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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(37)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I pulled away a little further and smiled. “I moved back home. My parent’s house is only an hour from the beach. It’s about an hour from you.”

I could tell that my moving closer confused him. “Ford, I didn’t come and see you because I thought you were back with your girlfriend, and frankly, I thought that you used me.”

“Only two people know what happened between us and that’s me and you, Sky. Have you thought about me the way that I’ve thought about you? Do you go to bed hopin’ to dream about me and wake up with me still on your mind, because that’s how it is for me.” He backed away from me and scratched his head. “My life is so f**ked up. It’s worse than when you first met me, but one thing has made me able to smile each day.”

He reached for my hand and I didn’t pull it away. “What is it?”

“I think you know, it’s you.”

Should I have been reluctant about diving right in? Maybe. Except, it wouldn’t have mattered. I felt that same fire for him that I’d felt before. Standing there, in front of me, against that brick building, was the only place I needed to be. “What happens now? Do we spend a couple nights together and lose touch again? I have to be honest. I don’t really think I can do that.”


I was confused. “Huh?”

“My last name is Cooper. You already know where I live.”

“Oh.” He was doing the same thing that I’d done when we met. “Whittaker. I live in Easton, Maryland, with my parents, Bill and Sue. We have a Cocker Spaniel named Lucy who only eats table food. My favorite color is blue, because there are so many shades and I love pizza, especially when it’s cold.”

He kissed me softly, not responding to my humor, at first. “Do you have a boyfriend, Sky Whittaker?”

Butterflies made my stomach jump. “I hope so.”

We kissed again and my arms wrapped around his neck. He pushed me into the brick building and lifted me up so I was face to face with him. I wrapped my legs around his hips and held on tight. “Are you hungry?” he asked while out of breath.

“Not really.”

“Is there some place you got to be?” If he thought I was leaving him for one second he was crazy.

“No. I’m all yours.”

He sat me down and grabbed my hand, pulling me back into the pub. “In that case, I need to get you back to my place as quick as possible.”

When we got to the table, Lacey and Shayne already had drinks. They smiled seeing that we were holding hands. Ford stuck out his other hand. “Give me your keys.”

“Screw you. That’s a fifty thousand dollar car.”

He squeezed my hand, letting me know he wasn’t giving up. “Lace, can we use your car? I’ll bring it back tomo…” Seeing the look on Ford’s face made me rephrase. “I’ll bring it back when I come home. You can take mine when Shayne drives you back.”

Lacey looked at her boyfriend and they whispered a couple words to each other. Then she reached in to her purse and handed me her keys. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” she teased.

She had no idea what happened when Ford and I took our clothes off and were alone. Nothing was going to stop me from feeling his hard body.

When we started on our way, Ford took my hand and pulled it up to his lips. “I feel like if I let you go, you’ll disappear.”

“I gave you my address. What more do you want?” I teased.

He looked over at me, instead of at the road. “Everything.” He looked forward again, but kept talking. “I don’t know about you, Sky, but nothin’ has felt right since the day I left that motel room.”

“It’s crazy, but I feel the same way.”

“Darlin’, I’m so sorry that I hurt you. If I’d known that things would turn out the way they did, I never would have left that night. I haven’t had that much enjoyment in my life in a long time. I think it’s worth findin’ out if you and I could be somethin’ real.”

I knew I was treading on water bringing it up, but I had to ask. “What about Ashley? She obviously wants you to herself. It isn’t like a couple weeks could have changed that for her. Have you thought about what she’s going to do when she finds out that we’re together?”

“So are we? Together?”

I turned down the volume of the radio since this was such a serious topic. “Is it possible for us to make that decision based on spending two days together?”

“I’ll let you decide, after this weekend is over. I hope you ain’t got plans, because your ass isn’t leavin’ my bed unless it’s to eat or shower.”

I giggled. “Sounds like a plan to me.”

I didn’t care about tomorrow, or the day after that. My hands were still shaking from the shock of being face to face with Ford again. I didn’t know if there was someone up above looking out for me, or it was just dumb luck. All I knew was that I was afraid to pinch myself on account of it all being a dream.


The drive back to my place seemed to take forever. I had a lot of making up to do and keeping Sky with me was going to be my top priority. Even being with her for this short period of time had made me feel better than I had in weeks. I wanted her to know how serious I was about seeing where this could lead.

We walked up to my apartment, like we had done it a hundred times. I swear, everything about this girl made me feel like I’d known her for years. She sat her purse down on the kitchen counter and walked over to the bed. I watched her look back and smile. She backed herself up against the wall leading to the bathroom. “Now that you have me here, what are you going to do with me?”

I leaned against the door, looking at her from across the room. “I think the question is what aren’t we goin’ to do.”

She laughed and looked down at the floor, like I’d said something that embarrassed her. “So where do you want me? Do I take off my clothes and climb on the bed?”

I ran my hands through my hair and tried to hide the grin that was growing. “I’d like it if we went a little slower this time. As much as I want you naked, I ain’t goin’ to f**k things up this time.”

She smiled and bit her bottom lip. “So, what did you have in mind?”

I walked over to the fridge and grabbed two beers. After handing her one of them, I took a swig before responding. “I got an idea. How about we try to guess things about each other. If we get somethin’ right then the other person has to remove an article of clothing.”
