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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(4)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“You know that’s bad for you.” Underneath the layer of grease that covered his skin and clothes, he looked to be about my age. His arms were covered in tattoos and his forearms were well defined. It appeared he’d been turning wrenches for a long time.

He reached the box in my direction. “So do you want one, or not?”

I brought my knees up to my chest and gave him a dirty look, while letting the breeze come in through the window to cool me off. “How much longer ‘til we get there?”

“Soon enough.”

I looked over and saw him eyeing up my legs, so I put them down and placed my hands over my skin where my shorts rode up my thighs.

Why did guys have to be such pigs?

“So, what’s your name?”


“Is that your last name?”

He laughed. “Nope, it’s my first name. My dad likes cars, so I was named after one.”

“Is your sister named Mercedes?”

He pulled the truck over, making a sharp turn and sent me tumbling to his side of the vehicle. My head was in his lap; as I sat up to regain composure, I saw him hold on tightly to the steering wheel, looking forward and breathing heavily. “My sister died last year. Her name was Harley.”

I shimmied myself back to the edge of the passenger seat. “I’m sorry.”

He shook his head. “Yeah, me too.”

When he finally started driving again, I didn’t know what to say. I mean, I didn’t know this guy. I surely didn’t want to hang out and be his friend. I just wanted to get to the beach, meet some hot guys and party with them. I was glad when we pulled up at the garage so I didn’t have to be alone in that truck with him any longer.

I’d no sooner jumped out of the old hunk of junk when the creepy man came walking out the bay doors. “I knew you’d change your mind. Ford has a way with the ladies.”

Ford lit up another cigarette and just shook his head as he walked by me. “The phone’s in here if you want to make a call.”

The office was a complete mess. The phone was an old rotary, caked with so much grease that I was afraid to touch it. Ford stood in the doorway watching me. “Do you mind?”

He held up his hands and walked back outside. I dialed my friend Lacey, to let her know I was okay.


“Oh my God where the f**k are you? The Mojitos are waiting.”

“My car broke down. I’m in some hick town off Route one-thirteen.”

“Oh shit! Are you still coming? You should see these guys shirtless. You’re going to forget all about that douche bag.”

“I am trying to get there. I just need to have my car towed and see what needs to be done to it. I guess I need to find a hotel to stay in for the night. The cell service sucks here so I’ll call when I’m on the way.”

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. This guy picked me up and gave me a ride to his repair shop.”

“A guy? Is he hot? You know mechanics get all hot and dirty, not to mention they’re great with their hands. I used to imagine wearing one of their button down shirts and walking around with it open in front of them. You should definitely try it, if he’s hot.”

“You’re sick! I don’t even know this guy!”

“Like you would know the guys here anymore? So, does that mean he’s hot?”

“I haven’t noticed!”

“You are a big fat liar. Bitch, take advantage of the situation. You want to forget about the douche, well here is your opportunity. I think you should have a steaming hot affair. Give him everything you never gave Mack. Let the sexy out.”

“I can’t do that!”

“Sure you can. Fuck his brains out, Sky. Suck his dick. Do whatever you have to do to make him think you’re the best lay he’s ever had. I promise you’ll feel better.”

“Or, I will feel like a whore!”

“Live a little! Do you think I’d let you sulk if you were here right now? Hell no! Take all that heartache and channel your inner freak.”

“Whatever! I’m not talking about this anymore.”

“I want pictures of the hottie when you get here.”

“I have to go. The boss needs to use the phone. I’ll call when I can.”

“Okay, doll. See you soon!”

It was a lie. Nobody needed to use the phone.

I saw the tow truck pulling out of the garage parking lot. Obviously, it had been fixed. Then I wondered if Ford had left me there with the creepy old man. We were in the middle of nowhere and there were no other buildings in sight, except a big farmhouse out in back of the property.

Ford came around the corner. “My dad went out to get your car. When he gets back, we’ll take a look at it.”

“Is there a hotel somewhere?”

He looked around and spit onto the ground. “Does this look like Beverly Hills?”

“No, it’s more like the Bermuda Triangle.”

“The bathroom’s upstairs, Ms. Hills. Help yourself.” He walked back into the garage, not offering to show me the way upstairs.

“Asshole!” I said under my breath as I began looking around.

The stairs weren’t even accessible from the inside of the shop. I found them at the back of the building. After climbing each metal step, I came to a big, red steel door. It didn’t seem like it would be for a bathroom, but maybe rednecks needed extra protection when they cleaned up. Who knew?

On the other side of the door, I found a whole apartment. A small kitchen was to the right. Straight ahead was a sleeper sofa that was made into a bed and at the other end of the place was the bathroom. I walked straight inside and sat my bag down.

As I looked in the mirror and started cleaning off my face, I heard the door open. I opened the bathroom door and peeked out to see Ford standing in front of the refrigerator cracking open a beer. He set it down and unbuttoned his shirt. Not only did he look sexy as hell in the white t-shirt underneath, but he got even hotter when he removed that too. His back was tattooed and his tanned skin looked like it was smooth to the touch. I don’t know why I did it, but I licked my lips. He was so yummy standing there in all of his roughness.

My friends would have been going nuts over this guy. When he disappeared from my view, I found myself moving around to see more of the room, out of the crack in the door.

His deep, raspy voice caught me off guard. “Let me know if you need help in there. Here’s a clean towel.”
