was married with children and he was just being lazy like usual. “Fine! Maybe you should stop worryin’ about me and get your own shit together. You ain’t got room to talk.”

The twenty bucks wasn’t a big deal, nor was helping some snotty little bitch. I’d dealt with enough of them while I was away. If I had to find one good thing about being home, it would have been the fact that I didn’t have to deal with that drama anymore.

When I got down the road it wasn’t hard to spot the damsel in distress. She’d managed to drive her car into a field. Women drivers kept us in business. I grabbed my pack of smokes, tossing them on the dash and started walking into the field.

At first, I thought that hooking up with some strange chick that I’d rescued from the side of the road was ludicrous, until I saw her for the first time. Then I began to think that maybe my dad was right. Maybe I did need a break from reality. My dick started making the decisions the moment I approached her car. I knew, if I could pull off something like this, I wouldn’t be thinking about my depressing existence.

When my dad had described this chick, he didn’t do her justice. As soon as I saw her with those perky tits and her full lips, I saw a good opportunity to forget about my problems. I could only see her from the waist up, since she was still in her car. Her tight top made her tits pop and I could see how my father would think that giving her a good time would be an awesome distraction for me.

That rocking body of hers made me forget about fixing her car. All I wanted was a piece of that, and she would be begging for me to take her. All I had to do was play my cards right and make her want me; then she’d be spreading those pretty thighs wide open.

Maybe it made me an ass**le to think I could get her, but a night with someone like her was well worth the chance of being called any name in the book. She didn’t need to know my reasoning, or what I was trying to forget. None of that was her business. When her car was fixed, she could go on her merry way and forget she had ever met me. It was the best scenario for both of us, because I was the last person in the world to get involved with.

All I had to do to get her attention was pretend I was leaving. In just seconds she was flailing her little arms and running towards my truck. It was hard not to laugh, because in a matter of minutes, I’d already had her right where I wanted her.

Chapter 2


The truck smelled like motor oil and funk and I hated the idea of putting my duffle bag down on the floor on account of it getting soiled with some unknown nastiness. The stranger reached in front of me, startling me. As I gasped, he laughed and grabbed the pack of Marlboro Reds off of the dash. He put one in his mouth and lit it up, blowing the smoke out the window.
