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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(30)
Author: Jennifer Foor

We arrived at the auto shop at daybreak. My father came out to meet us, with my uncle beside him. Apparently, I’d been the only one left out of this plan until the last minute. I wasn’t sure what pissed me off more. The fact that they’d planned it without me, or that they expected me to be okay about it.

Once the car was in park, I got out and went right up to my apartment. I didn’t help them get her out, or say a single word to my family. They needed to know where I stood when it came to helping her.

Was I being an ass**le? Maybe I was.

All I knew was that I watched my mother walk out of our lives and never look back. I never got birthday cards or Christmas presents. I never got phone calls or an "I love you". She was never there to hug me or congratulate me.


I downed a bottle of Jack that someone had given me last year for my birthday, before plopping down on my bed. I wanted everyone and everything to disappear.

I woke up running to the toilet, because I felt like I was going to throw up. When hands reached down and touched me I looked up to see Ashley standing there with no clothes on. “Are you okay?”

I spit in the toilet and sat on the cold floor. “What the f**k are you doin’ here? Where are your clothes?”

She smiled. “You took them off, don’t you remember?”

I covered my face with my hands. “Fuck!” I shook my head, but refused to look at her. “No, I don’t remember. You’re kiddin’ right? I think if I did then I would have known…” I could see it in her eyes that she was hurt I didn’t remember. Then I looked down at my body and realized I had nothing on either. “Shit! How much worse can this f**kin’ day get?”

I stood up and started the shower, hoping Ashley knew me enough to get the f**k away from me.

The water beat down over my head and I just stood there trying to get a grip on the last twenty-four hours. So much had happened and the only thing that came to my mind was Sky. I wondered where she was and if she was thinking about me. I wondered if I’d gotten so drunk that I thought I was with her again, instead of Ashley.

When she came to get her car I had to talk to her. I had to tell her that I’d be willing to drive anywhere to see her. I wanted her to know that if I had a choice, I would still be at that motel with her in my arms.

Everything else that had happened meant nothing to me. Ashley may have taken advantage of me being inebriated, but she was about to get a rude awakening. We were done, as far as I was concerned.

I had to talk to Sky. She was the only person who could take away my pain. I wanted, no I needed, to be with her again.

Chapter 12


The pain that ripped through my heart didn’t just go away. When Mack showed up at my room the moment I got back I knew I couldn’t handle being there either. Without regard for my upcoming classes, I packed up my things and called my parents to tell them that I wanted to come home. To say that they were pissed would have been an understatement. The only thing that kept them from telling me to grow a set was that Mack cheating on me hurt them too.

When Mack saw me loading up my car, he tried to talk me out of it. “What are you doing, Sky?”

“I’m getting the hell out of here!” I tossed the last box in the trunk and shut it.

He grabbed my arm and tried to get me to look at him. “Sky, please. I love you. I don’t want you to leave. I made a mistake, but we can work things out. Weren’t you happy with me? Don’t you want our future together?”

I pulled away from him and leaned on my car, knowing damn well that he wasn’t going to let me leave. “I can’t even picture a future with you, because when I close my eyes all I see are you banging two ghetto sluts.”

He chuckled and tried to grab me again. “Babe, I was drunk. It meant nothing. You’re all I care about. I swear it won’t happen again. I drove all that way to be with you, to make up.”

I opened my car door and tried to hide the tears that were falling down my face. “I can’t do this with you. We’re done! It’s for the best.”

“You cheated too, you know. Don’t even try to deny that you hooked up with that dude from the beach. I saw you with him.”

I threw up my hands. “We weren’t even together. Even if I did sleep with him, I didn’t cheat. It doesn’t even matter. I’m never going to see him again.”

Mack put his leg in between my body and the door, preventing me from being able to get in. “Let’s start over. Just give me another chance. I won’t do it again. Don’t throw away all of our years together.”

I shook my head and wiped away more tears. “You don’t get it. I’m tired of hurting. I don’t want to feel this pain anymore. You did this to me, Mack. You broke my heart.”

He pulled me into his chest and I stopped fighting him. I needed to feel comfort, even if it was from someone that I was so angry at. Mack may have broken my heart, but he was also someone that could make some of that pain go away.

As soon as I felt him holding me, I thought about Ford. He’d made me feel safer than I ever did with Mack, not that it even mattered. Ford was a stranger that I’d probably never see or hear from again. He was a memory that would fade with time. Whether he’d used me or not was irrelevant. His touch would be something that always brought me comfort. With my eyes still closed I pretended that Mack was Ford. It made it easier to take.

We stood outside of my dorm room for a long time before I finally caved and let him come inside with me. When my roommate saw him with me, she got up and left without a single word. I almost wished she would have intervened. I knew I was making a mistake, but I couldn’t stand the idea of being alone.

Mack sat down on my bed and pulled me onto his lap. He kissed me tenderly on the top of my head while I cried. The sad part was that I wasn’t certain my tears were for him at all. The more I thought about Ford, the more I missed him. How could I be experiencing such deep feelings for a stranger?

Mack grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips. Once again, I pretended he was Ford kissing me. Each stroke of his tongue reminded me of how much of a better kisser Ford was. When he groped me with his hands, I thought about Ford’s calloused hands touching me there. I was getting turned on thinking of Ford touching me, while Mack was the one doing it.

It was sick and depressingly sad that I had resorted to these sorts of actions. I felt like if I let go of Ford that I’d never feel that alive again. When Mack reached down my shorts, I had to stop him. I couldn’t have sex with him so soon after being with Ford. It wasn’t right and I already felt like a whore for everything I’d done in the past few days. “I’m not ready for that.”
