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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(32)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Before I knew what was happening, I was finishing in her mouth. She got up and ran to the bathroom, to spit it out. I almost wanted to laugh, but felt too bad to add fuel to the fire. Then she came out of the bathroom like she was some queen. “Looks like I can still take your mind off of things.” She crawled into the bed next to me.

“Somethin’ like that.”

Ashley finally fell asleep a little while later, after going on and on about how she could suck my dick like a champ. Amazingly, I never laughed while she gloated.

Once I knew she was out, I got up and got dressed. There were things going on that I needed to know about. Besides, sleeping next to Ashley was out of the question. I’d already had enough f**k-ups for one day.

I took a deep breath before I opened the old farm door to my father’s place. Voices were loud enough that I could tell they were in the kitchen. I hadn’t seen my Uncle Hank since the funeral and wasn’t excited about seeing him here. He’d made it clear that I should have looked out for Harley, better than I had. In fact, he pretty much blamed everything on me being irresponsible. It didn’t matter that I wasn’t at the party or the one drinking and driving. All that mattered was that he needed someone to blame and I was the easiest mark.

Shayne was sitting in the recliner when I walked into the house. “I was wonderin’ if we’d see you tonight.”

I scratched my head and chuckled. “I was indisposed for a bit. Anything new I need to know about?”

“We’re takin’ her to rehab in the mornin’. It’s a facility about an hour from here. She’ll be under twenty-four-hour supervision the whole time. They’ll make sure she is comfortable when she goes through withdrawals. I hear the process is unbearable.”

“Yeah, I heard that too.” As much as I didn’t care about her getting clean, I worried about how this was affecting my dad.

“How’s the old man doin’?” He couldn’t have been well. As far as I knew, he hadn’t seen or heard from my mother in years. As sad as it was, he never gave up hope thinking she would come back to us one day. He used to say it to my sister all of the time. It was sad.

“I haven’t gone in there much. Dad’s been fillin’ him in on the program. He doesn’t want to make any decisions without your dad though, since they’re still legally married.”

“Yeah, right.”

He held up his hands. “It’s what the law says. If your dad decides he wants nothin’ to do with her, we can have my dad get a power of attorney.”

I just shook my head. “She’s got to want to do this herself. It ain’t somethin’ she can just stop doin’. People want to think they can make addicts change. It doesn’t work that way, cuz.”

“She says she wants her life back.” It annoyed me that he spoke to her about it. Why did they care so much for a woman that abandoned her family? She’d stolen from them and they still wanted to help her.

I walked into the kitchen but refused to look at my uncle. Not that it mattered once I saw my father sitting there in tears. Next to him was my mother, who I thought was passed out somewhere. I froze. The last time I saw him like this was at Harley’s funeral. Thinking about that day made me start shaking. I felt like the room was spinning and I leaned against the doorframe connecting the two rooms. I could hear them calling my name, but then everything got blurry and I fell to the floor.

Chapter 13


By the time I arrived at my parent’s house it was the middle of the night. I’d already used my key and climbed the steps toward my room before seeing my father in his bathrobe. “Hey, pumpkin.”

I dropped my bags and threw my arms around him. Knowing that I was there and I was safe, I just let myself cry. I had my father with me, who loved me no matter what I’d gotten myself into. After he’d calmed me down, he made us some tea and we settled into the living room downstairs. We were in for a long night if he wanted explanations, and knowing my dad, that’s exactly what he wanted.

“I know I’ve disappointed you, dad.”

He sat in the recliner across from me, playing with his beard while he listened. “Sky, I don’t make your future. You do. If being at that school isn’t what you want, then we will send you somewhere else. Maybe you could come home and go to school here.”

I smiled, thinking of how he wanted me home.

After I graduated high school, my mother accepted a new position that required her to travel. She was gone at least three days out of the week. With me gone, the house was empty. My brother was grown and he had a family of his own.

“I may consider that. Mack won’t stop bugging me to give him another chance.”

“How do you feel about that? I have to tell you, pumpkin, he isn’t in my good graces. I hope you gave him a stiff kick in the balls for what he did to you.” He let out an air filled laugh. “He won’t be invited to Thanksgiving dinner, that’s for sure.”

“It feels good to be home.”

“So, does that mean you didn’t kick his ass?” He was trying to get me to smile.

“I had to leave campus. He followed me to the beach. It’s such a long story. You probably don’t want every detail.”

My dad leaned forward in his chair. “I have no place to go.”

I sighed and thought about the details that I should leave out of the story. He certainly didn’t need to know that I’d let a stranger f**k me in the ass. That wouldn’t go over too well. “I called Lacey and she said they were all at the beach. Mack kept calling me and sending me messages, so I thought it would be great to get away. I packed a bag and headed out, but halfway there the car broke down.”

“Why didn’t you call me?”

I held up my hands. “No cell service. I was literally in the middle of nowhere.”

“How did you get back?”

I shrugged. “I was rescued by a tall, dark stranger who not only fixed my car, but made me forget all about Mack.” I said it like a joke, but my father knew how to read me too well.

“Skylar, tell me you didn’t. He could have been a serial killer, for Christ sakes. I thought I taught you better.”

I held out my hands and motioned him to chill out. “Dad, calm down. I’m fine. It wasn’t like you are picturing. Ford was a nice guy. He let me stay at his place and promised to go to his father’s house on the same property. I wanted him to stay with me. He didn’t hurt me.” Except for the anal thing, that hurt bad, at first. I started smiling thinking about it and my father caught on.
